diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index a611165..4a17082 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ module interpolations
       real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:)    , intent(in)  :: q
       real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: qi
     end subroutine
-    subroutine reconstruct_iface(h, fc, fl, fr)
+    subroutine reconstruct_iface(positive, h, fc, fl, fr)
+      logical                   , intent(in)  :: positive
       real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
       real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
       real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -76,7 +77,6 @@ module interpolations
 ! monotonicity preserving reconstruction coefficients
   real(kind=8), save :: kappa      = 1.0d+00
-  real(kind=8), save :: kbeta      = 1.0d+00
 ! number of ghost zones (required for compact schemes)
@@ -218,7 +218,6 @@ module interpolations
     call get_parameter("eps"                 , eps            )
     call get_parameter("limo3_rad"           , rad            )
     call get_parameter("kappa"               , kappa          )
-    call get_parameter("kbeta"               , kbeta          )
     call get_parameter("ppm_const"           , ppm_const      )
     call get_parameter("central_weight"      , cweight        )
     call get_parameter("cfl"                 , cfl            )
@@ -978,20 +977,20 @@ module interpolations
 !   Arguments:
-!     positive - the variable positivity flag;
-!     h        - the spatial step;
-!     q        - the variable array;
-!     qi       - the array of reconstructed interfaces (2 in each direction);
+!     p  - the variable positivity flag;
+!     h  - the spatial step;
+!     q  - the variable array;
+!     qi - the array of reconstructed interfaces (2 in each direction);
-  subroutine interfaces_dir(positive, h, q, qi)
+  subroutine interfaces_dir(p, h, q, qi)
     use coordinates, only : nb, ne, nbl, neu
     implicit none
-    logical                           , intent(in)  :: positive
+    logical                           , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:)    , intent(in)  :: q
     real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: qi
@@ -1025,23 +1024,23 @@ module interpolations
     do k = nbl, neu
 #endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
       do j = nbl, neu
-        call reconstruct(h(1), q(:,j,k), qi(:,j,k,1,1), qi(:,j,k,2,1))
+        call reconstruct(p, h(1), q(:,j,k), qi(:,j,k,1,1), qi(:,j,k,2,1))
       end do ! j = nbl, neu
       do i = nbl, neu
-        call reconstruct(h(2), q(i,:,k), qi(i,:,k,1,2), qi(i,:,k,2,2))
+        call reconstruct(p, h(2), q(i,:,k), qi(i,:,k,1,2), qi(i,:,k,2,2))
       end do ! i = nbl, neu
 #if NDIMS == 3
     end do ! k = nbl, neu
     do j = nbl, neu
       do i = nbl, neu
-        call reconstruct(h(3), q(i,j,:), qi(i,j,:,1,3), qi(i,j,:,2,3))
+        call reconstruct(p, h(3), q(i,j,:), qi(i,j,:,1,3), qi(i,j,:,2,3))
       end do ! i = nbl, neu
     end do ! j = nbl, neu
 #endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
 ! make sure the interface states are positive for positive variables
-    if (positive) then
+    if (p) then
 #if NDIMS == 3
       do k = nbl, neu
@@ -1442,6 +1441,7 @@ module interpolations
 !   Arguments:
+!     p  - the flag indicating if the reconstructed variable is positivite;
 !     h  - the spatial step; this is required for some reconstruction methods;
 !     f  - the input vector of cell averaged values;
 !     fl - the left side state reconstructed for location (i+1/2);
@@ -1449,10 +1449,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct(h, f, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct(p, h, f, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: f
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -1461,7 +1462,7 @@ module interpolations
 ! reconstruct the states using the selected subroutine
-    call reconstruct_states(h, f(:), fl(:), fr(:))
+    call reconstruct_states(p, h, f(:), fl(:), fr(:))
 ! correct the reconstruction near extrema by clipping them in order to improve
 ! the stability of scheme
@@ -1485,10 +1486,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_tvd(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_tvd(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -1553,10 +1555,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_weno3(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_weno3(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -1675,10 +1678,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_limo3(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_limo3(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -1818,10 +1822,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_ppm(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_ppm(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -2002,10 +2007,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_weno5z(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_weno5z(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -2159,10 +2165,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_weno5yc(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_weno5yc(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -2317,10 +2324,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_weno5ns(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_weno5ns(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -2503,12 +2511,13 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_crweno5z(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_crweno5z(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     use algebra, only : tridiag
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -2878,12 +2887,13 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_crweno5yc(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_crweno5yc(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     use algebra, only : tridiag
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -3256,12 +3266,13 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_crweno5ns(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_crweno5ns(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     use algebra, only : tridiag
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -3647,10 +3658,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_mp5(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_mp5(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -3676,7 +3688,7 @@ module interpolations
     u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n))
     u(n  ) =              fc(n    )
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
@@ -3694,7 +3706,7 @@ module interpolations
     u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n))
     u(n  ) =              fi(n    )
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
@@ -3724,10 +3736,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_mp7(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_mp7(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -3755,7 +3768,7 @@ module interpolations
     u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n))
     u(n  ) =              fc(n    )
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
@@ -3775,7 +3788,7 @@ module interpolations
     u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n))
     u(n  ) =              fi(n    )
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
@@ -3805,10 +3818,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_mp9(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_mp9(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -3838,7 +3852,7 @@ module interpolations
     u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n))
     u(n  ) =              fc(n    )
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
@@ -3860,7 +3874,7 @@ module interpolations
     u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n))
     u(n  ) =              fi(n    )
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
@@ -3902,12 +3916,13 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_crmp5(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_crmp5(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     use algebra, only : tridiag
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -3958,7 +3973,7 @@ module interpolations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
@@ -3983,7 +3998,7 @@ module interpolations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
@@ -4014,12 +4029,13 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_crmp7(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_crmp7(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     use algebra, only : tridiag
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -4072,7 +4088,7 @@ module interpolations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
@@ -4099,7 +4115,7 @@ module interpolations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
@@ -4130,12 +4146,13 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_crmp9(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_crmp9(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     use algebra, only : pentadiag
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -4196,7 +4213,7 @@ module interpolations
     call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
@@ -4225,7 +4242,7 @@ module interpolations
     call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
@@ -4260,12 +4277,13 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_ocmp5(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_ocmp5(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     use algebra, only : tridiag
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -4327,7 +4345,7 @@ module interpolations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
@@ -4352,7 +4370,7 @@ module interpolations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
@@ -4387,12 +4405,13 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_ocmp7(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_ocmp7(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     use algebra, only : pentadiag
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -4466,7 +4485,7 @@ module interpolations
     call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
@@ -4493,7 +4512,7 @@ module interpolations
     call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
@@ -4528,12 +4547,13 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_ocmp9(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_ocmp9(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     use algebra, only : pentadiag
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -4611,7 +4631,7 @@ module interpolations
     call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
@@ -4640,7 +4660,7 @@ module interpolations
     call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
@@ -4773,10 +4793,11 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_gp(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_gp(p, h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
+    logical                   , intent(in)  :: p
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
@@ -4814,7 +4835,7 @@ module interpolations
 ! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fc(:), u(:))
 ! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
@@ -4848,7 +4869,7 @@ module interpolations
 ! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(p, n, fi(:), u(:))
 ! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
@@ -5325,93 +5346,118 @@ module interpolations
 ! subroutine MP_LIMITING:
 ! ----------------------
-!   Subroutine applies the monotonicity preserving (MP) limiter to a vector of
-!   high order reconstructed interface values.
+!   Subroutine applies the monotonicity preserving (MP) limitation to
+!   the interface states reconstructed using a high order upwind
+!   interpolation.
 !   Arguments:
-!     qc - the vector of cell-centered values;
-!     qi - the vector of interface values obtained from the high order
-!          interpolation as input and its monotonicity limited values as output;
+!     p - the logical flag indicating if the variable is positive;
+!     n - the length of vector u and q;
+!     u - the vector of centered cell-integrated values;
+!     q - the vector of interface values obtained from the high order
+!         interpolation to which the limitation is applied;
 !   References:
 !     [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
 !         "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
 !          Time Stepping"
-!         Journal on Computational Physics,
-!         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!         http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1997.5745
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
-!         http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11433-010-4220-x
+!         Journal on Computational Physics, 1997, 136, 83-99,
+!         https://doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1997.5745
+!     [2] Myeong-Hwan Ahn1, Duck-Joo Lee,
+!         "Modified Monotonicity Preserving Constraints for High-Resolution
+!          Optimized Compact Scheme",
+!         Journal of Scientific Computing, 2020, 83:34,
+!         https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-020-01221-0
-  subroutine mp_limiting(qc, qi)
+  subroutine mp_limiting(p, n, u, q)
     implicit none
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)    :: qc
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: qi
+    logical                   , intent(in)    :: p
+    integer                   , intent(in)    :: n
+    real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in)    :: u
+    real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: q
-    integer      :: n, i, im1, ip1, ip2
-    real(kind=8) :: dq, ds, dc0, dc4, dm1, dp1, dml, dmr
+    integer      :: i, im2, im1, ip1, ip2
+    real(kind=8) :: du, dm, dc, dp, dc4, dmm, dmp, di, de, bt
     real(kind=8) :: qlc, qmd, qmp, qmn, qmx, qul
-    real(kind=8), dimension(0:size(qc)+2) :: dm
+    real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: d
+    real(kind=8), dimension(2) :: umn, umx
-    n = size(qc)
+    d(1  ) = 0.0d+00
+    d(2:n) = u(2:n) - u(1:n-1)
-    dm(0  ) = 0.0d+00
-    dm(1  ) = 0.0d+00
-    dm(2:n) = qc(2:n) - qc(1:n-1)
-    dm(n+1) = 0.0d+00
-    dm(n+2) = 0.0d+00
+    im2 = 1
+    im1 = 1
+    ip1 = 2
+    ip2 = 3
-    do i = 1, n - 1
+    do i = 1, n
-      ip1 = i + 1
+      du  = kappa * d(i)
-      if (dm(i) * dm(ip1) >= 0.0d+00) then
-        dq = kappa * dm(i)
-      else
-        dq = kbeta * dm(i)
-      end if
+      qmp = u(i) + minmod(d(ip1), du)
-      qmp  = qc(i) + minmod(dm(ip1), dq)
-      ds   = (qi(i) - qc(i)) * (qi(i) - qmp)
+      if ((q(i) - u(i)) * (q(i) - qmp) > eps) then
-      if (ds > eps) then
+        dm  = d(i  ) - d(im1)
+        dc  = d(ip1) - d(i  )
+        dp  = d(ip2) - d(ip1)
+        dc4 = 4.0d+00 * dc
-        im1 = i - 1
-        ip2 = i + 2
+        dmp = minmod4(dc4 - dp, 4.0d+00 * dp - dc, dc, dp)
+        dmm = minmod4(dc4 - dm, 4.0d+00 * dm - dc, dc, dm)
-        dm1   = dm(i  ) - dm(im1)
-        dc0   = dm(ip1) - dm(i  )
-        dp1   = dm(ip2) - dm(ip1)
-        dc4   = 4.0d+00 * dc0
+        qul = u(i) +            du
+        qmd = u(i) + 5.0d-01 * (d(ip1) -           dmp          )
+        qlc = u(i) + 5.0d-01 * (d(i  ) + 8.0d+00 * dmm / 3.0d+00)
-        dml   = 0.5d+00 * minmod4(dc4 - dm1, 4.0d+00 * dm1 - dc0, dc0, dm1)
-        dmr   = 0.5d+00 * minmod4(dc4 - dp1, 4.0d+00 * dp1 - dc0, dc0, dp1)
+        umn(1) = min(u(im1), u(ip1))
+        umn(2) = min(u(im2), u(ip2))
+        umx(1) = max(u(im1), u(ip1))
+        umx(2) = max(u(im2), u(ip2))
-        qmd   = qc(i) + 0.5d+00 * dm(ip1) - dmr
-        qul   = qc(i) +           dq
-        qlc   = qc(i) + 0.5d+00 * dq      + dml
+        if ((u(i) > umx(1) .and. umx(1) > umx(2) .and. &
+                                u(im2) <= u(ip1) .and. u(im1) >= u(ip2)) .or. &
+            (u(i) < umn(1) .and. umn(1) < umn(2) .and. &
+                                u(im2) >= u(ip1) .and. u(im1) <= u(ip2))) then
-        qmx   = max(min(qc(i), qc(ip1), qmd), min(qc(i), qul, qlc))
-        qmn   = min(max(qc(i), qc(ip1), qmd), max(qc(i), qul, qlc))
+          bt = 2.0d+00 * u(i)
+          di = (u(im1) + u(ip1)) - bt
+          de = (u(im2) + u(ip2)) - bt
+          bt = di / de
+          if (bt > 3.0d-01) qlc = u(im2)
-        qi(i) = median(qi(i), qmn, qmx)
+        end if
+        qmx   = max(min(u(i), u(ip1), qmd), min(u(i), qul, qlc))
+        qmn   = min(max(u(i), u(ip1), qmd), max(u(i), qul, qlc))
+        if (p .and. qmn <= 0.0d+00) then
+          if (d(i) <= 0.0d+00 .and. d(ip1) >= 0.0d+00) then
+            qmn = u(i) * u(ip1) / (u(i) + u(ip1))
+          else
+            qmn = max(eps, min(u(i), u(ip1)))
+          end if
+        end if
+        q(i) = median(q(i), qmn, qmx)
       end if
-    end do ! i = 1, n - 1
+      im2 =     im1
+      im1 =     i
+      ip1 =     ip2
+      ip2 = min(ip2 + 1, n)
+    end do