MPITOOLS: Remove usued cruft.
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ module boundaries
use coordinates , only : periodic
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : pdims, pcoords, npmax
use mpitools , only : npmax
#endif /* MPI */
use parameters , only : get_parameter_string
@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ module mpitools
integer(kind=4), save :: comm
integer(kind=4), save :: nproc, nprocs, npmax, npairs
integer(kind=4), save, dimension(3) :: pdims, pcoords, pparity
logical , save, dimension(3) :: periodic
logical , save :: master = .true.
! allocatable array for processor pairs
@ -127,10 +125,6 @@ module mpitools
nproc = 0
nprocs = 1
npmax = 0
pdims(:) = 1
pcoords(:) = 0
pparity(:) = 0
periodic(:) = .false.
#ifdef MPI
! initialize the MPI interface
@ -317,152 +311,6 @@ module mpitools
end subroutine finalize_mpitools
! subroutine SETUP_MPI:
! --------------------
! Subroutine sets the MPI geometry.
subroutine setup_mpi(div, per, set)
! include external procedures and variables
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_comm_world, mpi_success
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: div
logical, dimension(3), intent(in) :: per
logical , intent(in) :: set
! local variables
integer :: iret
#ifdef MPI
! start time accounting for the MPI initialization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* MPI */
! set the periodic flag
periodic(:) = per(:)
#ifdef MPI
! if set = .true. set the MPI domain
if (set) then
! check if the total number of chunks in division corresponds to the number of
! processes, if not try to find the best division
if (nprocs .ne. product(div(:))) then
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'The number of MPI processes does not correspond to' &
// ' the number of domain chunks!'
write(*,*) 'Looking for the best division...'
end if
! try to find the best division
pdims(:) = 1
iret = 0
do while(product(pdims(:)) .lt. nprocs)
#if NDIMS == 3
iret = mod(iret, 3) + 1
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
iret = mod(iret, 2) + 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
pdims(iret) = 2 * pdims(iret)
end do
! check if the best division found
if (product(pdims(:)) .ne. nprocs) then
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'Improssible to find the best domain division! Exiting...'
end if
call finalize_mpitools()
end if
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'Found the best division:', pdims(:)
end if
! substitute div(:) to pdims(:)
pdims(:) = div(:)
end if
! set up the Cartesian geometry
call mpi_cart_create(mpi_comm_world, 3, pdims(:), periodic(:) &
, .true., comm, iret)
if (iret .ne. mpi_success) then
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not create the Cartesian geometry! Exiting...'
end if
end if
! assign process coordinate
call mpi_cart_coords(comm, nproc, 3, pcoords(:), iret)
if (iret .ne. mpi_success) then
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not assign process coordinates! Exiting...'
end if
end if
! set parity flag
pparity(1) = mod(pcoords(1), 2)
pparity(2) = mod(pcoords(2), 2)
pparity(3) = mod(pcoords(3), 2)
end if
! stop time accounting for the MPI initialization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine setup_mpi
#ifdef MPI
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