BLOCKS: Add status argument to allocate/deallocate_metablock().
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -604,12 +604,20 @@ module blocks
! subroutine arguments
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(out) :: pmeta
! local variables
integer :: status
! allocate memory for the new meta block
call allocate_metablock(pmeta)
call allocate_metablock(pmeta, status)
! quit if block couldn't be allocated
if (status /= 0) return
! check if there are any blocks in the meta block list
@ -668,6 +676,10 @@ module blocks
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
! local variables
integer :: status
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::remove_metablock()'
@ -702,7 +714,7 @@ module blocks
! deallocate memory used by the meta block
call deallocate_metablock(pmeta)
call deallocate_metablock(pmeta, status)
@ -872,11 +884,16 @@ module blocks
! Arguments:
! pmeta - the pointer associated with the newly allocated meta block;
! pmeta - the pointer associated with the newly allocated meta block;
! status - the flag indicating success or failure;
subroutine allocate_metablock(pmeta)
subroutine allocate_metablock(pmeta, status)
! references
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
! local variables are not implicit by default
@ -885,10 +902,15 @@ module blocks
! subroutine arguments
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(out) :: pmeta
integer , intent(out) :: status
! local variables
integer :: n, i, j, k
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::allocate_metablock()'
@ -900,83 +922,92 @@ module blocks
! allocate the meta block structure for one object
allocate(pmeta, stat = status)
! check if allocation succeeded
if (status == 0) then
! nullify fields pointing to previous and next block on the meta block list
! nullify the field pointing to the parent
! nullify fields pointing to children
do i = 1, nchildren
end do
do i = 1, nchildren
end do
! nullify fields pointing to face, edge, and corner neighbors
#if NDIMS == 2
do i = 1, nsides
do j = 1, nsides
do n = 1, ndims
end do ! ndims
end do ! nsides
end do ! nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
do i = 1, nsides
do j = 1, nsides
do k = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
do j = 1, nsides
do n = 1, ndims
end do ! ndims
end do ! nsides
end do ! nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
do i = 1, nsides
do j = 1, nsides
do k = 1, nsides
do n = 1, ndims
end do ! ndims
end do ! nsides
end do ! nsides
end do ! nsides
end do ! nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! nullify the field pointing to the associated data block
! set unique ID
pmeta%id = increase_id()
pmeta%id = increase_id()
! unset the process number, level, the children configuration, refine, leaf,
! and update flags
pmeta%process = -1
pmeta%level = -1
pmeta%conf = -1
pmeta%refine = 0
pmeta%leaf = .false.
pmeta%update = .true.
pmeta%process = -1
pmeta%level = -1
pmeta%conf = -1
pmeta%refine = 0
pmeta%leaf = .false.
pmeta%update = .true.
! initialize the position in the parent block
pmeta%pos(:) = -1
pmeta%pos(:) = -1
! initialize the block coordinates in the current level
pmeta%coords(:) = 0
pmeta%coords(:) = 0
! initialize coordinate bounds of the block
pmeta%xmin = 0.0d+00
pmeta%xmax = 1.0d+00
pmeta%ymin = 0.0d+00
pmeta%ymax = 1.0d+00
pmeta%zmin = 0.0d+00
pmeta%zmax = 1.0d+00
pmeta%xmin = 0.0d+00
pmeta%xmax = 1.0d+00
pmeta%ymin = 0.0d+00
pmeta%ymax = 1.0d+00
pmeta%zmin = 0.0d+00
pmeta%zmax = 1.0d+00
else ! allocate
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Cannot allocate metablock!"
end if ! allocate
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the meta block allocation
@ -1003,7 +1034,7 @@ module blocks
subroutine deallocate_metablock(pmeta)
subroutine deallocate_metablock(pmeta, status)
! import external procedures
@ -1016,6 +1047,7 @@ module blocks
! subroutine arguments
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
integer , intent(out) :: status
! local variables
@ -1088,7 +1120,7 @@ module blocks
! release the memory occupied by the block
deallocate(pmeta, stat = status)
! nullify the pointer to the deallocated meta block
@ -1100,6 +1132,7 @@ module blocks
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Null pointer argument to meta block!"
status = 1
end if
@ -3955,6 +3988,10 @@ module blocks
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(in) :: pprev
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(out) :: pmeta
! local variables
integer :: status
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::insert_metablock_after()'
@ -3963,7 +4000,11 @@ module blocks
! allocate memory for the new meta block
call allocate_metablock(pmeta)
call allocate_metablock(pmeta, status)
! quit if block couldn't be allocated
if (status /= 0) return
! if pprev is associated, insert the new block after it
@ -4058,6 +4099,10 @@ module blocks
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(in) :: pnext
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(out) :: pmeta
! local variables
integer :: status
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::insert_metablock_before()'
@ -4066,7 +4111,11 @@ module blocks
! allocate memory for the new meta block
call allocate_metablock(pmeta)
call allocate_metablock(pmeta, status)
! quit if block couldn't be allocated
if (status /= 0) return
! if pnext is associated, insert the new block before it
Reference in New Issue
Block a user