Add the initial Python module to read data from AMUN's files.

So far only reading of HDF5 files is supported. Also only attributes and
datasets can be read. Datasets are rescaled to the efficient resolution
simply by replicating cell values.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2018-01-16 13:29:32 -02:00
parent fe117327d1
commit 27f7e9038e

python/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
adaptive mesh.
Copyright (C) 2018 Grzegorz Kowal <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
module: AMUN
Python module with subroutines to read AMUN code HDF5 files.
The only requirements for this module are:
- h5py
- numpy
import h5py as h5
import numpy as np
import os.path as op
def amun_attribute(fname, aname):
Subroutine to reads global attributes from AMUN HDF5 snapshots.
fname - the AMUN HDF5 file name;
aname - the attribute name;
Return values:
ret - the value read from the attribute;
time = amun_attribute('p000010_00000.h5', 'time')
# open the file
f = h5.File(fname, 'r')
# check if the file is written in the AMUN format
if f.attrs.get('code')[0].astype(str) != "AMUN" or \
not 'attributes' in f or \
not 'coordinates' in f or \
not 'variables' in f:
print('It seems this HDF5 file is corrupted or not compatible with the AMUN format!')
return False
# open the group of attributes
g = f['attributes'].attrs
# get attribute's value
ret = g.get(aname)
if len(ret) == 1:
ret = ret[0]
# close the file
# return the value of attribute
return ret
def amun_dataset(fname, vname):
Subroutine to reads dataset from AMUN HDF5 snapshots.
fname - the AMUN HDF5 file name;
vname - the variable name;
Return values:
ret - the array of values for the variable;
dn = amun_dataset('p000010_00000.h5', 'dens')
# open the file
f = h5.File(fname, 'r')
# check if the file is written in the AMUN format
if f.attrs.get('code')[0].astype(str) != "AMUN" or \
not 'attributes' in f or \
not 'coordinates' in f or \
not 'variables' in f:
print('It seems this HDF5 file is corrupted or not compatible with the AMUN format!')
return False
# build the list of supported variables
variables = []
for var in f['variables'].keys():
# check if the requested variable is in the variable list
if not vname in variables:
print('The requested variable cannot be extracted from the file datasets!')
return False
# get attributes necessary to reconstruct the domain
g = f['attributes'].attrs
# get the snapshot number, the number of domain files, and the number of blocks
nr = g.get('isnap')[0]
nc = g.get('nprocs')[0]
nl = g.get('nleafs')[0]
# prepare array to hold data
bm = g.get('dims')
if bm[2] > 1:
ndims = 3
ndims = 2
rm = g.get('rdims')
ng = g.get('nghosts')
ml = g.get('maxlev')[0]
dm = rm[0:ndims] * bm[0:ndims] * 2**(ml - 1)
ret = np.zeros(dm[::-1])
# iterate over all subdomain files
dname = op.dirname(fname)
for n in range(nc):
lname = op.join(dname, 'p%06d_%05d.h5' % (nr, n))
f = h5.File(lname, 'r')
g = f['attributes'].attrs
dblocks = g.get('dblocks')[0]
if dblocks > 0:
g = f['coordinates']
levels = g['levels'][()]
coords = g['coords'][()]
g = f['variables']
if ndims == 3:
dataset = g[vname][ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,:]
for l in range(dblocks):
nn = 2**(ml - levels[l])
cm = bm * nn
ibeg = coords[:,l] * cm[:]
iend = ibeg + cm[:]
ib, jb, kb = ibeg[0], ibeg[1], ibeg[2]
ie, je, ke = iend[0], iend[1], iend[2]
ret[kb:ke,jb:je,ib:ie] = np.repeat(np.repeat(np.repeat(dataset[:,:,:,l], nn, axis = 0), nn, axis = 1), nn, axis = 2)
dataset = g[vname][0,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,:]
for l in range(dblocks):
nn = 2**(ml - levels[l])
cm = bm[0:ndims] * nn
ibeg = coords[:,l] * cm[:]
iend = ibeg + cm[:]
ib, jb = ibeg[0], ibeg[1]
ie, je = iend[0], iend[1]
ret[jb:je,ib:ie] = np.repeat(np.repeat(dataset[:,:,l], nn, axis = 0), nn, axis = 1)
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
fname = './p000030_00000.h5'
ret = amun_attribute(fname, 'time')
ret = amun_attribute(fname, 'dims')
ret = amun_dataset(fname, 'dens')
print(ret.shape, ret.min(), ret.max())