Merge branch 'master' into reconnection
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ program amun
use mpitools , only : setup_mpi
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : bcast_integer_variable
use mpitools , only : reduce_maximum_integer
use mpitools , only : reduce_maximum_integer, reduce_sum_real_array
#endif /* MPI */
use mpitools , only : master, nprocs, nproc
use parameters , only : read_parameters, finalize_parameters
@ -622,65 +622,57 @@ program amun
tm(i) = get_timer(i)
end do
#ifdef MPI
! sum up timers from all processes
call reduce_sum_real_array(ntimers, tm(:), iret)
#endif /* MPI */
! print timings only on master processor
if (master) then
! print one empty line
write (*,'(a)') ''
! calculate the conversion factor
tm_conv = 100.0 / tm(1)
tm_conv = 1.0d+02 / tm(1)
! get the execution time
tm_exec = get_timer_total()
! prepare the string formatting
! print one empty line
write (tmp,"(i64)") int(tm(1))
write (tmp,"(i64)") len_trim(adjustl(tmp)) + 6
write (*,'(a)') ''
! print the execution times
#ifdef PROFILE
write (fmt,"(a)") "(2x,a32,1x,':',1x,1f" // trim(adjustl(tmp)) // &
".3,' secs = ',f6.2,' % [', i10,']')"
#else /* PROFILE */
write (fmt,"(a)") "(2x,a32,1x,':',1x,1f" // trim(adjustl(tmp)) // &
".3,' secs = ',f6.2,' %')"
#endif /* PROFILE */
write (tmp,"(a)") "(2x,a32,1x,':',3x,1f16.3,' secs = ',f6.2,' %')"
write (*,'(1x,a)') 'EXECUTION TIMINGS'
do i = 2, ntimers
#ifdef PROFILE
if (timer_enabled(i)) write (*,fmt) timer_description(i), tm(i) &
, tm_conv * tm(i), get_count(i)
#else /* PROFILE */
if (timer_enabled(i)) write (*,fmt) timer_description(i), tm(i) &
, tm_conv * tm(i)
#endif /* PROFILE */
if (timer_enabled(i)) write (*,tmp) timer_description(i), tm(i) &
, tm_conv * tm(i)
end do
! print the CPU times
! print the execution times
write (tmp,"(a)") "(1x,a14,20x,':',1x,1f" // trim(adjustl(tmp)) // &
".3,' secs = ',f6.2,' %')"
write (*,tmp) 'TOTAL CPU TIME', tm(1) , 100.0
write (*,tmp) 'TIME PER STEP ', tm(1) / nsteps, 100.0 / nsteps
write (tmp,"(a)") "(1x,a14,20x,':',3x,1f16.3,' secs = ',f6.2,' %')"
write (*,tmp) 'TOTAL CPU TIME', tm(1) , 1.0d+02
write (*,tmp) 'TIME PER STEP ', tm(1) / nsteps, 1.0d+02 / nsteps
#ifdef MPI
write (*,tmp) 'TIME PER CPU ', tm(1) / nprocs, 100.0 / nprocs
write (*,tmp) 'TIME PER CPU ', tm(1) / nprocs, 1.0d+02 / nprocs
#endif /* MPI */
! print the execution time
write (tmp,"(i64)") int(tm(1))
write (tmp,"(i64)") len_trim(adjustl(tmp)) + 6
write (tmp,"(a)") "(1x,a14,20x,':',1x,1f" // trim(adjustl(tmp)) // &
".3,' secs')"
write (*,tmp) 'EXECUTION TIME', tm_exec
! convert the execution time to days, hours, minutes, and seconds and print it
tm(1) = tm_exec / 8.64d+04
tm(2) = mod(tm_exec / 3.6d+02, 2.4d+01)
tm(3) = mod(tm_exec / 6.0d+01, 6.0d+01)
tm(4) = mod(tm_exec, 6.0d+01)
tm(5) = nint((tm_exec - floor(tm_exec)) * 1.0d+03)
write (tmp,"(a)") "(1x,a14,20x,':',3x,i14,'d'" // &
write (*,tmp) 'EXECUTION TIME', int(tm(1:5))
end if
Reference in New Issue
Block a user