INTERPOLATIONS: Implement Compact Reconstruction WENO-YS.
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -168,6 +168,9 @@ module interpolations
case ("crweno5z", "crweno5-z", "CRWENO5Z", "CRWENO5-Z")
name_rec = "5th order Compact WENO-Z"
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crweno5z
case ("crweno5yc", "crweno5-yc", "CRWENO5YC", "CRWENO5-YC")
name_rec = "5th order Compact WENO-YC"
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crweno5yc
case ("crweno5", "CRWENO5")
name_rec = "5th order Compact WENO"
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crweno5
@ -1237,7 +1240,6 @@ module interpolations
! SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2012, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. A1678-A1706,
! [2] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J. D.,
! "Weighted Non-linear Compact Schemes for the Direct Numerical
! Simulation of Compressible, Turbulent Flows"
@ -1601,6 +1603,389 @@ module interpolations
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Compact-Reconstruction Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (CRWENO)
! method and smoothness indicators by Yamaleev & Carpenter (2009).
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J. D.,
! "Compact Reconstruction Schemes with Weighted ENO Limiting for
! Hyperbolic Conservation Laws"
! SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2012, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. A1678-A1706,
! [2] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J. D.,
! "Weighted Non-linear Compact Schemes for the Direct Numerical
! Simulation of Compressible, Turbulent Flows"
! Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2014,
! [3] Yamaleev, N. K. & Carpenter, H. C.,
! "A Systematic Methodology for Constructing High-Order Energy Stable
! WENO Schemes"
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 2009, vol. 228, pp. 4248-4272,
subroutine reconstruct_crweno5yc(n, h, f, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
integer :: i, im1, ip1, im2, ip2, ib, ie
real(kind=8) :: bl, bc, br, tt
real(kind=8) :: wl, wc, wr, ww
real(kind=8) :: ql, qc, qr
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: dfm, dfp, df2
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: al, ac, ar
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u, g
real(kind=8), dimension(n,2) :: a, b, c, r
! smoothness indicator coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: c1 = 1.3d+01 / 1.2d+01, c2 = 2.5d-01
! improved weight coefficients (Table 1 in [2])
real(kind=8), parameter :: cl = 1.0d+00 / 9.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cc = 5.0d+00 / 9.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cr = 1.0d+00 / 3.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dl = 1.235341937d-01, dr = 3.699651429d-01 &
, dc = 5.065006634d-01, dq = 2.5d-01
! interpolation coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: a11 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a12 = - 7.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a13 = 1.1d+01 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a21 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a22 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a23 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a31 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a32 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a33 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
! calculate the left and right derivatives
do i = 1, n - 1
ip1 = i + 1
dfp(i ) = f(ip1) - f(i)
dfm(ip1) = dfp(i)
end do
dfm(1) = dfp(1)
dfp(n) = dfm(n)
! calculate the absolute value of the second derivative
df2(:) = c1 * (dfp(:) - dfm(:))**2
! prepare smoothness indicators
do i = 1, n
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
im1 = max(1, i - 1)
ip1 = min(n, i + 1)
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! calculate βₖ (eqs. 9-11 in [1])
bl = df2(im1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfm(i ) - dfm(im1))**2
bc = df2(i ) + c2 * ( dfp(i ) + dfm(i ))**2
br = df2(ip1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfp(i ) - dfp(ip1))**2
! calculate τ (below eq. 64 in [3])
tt = (6.0d+00 * f(i) + (f(im2) + f(ip2)) &
- 4.0d+00 * (f(im1) + f(ip1)))**2
! calculate αₖ (eq. 28 in [1])
al(i) = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bl + eps)
ac(i) = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bc + eps)
ar(i) = 1.0d+00 + tt / (br + eps)
end do ! i = 1, n
! prepare tridiagonal system coefficients
do i = ng, n - ng
! prepare neighbour indices
im1 = max(1, i - 1)
ip1 = min(n, i + 1)
! calculate weights
wl = cl * al(i)
wc = cc * ac(i)
wr = cr * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate tridiagonal matrix coefficients
a(i,1) = 2.0d+00 * wl + 5.0d-01 * wc
c(i,1) = 5.0d-01 * wr
! prepare right hand side of tridiagonal equation
r(i,1) = ( 2.0d+00 * wl * f(im1) &
+ (1.0d+01 * wl + 5.0d+00 * wc + wr) * f(i ) &
+ ( wc + 5.0d+00 * wr) * f(ip1)) * dq
! calculate weights
wl = cr * al(i)
wc = cc * ac(i)
wr = cl * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate tridiagonal matrix coefficients
a(i,2) = 5.0d-01 * wl
c(i,2) = 5.0d-01 * wc + 2.0d+00 * wr
! prepare right hand side of tridiagonal equation
r(i,2) = ((5.0d+00 * wl + wc ) * f(im1) &
+ ( wl + 5.0d+00 * wc + 1.0d+01 * wr) * f(i ) &
+ 2.0d+00 * wr * f(ip1)) * dq
end do ! i = 1, n
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (left-side reconstruction)
do i = 1, ng
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
im1 = max(1, i - 1)
ip1 = min(n, i + 1)
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,1) = 0.0d+00
c(i,1) = 0.0d+00
r(i,1) = fl(i)
end do ! i = 1, ng
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (left-side reconstruction)
do i = n - ng, n
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
im1 = max(1, i - 1)
ip1 = min(n, i + 1)
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,1) = 0.0d+00
c(i,1) = 0.0d+00
r(i,1) = fl(i)
end do ! i = n - ng, n
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (right-side reconstruction)
do i = 1, ng + 1
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
im1 = max(1, i - 1)
ip1 = min(n, i + 1)
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! normalize weights
wl = dl * ar(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * al(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
! calculate the right state
fr(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,2) = 0.0d+00
c(i,2) = 0.0d+00
r(i,2) = fr(i)
end do ! i = 1, ng + 1
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (right-side reconstruction)
do i = n - ng + 1, n
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
im1 = max(1, i - 1)
ip1 = min(n, i + 1)
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! normalize weights
wl = dl * ar(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * al(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
! calculate the right state
fr(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,2) = 0.0d+00
c(i,2) = 0.0d+00
r(i,2) = fr(i)
end do ! i = 1, ng + 1
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations for the left-side interpolation
ib = 1
ie = n
tt = 1.0d+00
u(ib) = r(ib,1)
do i = ib + 1, ie
im1 = i - 1
g(i) = c(im1,1) / tt
tt = 1.0d+00 - a(i,1) * g(i)
u(i) = (r(i,1) - a(i,1) * u(im1)) / tt
end do
do i = ie - 1, ib, -1
ip1 = i + 1
u(i) = u(i) - g(ip1) * u(ip1)
end do
fl(ib:ie) = u(ib:ie)
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations for the right-side interpolation
tt = 1.0d+00
u(ie) = r(ie,2)
do i = ie - 1, ib, -1
ip1 = i + 1
g(i) = a(ip1,2) / tt
tt = 1.0d+00 - c(i,2) * g(i)
u(i) = (r(i,2) - c(i,2) * u(ip1)) / tt
end do
do i = ib + 1, ie
im1 = i - 1
u(i) = u(i) - g(im1) * u(im1)
end do
fr(ib:ie-1) = u(ib+1:ie)
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
fl(1) = fr(1)
fr(n) = fl(n)
end subroutine reconstruct_crweno5yc
! ------------------------------
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