Copy module RANDOM from GODUNOV and make it working.
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ program amun
#ifdef MPI
use parameters , only : redistribute_parameters
#endif /* MPI */
use random , only : init_generator
use random , only : initialize_random, finalize_random
use timers , only : initialize_timers, start_timer, stop_timer &
, set_timer, get_timer, get_timer_total &
, timer_enabled, timer_description, ntimers
@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ program amun
em = 59
es = 59
! initialize random number generator
! initialize the random number generator
call init_generator()
call initialize_random(nprocs, nproc)
! initialize block module
@ -431,6 +431,10 @@ program amun
call clear_coords()
! finalize the random number generator
call finalize_random()
! stop time accounting for the termination
call stop_timer(itm)
@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ module io
! set the seed values
call set_seeds(seeds(:))
call set_seeds(nseeds, seeds(:))
! deallocate seed array
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ parameters.o : parameters.F90 mpitools.o
problem.o : problem.F90 blocks.o constants.o coords.o mpitools.o \
random.o scheme.o variables.o
scheme.o : scheme.F90 blocks.o config.o interpolation.o variables.o
random.o : random.F90 mpitools.o
random.o : random.F90 mpitools.o parameters.o
timers.o : timers.F90
variables.o : variables.F90
@ -21,314 +21,427 @@
!! module: RANDOM - handles random number generators by Marsaglia & Tsang
!! module: RANDOM
!! references:
!! Marsaglia, G. & Tsang, W.W. (2000) `The ziggurat method for generating
!! random variables', J. Statist. Software, v5(8).
!! This module provides subroutines to random number generators.
!! Copyright (C) 2000 George Marsaglia, Wai Wan Tsang
!! Copyright (C) 2008 John Burkardt
!! References:
!! [1] Marsaglia, G. & Tsang, W.W. (2000) `The ziggurat method for generating
!! random variables', J. Statist. Software, v5(8)
module random
#ifdef PROFILE
! include external subroutines
use timers, only : set_timer, start_timer, stop_timer
#endif /* PROFILE */
! declare all module variables as implicit
implicit none
#ifdef PROFILE
! timer indices
integer , save :: iri, irc
#endif /* PROFILE */
! random generator type
character(len = 32), save :: gentype = "same"
! variables to store seeds for random generator
integer , save :: kp = 0
integer , save :: nseeds, lseed
integer(kind=4), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: seeds
! by default everything is private
integer , save :: nseeds
integer(kind=4), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: seeds
integer(kind=4), dimension(128) , save :: kn
real (kind=4), dimension(128) , save :: fn, wn
public :: init_generator, nseeds, get_seeds, set_seeds &
, randomu, randomz, randomn
! declare public subroutines
public :: initialize_random, finalize_random
public :: nseeds, set_seeds, get_seeds, randomu, randomz, randomn
! init_generator: subroutine initializes the random number generator
! ----------------------------
! subroutine initializes random number generator;
subroutine init_generator()
subroutine initialize_random(nprocs, nproc)
! obtain required variables from other modules
use parameters, only : get_parameter_string
! declare all variables as implicit
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: nprocs, nproc
! local variables
integer(kind=4) :: i
real(kind=8) :: dn, tn, q
! parameters
real(kind=8), parameter :: m1 = 2.14748364800000d+09
real(kind=8), parameter :: vn = 9.91256303526217d-03
! OpenMP functions
!$ integer :: omp_get_num_threads, omp_get_thread_num
integer :: i
real :: r
! initialize the seeds required by all subroutines
#ifdef PROFILE
! set timer descriptions
nseeds = 1
!$omp parallel
!$ nseeds = omp_get_num_threads()
!$omp end parallel
call set_timer('random generator initialization', iri)
call set_timer('random number generation' , irc)
! allocate array for seeds
! start accounting time for the random number generator
call start_timer(iri)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! fill seeds with random numbers
! set the processor number
do i = 0, nseeds - 1
call random_number(q)
seeds(i) = 123456789 * q
end do
kp = nproc
! prepare the arrays used by nonunifor distribution generators
! obtain the generator type
dn = 3.442619855899d+00
tn = 3.442619855899d+00
call get_parameter_string("gentype", gentype)
q = vn / exp(-0.5d+00 * dn * dn)
! calculate the number of seeds
nseeds = 2 * nprocs
lseed = nseeds - 1
kn(1) = int((dn / q) * m1)
kn(2) = 0
! allocate seeds for random number generator
wn(1) = real(q / m1, kind=4)
wn(128) = real(dn / m1, kind=4)
! prepare the seeds depending on the type of generator
select case(gentype)
do i = 0, lseed
call random_number(r)
seeds(i) = 123456789 * r
end do
case default
call random_number(r)
do i = 0, nprocs - 1
seeds(i) = 123456789 * r
end do
call random_number(r)
do i = nprocs, lseed
seeds(i) = 123456789 * r
end do
end select
fn(1) = 1.0e+00
fn(128) = real(exp(-0.5d+00 * dn * dn), kind=4)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the random number generator
call stop_timer(iri)
#endif /* PROFILE */
do i = 127, 2, -1
dn = sqrt(-2.0d+00 * log(vn / dn + exp(-0.5d+00 * dn * dn)))
kn(i+1) = int((dn / tn) * m1)
tn = dn
fn(i) = real(exp(-0.5d+00*dn*dn), kind=4)
wn(i) = real(dn / m1, kind=4)
end do
end subroutine initialize_random
! subroutine FINALIZE_RANDOM:
! --------------------------
! subroutine releases memory allocated by random number generator variables;
subroutine finalize_random()
! declare all variables as implicit
implicit none
end subroutine init_generator
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the random number generator
! get_seeds: subroutine returns the generator seeds
subroutine get_seeds(seed)
call start_timer(iri)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! deallocate seeds if they are allocated
if (allocated(seeds)) deallocate(seeds)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the random number generator
call stop_timer(iri)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine finalize_random
! subroutine SET_SEEDS:
! --------------------
! subroutine sets the seeds from the given array;
subroutine set_seeds(np, seed)
! declare all variables as implicit
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
! input arguments
integer(kind=4), dimension(0:nseeds-1), intent(out) :: seed
integer , intent(in) :: np
integer(kind=4), dimension(0:np-1), intent(in) :: seed
seed(:) = seeds(:)
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the random number generator
end subroutine get_seeds
! set_seeds: subroutine sets the generator seeds
subroutine set_seeds(seed)
call start_timer(iri)
#endif /* PROFILE */
implicit none
! set the seeds only if the input array and seeds have the same sizes
if (np .eq. nseeds) then
! subroutine arguments
integer(kind=4), dimension(0:nseeds-1), intent(in) :: seed
seeds(:) = seed(:)
seeds(0:lseed) = seed(0:lseed)
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the random number generator
call stop_timer(iri)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine set_seeds
! shr3: subroutine evaluates the SHR3 generator for integers
! subroutine GET_SEEDS:
! --------------------
! input arguments:
! np - the process number (for parallel operations)
! subroutine returns the seeds through an array;
function shr3(np) result(jr)
subroutine get_seeds(seed)
! declare all variables as implicit
implicit none
integer(kind=4) :: np, jp, jt, jr
! output arguments
integer(kind=4), dimension(0:lseed), intent(out) :: seed
jp = seeds(np)
jt = jp
jt = ieor(jt, ishft(jt, 13))
jt = ieor(jt, ishft(jt, -17))
jt = ieor(jt, ishft(jt, 5))
seeds(np) = jt
jr = jp + jt
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the random number generator
call start_timer(iri)
#endif /* PROFILE */
seed(0:lseed) = seeds(0:lseed)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the random number generator
call stop_timer(iri)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end function shr3
end subroutine get_seeds
! randomu: function generates uniformly distributed random numbers from the
! range 0.0...1.0
! function RANDOMU:
! ----------------
! input arguments:
! np - the process number (for parallel operations)
! function generates uniformly distributed random numbers in range 0.0..1.0;
function randomu(np) result(val)
function randomu() result(val)
integer(kind=4) :: np
! declare all variables as implicit
implicit none
! output variables
real :: val
! local variables
integer(kind=4) :: jz, jsr
val = 0.5 + 0.23283064365e-9 * shr3(np)
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the random number generation
call start_timer(irc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
jsr = seeds(kp)
jz = jsr
jsr = ieor( jsr, ishft( jsr, 13 ) )
jsr = ieor( jsr, ishft( jsr, -17 ) )
jsr = ieor( jsr, ishft( jsr, 5 ) )
seeds(kp) = jsr
val = 0.5 + 0.23283064365e-9 * (jz + jsr)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the random number generation
call stop_timer(irc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end function randomu
! randomz: function generates uniformly distributed random numbers from the
! range -1.0...1.0
! function RANDOMZ:
! ----------------
! input arguments:
! np - the process number (for parallel operations)
! function generates uniformly distributed random numbers in range -0.5..0.5;
function randomz(np) result(val)
function randomz() result(val)
integer(kind=4) :: np
! declare all variables as implicit
implicit none
! output variables
real :: val
! local variables
integer(kind=4) :: jz, jsr
val = 0.46566128730e-9 * shr3(np)
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the random number generation
call start_timer(irc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
jsr = seeds(kp)
jz = jsr
jsr = ieor( jsr, ishft( jsr, 13 ) )
jsr = ieor( jsr, ishft( jsr, -17 ) )
jsr = ieor( jsr, ishft( jsr, 5 ) )
seeds(kp) = jsr
val = 0.23283064365e-9 * (jz + jsr)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the random number generation
call stop_timer(irc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end function randomz
! randomn: function generates normally distributed random numbers
! function RANDOMN:
! ----------------
! input arguments:
! np - the process number (for parallel operations)
! function generates uniformly distributed random numbers in range -1.0..1.0;
function randomn(np) result(val)
function randomn() result(val)
! declare all variables as implicit
implicit none
! input/output arguments
! output variables
integer(kind=4) :: np
real :: val
! local variables
integer(kind=4) :: hz, iz
real(kind=4) :: x, y, z, t
! parameters
real(kind=4), parameter :: r = 3.442620e+00
integer(kind=4) :: jz, jsr
hz = shr3(np)
iz = iand(hz, 127)
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the random number generation
call start_timer(irc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
if (abs(hz) .lt. kn(iz+1)) then
val = real(hz, kind=4) * wn(iz+1)
if (iz .eq. 0) then
x = - 0.2904764e+00 * log(randomu(np))
y = - log(randomu(np))
if ((x * x) .le. (y + y)) then
end if
end do
jsr = seeds(kp)
jz = jsr
if (hz .le. 0) then
val = - r - x
val = + r + x
end if
jsr = ieor( jsr, ishft( jsr, 13 ) )
jsr = ieor( jsr, ishft( jsr, -17 ) )
jsr = ieor( jsr, ishft( jsr, 5 ) )
end if
seeds(kp) = jsr
x = real(hz, kind=4) * wn(iz+1)
z = fn(iz+1) + randomu(np) * (fn(iz) - fn(iz+1))
t = exp(-0.5e+00 * x * x)
val = 0.46566128730e-9 * (jz + jsr)
if (z .lt. t) then
val = x
end if
hz = shr3(np)
iz = iand(hz, 127)
if (abs(hz) .lt. kn(iz+1)) then
val = real(hz, kind=4) * wn(iz+1)
end if
end do
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the random number generation
call stop_timer(irc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end function randomn
end module random
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