Take into account the satellite motion when resetting its velocity.
- in the binaries problem we have to reinitiate the velocity within the satellite properly, taking into account not only the speed of wind at the surface, but also setting the satellite's velocity due to its orbital motion; this produces properly the bow shock in front of the satellite, and the new time step is calculated correctly since it includes the speed of the satellite;
This commit is contained in:
@ -708,7 +708,8 @@ module problem
use config , only : im, jm, km, in, jn, kn, ng
use config , only : dens, pres, csnd2, gamma
use config , only : dnfac, dnrat
use config , only : rstar, vstar, rsat, dsat, vsat
use config , only : rstar, vstar, rsat, dsat, vsat, tsat
use constants, only : dpi
use scheme , only : prim2cons
use variables, only : nqt
use variables, only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz
@ -733,6 +734,9 @@ module problem
real :: dnamb, pramb
real :: dnstar, prstar, vrstar, rc
real :: dnsat , prsat , vrsat , rs, xs, ys, zs
real :: om = 0.0d0, sn = 0.0d0, cs = 1.0d0
real :: asat, bsat, xsat
real :: xsh, ysh, xvl, yvl
! local arrays
@ -762,6 +766,13 @@ module problem
prsat = pramb * dnfac / dnrat
vrstar = vstar / rstar
vrsat = vsat / rsat
if (tsat .gt. 0.0d0) then
om = dpi / tsat
sn = 0.0d0
cs = 1.0d0
end if
xvl = - asat * om * sn
yvl = bsat * om * cs
! calculate cell sizes
@ -795,7 +806,7 @@ module problem
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, jm
ys = y(j)
ys = y(j) - ysh
! reset primitive variables
@ -817,7 +828,7 @@ module problem
do i = 1, im
xs = x(i) - dsat
xs = x(i) - xsh
! calculate radia for both stars
@ -844,8 +855,8 @@ module problem
if (rs .le. max(rsat, dr)) then
q(idn,i) = dnsat
q(ivx,i) = vrsat * xs
q(ivy,i) = vrsat * ys
q(ivx,i) = vrsat * xs + xvl
q(ivy,i) = vrsat * ys + yvl
#if NDIMS == 3
q(ivz,i) = vrsat * zs
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
@ -1410,17 +1421,19 @@ module problem
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real :: dx, dy, dz, dr, ang = 0.0d0, sn = 0.0d0, cs = 1.0d0, xsh, ysh
real :: dx, dy, dz, dr
real :: dnamb, pramb
real :: dnstar, vrstar, prstar, rc
real :: dnsat , vrsat , prsat , rs, xs, ys, zs
real :: asat, bsat, xsat
#ifdef ADI
real :: ekin, ekstar, eksat
#ifdef MHD
real :: emag
#endif /* MHD */
#endif /* ADI */
real :: om = 0.0d0, ang = 0.0d0, sn = 0.0d0, cs = 1.0d0
real :: asat, bsat, xsat
real :: xsh, ysh, xvl, yvl
! local arrays
@ -1451,7 +1464,8 @@ module problem
eksat = 0.5d0 * dnsat * vsat * vsat
#endif /* ADI */
if (tsat .gt. 0.0d0) then
ang = dpi * t / tsat
om = dpi / tsat
ang = om * t
sn = sin(ang)
cs = cos(ang)
end if
@ -1460,6 +1474,8 @@ module problem
bsat = sqrt(asat * asat - xsat * xsat)
xsh = asat * cs - xsat
ysh = bsat * sn
xvl = - asat * om * sn
yvl = bsat * om * cs
! calculate cell sizes
@ -1533,8 +1549,8 @@ module problem
if (rs .le. max(rsat, dr)) then
pdata%u(idn,i,j,k) = dnsat
pdata%u(imx,i,j,k) = pdata%u(idn,i,j,k) * vrsat * xs
pdata%u(imy,i,j,k) = pdata%u(idn,i,j,k) * vrsat * ys
pdata%u(imx,i,j,k) = pdata%u(idn,i,j,k) * (vrsat * xs + xvl)
pdata%u(imy,i,j,k) = pdata%u(idn,i,j,k) * (vrsat * ys + yvl)
#if NDIMS == 2
pdata%u(imz,i,j,k) = 0.0d0
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
Reference in New Issue
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