From a93bf0daea363f81ba609cc550c544c50634e63a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 08:46:42 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 01/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Determine ci5(:) coefficients using
 di5(:) in OCMP5.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 7 +++++--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index cf8b6e6..600690b 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -5360,8 +5360,11 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
             di  = [ 5.0163016d-01, 1.0d+00, 2.5394716d-01 ]
     real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-            ci5 = [-4.44553d-03,8.101861d-02, 9.9428149d-01,                   &
-                                6.6721233d-01, 1.751043d-02 ]
+            ci5 = [- 3.0d+00 * di(1) - 3.0d+00 * di(3) + 2.0d+00,              &
+                     2.7d+01 * di(1) + 1.7d+01 * di(3) - 1.3d+01,              &
+                     4.7d+01 * di(1) - 4.3d+01 * di(3) + 4.7d+01,              &
+                   - 1.3d+01 * di(1) + 7.7d+01 * di(3) + 2.7d+01,              &
+                     2.0d+00 * di(1) + 1.2d+01 * di(3) - 3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
     real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
             ce5 = [ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
     real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &

From a8d85390b4e0a4ec4da9968c0d7257d1d23b0503 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 12:28:17 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 02/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Update coefficients of the MP7LD

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 57 ++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index 600690b..02bb288 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -4338,66 +4338,48 @@ module interpolations
 !         Journal on Computational Physics,
 !         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
+!     [2] Jian Fang, Yufeng Yao, Zhaorui Li, Lipeng Lu,
+!         "Investigation of low-dissipation monotonicity-preserving scheme
+!          for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows",
+!         Computers & Fluids,
+!         2014, vol. 104, pp. 55-72,
   subroutine reconstruct_mp7ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! local variables are not implicit by default
     implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
     integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
     real(kind=8), dimension(8), parameter ::                                   &
-                    ce7 = [-8.00d+00, 6.80d+01,-2.82d+02, 9.22d+02,            &
-                            6.77d+02,-1.35d+02, 1.9d+01, -1.0d+00 ] / 1.26d+03
+        ce7 = [-3.9d+01, 3.53d+02,-1.579d+03, 5.645d+03, 5.015d+03,            &
+                                  -1.201d+03, 2.27d+02, -2.1d+01 ] / 8.4d+03
     real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-                    ce5 = [ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01                          &
-                                            , 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
+        ce5 = [ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
     real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-                    ce3 = [-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
+        ce3 = [-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
     real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter ::                                   &
-                    ce2 = [ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 ]
+        ce2 = [ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 ]
-! get the input vector length
     n = size(fc)
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
     do i = 4, n - 4
       u(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+4))
     end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
     u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
     u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
@@ -4406,29 +4388,18 @@ module interpolations
     u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n  ))
     u(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
 !! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
     do i = 4, n - 4
       u(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+4))
     end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
     u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
     u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
@@ -4437,16 +4408,10 @@ module interpolations
     u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n  ))
     u(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
     i     = n - 1
     fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
     fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))

From 64cc9794e20e63a5b29da57ab98f7ca3bd281962 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 14:17:55 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 03/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Move explicit interpolation

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 133 +++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index 02bb288..f20508c 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -125,6 +125,21 @@ module interpolations
   logical     , save :: positivity = .false.
   logical     , save :: clip       = .false.
+! interpolation coefficients
+  real(kind=8), dimension(9), parameter ::                                     &
+        ce9 = [ 4.000d+00,-4.100d+01, 1.990d+02,-6.410d+02, 1.879d+03,         &
+                1.375d+03,-3.050d+02, 5.500d+01,-5.000d+00 ] / 2.520d+03
+  real(kind=8), dimension(7), parameter ::                                     &
+        ce7 = [-3.000d+00, 2.500d+01,-1.010d+02, 3.190d+02,                    &
+                           2.140d+02,-3.800d+01, 4.000d+00 ] / 4.200d+02
+  real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                     &
+        ce5 = [ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
+  real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                     &
+        ce3 = [-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
+  real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter ::                                     &
+        ce2 = [ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 ]
 ! by default everything is private
@@ -3836,15 +3851,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01             &
-                                                , 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
-                                ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
@@ -3963,18 +3969,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(7), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ce7 = (/-3.0d+00, 2.5d+01,-1.01d+02, 3.19d+02  &
-                                      , 2.14d+02,-3.8d+01, 4.0d+00 /) / 4.2d+02
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01             &
-                                                , 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
-                                ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
@@ -4097,20 +4091,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(9), parameter ::                                   &
-             ce9 = (/ 4.000d+00,-4.100d+01, 1.990d+02,-6.410d+02, 1.879d+03,   &
-                      1.375d+03,-3.050d+02, 5.500d+01,-5.000d+00 /) / 2.520d+03
-    real(kind=8), dimension(7), parameter ::                                   &
-             ce7 = (/-3.000d+00, 2.500d+01,-1.010d+02, 3.190d+02, 2.140d+02,   &
-                     -3.800d+01, 4.000d+00 /) / 4.200d+02
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-             ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-             ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
@@ -4241,12 +4221,8 @@ module interpolations
 ! local parameters
     real(kind=8), dimension(6), parameter ::                                   &
-                              ce5 = [ 1.20d+01,-8.10d+01, 3.09d+02,            &
+        ce5ld = [ 1.20d+01,-8.10d+01, 3.09d+02,                                &
                                       2.09d+02,-3.10d+01, 2.00d+00 ] / 4.2d+02
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-                              ce3 = [-1.00d+00, 5.00d+00, 2.00d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter ::                                   &
-                              ce2 = [ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 ]
@@ -4259,7 +4235,7 @@ module interpolations
 ! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
     do i = 3, n - 3
-      u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
+      u(i) = sum(ce5ld(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
     end do
 ! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
@@ -4288,7 +4264,7 @@ module interpolations
 ! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
     do i = 3, n - 3
-      u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
+      u(i) = sum(ce5ld(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
     end do
 ! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
@@ -4361,14 +4337,8 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
     real(kind=8), dimension(8), parameter ::                                   &
-        ce7 = [-3.9d+01, 3.53d+02,-1.579d+03, 5.645d+03, 5.015d+03,            &
+        ce7ld = [-3.9d+01, 3.53d+02,-1.579d+03, 5.645d+03, 5.015d+03,          &
                                   -1.201d+03, 2.27d+02, -2.1d+01 ] / 8.4d+03
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-        ce5 = [ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-        ce3 = [-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter ::                                   &
-        ce2 = [ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 ]
@@ -4377,7 +4347,7 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
     do i = 4, n - 4
-      u(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+4))
+      u(i) = sum(ce7ld(:) * fc(i-3:i+4))
     end do
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
@@ -4397,7 +4367,7 @@ module interpolations
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
     do i = 4, n - 4
-      u(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+4))
+      u(i) = sum(ce7ld(:) * fi(i-3:i+4))
     end do
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
@@ -4473,18 +4443,9 @@ module interpolations
 ! local parameters
     real(kind=8), dimension(10), parameter ::                                  &
-           ce9 = [ 4.0000d+01,-4.1500d+02, 2.0450d+03,-6.7150d+03,             &
+         ce9ld = [ 4.0000d+01,-4.1500d+02, 2.0450d+03,-6.7150d+03,             &
                    2.0165d+04, 1.5629d+04,-3.6910d+03, 7.4900d+02,             &
                   -9.1000d+01, 4.0000d+00 ] / 2.7720d+04
-    real(kind=8), dimension(7), parameter ::                                   &
-           ce7 = [-3.000d+00, 2.500d+01,-1.010d+02, 3.190d+02, 2.140d+02,      &
-                  -3.800d+01, 4.000d+00 ] / 4.200d+02
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-           ce5 = [ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-           ce3 = [-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter ::                                   &
-           ce2 = [ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 ]
@@ -4497,7 +4458,7 @@ module interpolations
 ! reconstruct the interface state using the 9th order interpolation
     do i = 5, n - 5
-      u(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fc(i-4:i+5))
+      u(i) = sum(ce9ld(:) * fc(i-4:i+5))
     end do
 ! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
@@ -4530,7 +4491,7 @@ module interpolations
 ! reconstruct the interface state using the 9th order interpolation
     do i = 5, n - 5
-      u(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fi(i-4:i+5))
+      u(i) = sum(ce9ld(:) * fi(i-4:i+5))
     end do
 ! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
@@ -4626,12 +4587,6 @@ module interpolations
                                 di  = (/ 3.0d-01, 6.0d-01, 1.0d-01 /)
     real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
                                 ci5 = (/ 1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 1.0d+01 /) / 3.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01             &
-                                                , 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
-                                ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
@@ -4807,12 +4762,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(4), parameter ::                                   &
                                 ci5 = (/ 3.0d+00, 6.7d+01, 4.9d+01             &
                                                          , 1.0d+00 /) / 1.2d+02
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01             &
-                                                , 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
-                                ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
@@ -4981,15 +4930,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
                                 ci  = (/-1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 2.39d+02            &
                                               , 1.59d+02, 4.0d+00 /) / 4.2d+02
-    real(kind=8), dimension(7), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ce7 = (/-3.0d+00, 2.5d+01,-1.01d+02, 3.19d+02  &
-                                      , 2.14d+02,-3.8d+01, 4.0d+00/) / 4.2d+02
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.70d+01            &
-                                               , 2.70d+01,-3.0d+00/) / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
-                                ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00/) / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
@@ -5163,16 +5103,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(6), parameter ::                                   &
                               ci  = [-2.00d+00, 4.20d+01, 6.37d+02,            &
                                       5.57d+02, 2.70d+01,-1.00d+00 ] / 1.26d+03
-    real(kind=8), dimension(7), parameter ::                                   &
-                              ce7 = [-3.0d+00, 2.5d+01,-1.01d+02, 3.19d+02,    &
-                                      2.14d+02,-3.8d+01, 4.0d+00 ] / 4.2d+02
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-                              ce5 = [ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.70d+01,              &
-                                               2.70d+01,-3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-                              ce3 = [-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter ::                                   &
-                              ce2 = [ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 ]
@@ -5330,12 +5260,6 @@ module interpolations
                      4.7d+01 * di(1) - 4.3d+01 * di(3) + 4.7d+01,              &
                    - 1.3d+01 * di(1) + 7.7d+01 * di(3) + 2.7d+01,              &
                      2.0d+00 * di(1) + 1.2d+01 * di(3) - 3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-            ce5 = [ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-            ce3 = [-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter ::                                   &
-            ce2 = [ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 ]
@@ -5593,15 +5517,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.70d+01            &
-                                               , 2.70d+01,-3.0d+00/) / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
-                                ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00/) / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)

From 2e2ff486937c7f95b71f1e72c95ba4658529897e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 16:20:50 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 04/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Rewrite explicit low-dissipation

Introduce a parameter cweight to control the weight toward the central
scheme and so the amount of schemes' dissipation.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 233 +++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index f20508c..f49f022 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ module interpolations
   real(kind=8), save :: ppm_const  = 1.25d+00
+! weight toward central scheme for low-dissipation methods
+  real(kind=8), save :: cweight = 7.0d-01
 ! Gaussian process reconstruction coefficients vector
   real(kind=8), dimension(:)    , allocatable, save :: cgp
@@ -127,6 +131,10 @@ module interpolations
 ! interpolation coefficients
+  real(kind=8), dimension(10), save :: ce9ld
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 8), save :: ce7ld
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ce5ld
   real(kind=8), dimension(9), parameter ::                                     &
         ce9 = [ 4.000d+00,-4.100d+01, 1.990d+02,-6.410d+02, 1.879d+03,         &
                 1.375d+03,-3.050d+02, 5.500d+01,-5.000d+00 ] / 2.520d+03
@@ -240,12 +248,17 @@ module interpolations
     call get_parameter("kappa"               , kappa          )
     call get_parameter("kbeta"               , kbeta          )
     call get_parameter("ppm_const"           , ppm_const      )
+    call get_parameter("central_weight"      , cweight        )
     call get_parameter("cfl"                 , cfl            )
 ! calculate κ = (1 - ν) / ν
     kappa = min(kappa, (1.0d+00 - cfl) / cfl)
+! correct central weight
+    cweight = max(0.0d+00, min(1.0d+00, cweight))
 ! check ngp
     if (mod(ngp,2) == 0 .or. ngp < 3) then
@@ -542,6 +555,21 @@ module interpolations
     ng = nghosts
+! calculate coefficients of the low-dissipation methods
+    ce5ld = [ -           cweight +2.000d+00,  5.00d+00 * cweight -1.300d+01,  &
+              -1.00d+01 * cweight +4.700d+01,  1.00d+01 * cweight +2.700d+01,  &
+              -5.00d+00 * cweight -3.000d+00,             cweight ] / 6.00d+01
+    ce7ld = [  3.00d+00 * cweight -6.000d+00, -2.10d+01 * cweight +5.000d+01,  &
+               6.30d+01 * cweight -2.020d+02, -1.05d+02 * cweight +6.380d+02,  &
+               1.05d+02 * cweight +4.280d+02, -6.30d+01 * cweight -7.600d+01,  &
+               2.10d+01 * cweight +8.000d+00, -3.00d+00 * cweight ] / 8.40d+02
+    ce9ld = [ -2.00d+00 * cweight +4.000d+00,  1.80d+01 * cweight -4.100d+01,  &
+              -7.20d+01 * cweight +1.990d+02,  1.68d+02 * cweight -6.410d+02,  &
+              -2.52d+02 * cweight +1.879d+03,  2.52d+02 * cweight +1.375d+03,  &
+              -1.68d+02 * cweight -3.050d+02,  7.20d+01 * cweight +5.500d+01,  &
+              -1.80d+01 * cweight -5.000d+00,  2.00d+00 * cweight ] / 2.52d+03
 #ifdef PROFILE
 ! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
@@ -640,6 +668,7 @@ module interpolations
     if (verbose) then
       call print_section(verbose, "Interpolations")
       call print_parameter(verbose, "reconstruction"      , name_rec )
       call print_parameter(verbose, "TVD limiter"         , name_tlim)
@@ -660,6 +689,7 @@ module interpolations
         call print_parameter(verbose, "clip extrema"        , "off"    )
       end if
+      call print_parameter(verbose, "central weight", cweight)
     end if
@@ -4188,104 +4218,66 @@ module interpolations
 !         Journal on Computational Physics,
 !         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
+!     [2] Jian Fang, Yufeng Yao, Zhaorui Li, Lipeng Lu,
+!         "Investigation of low-dissipation monotonicity-preserving scheme
+!          for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows",
+!         Computers & Fluids,
+!         2014, vol. 104, pp. 55-72,
   subroutine reconstruct_mp5ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! local variables are not implicit by default
     implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
     integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(6), parameter ::                                   &
-        ce5ld = [ 1.20d+01,-8.10d+01, 3.09d+02,                                &
-                                      2.09d+02,-3.10d+01, 2.00d+00 ] / 4.2d+02
-! get the input vector length
     n = size(fc)
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
     do i = 3, n - 3
       u(i) = sum(ce5ld(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
     end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-3:n-1))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n  ))
-    u(n  ) =              fc(n      )
+    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:2))
+    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:3))
+    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:n))
+    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n))
+    u(n  ) =              fc(n    )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
 !! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
     do i = 3, n - 3
       u(i) = sum(ce5ld(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
     end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-3:n-1))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n  ))
-    u(n  ) =              fi(n      )
+    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:2))
+    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:3))
+    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:n))
+    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n))
+    u(n  ) =              fi(n    )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
     i     = n - 1
     fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
     fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
@@ -4308,18 +4300,7 @@ module interpolations
 !   References:
-!     [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
-!         "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
-!          Time Stepping"
-!         Journal on Computational Physics,
-!         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] Jian Fang, Yufeng Yao, Zhaorui Li, Lipeng Lu,
-!         "Investigation of low-dissipation monotonicity-preserving scheme
-!          for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows",
-!         Computers & Fluids,
-!         2014, vol. 104, pp. 55-72,
@@ -4335,10 +4316,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-    real(kind=8), dimension(8), parameter ::                                   &
-        ce7ld = [-3.9d+01, 3.53d+02,-1.579d+03, 5.645d+03, 5.015d+03,          &
-                                  -1.201d+03, 2.27d+02, -2.1d+01 ] / 8.4d+03
@@ -4350,13 +4327,13 @@ module interpolations
       u(i) = sum(ce7ld(:) * fc(i-3:i+4))
     end do
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
-    u(n-3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-5:n-1))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:n  ))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n  ))
-    u(n  ) =              fc(n      )
+    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:2))
+    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:3))
+    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:5))
+    u(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(n-6:n))
+    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:n))
+    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n))
+    u(n  ) =              fc(n    )
     call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
@@ -4370,13 +4347,13 @@ module interpolations
       u(i) = sum(ce7ld(:) * fi(i-3:i+4))
     end do
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
-    u(n-3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-5:n-1))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:n  ))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n  ))
-    u(n  ) =              fi(n      )
+    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:2))
+    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:3))
+    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:5))
+    u(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(n-6:n))
+    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:n))
+    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n))
+    u(n  ) =              fi(n    )
     call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
@@ -4404,119 +4381,69 @@ module interpolations
 !   References:
-!     [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
-!         "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
-!          Time Stepping"
-!         Journal on Computational Physics,
-!         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
   subroutine reconstruct_mp9ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! local variables are not implicit by default
     implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
     integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(10), parameter ::                                  &
-         ce9ld = [ 4.0000d+01,-4.1500d+02, 2.0450d+03,-6.7150d+03,             &
-                   2.0165d+04, 1.5629d+04,-3.6910d+03, 7.4900d+02,             &
-                  -9.1000d+01, 4.0000d+00 ] / 2.7720d+04
-! get the input vector length
     n = size(fc)
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 9th order interpolation
     do i = 5, n - 5
       u(i) = sum(ce9ld(:) * fc(i-4:i+5))
     end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
-    u(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(  1:  7))
-    u(n-4) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(n-7:n-1))
-    u(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(n-6:n  ))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:n  ))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n  ))
-    u(n  ) =              fc(n      )
+    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:2))
+    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:3))
+    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:5))
+    u(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(  1:7))
+    u(n-4) = sum(ce9(:) * fc(n-8:n))
+    u(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(n-6:n))
+    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:n))
+    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:n))
+    u(n  ) =              fc(n    )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
 !! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 9th order interpolation
     do i = 5, n - 5
       u(i) = sum(ce9ld(:) * fi(i-4:i+5))
     end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
-    u(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(  1:  7))
-    u(n-4) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(n-7:n-1))
-    u(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(n-6:n  ))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:n  ))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n  ))
-    u(n  ) =              fi(n      )
+    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:2))
+    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:3))
+    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:5))
+    u(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(  1:7))
+    u(n-4) = sum(ce9(:) * fi(n-8:n))
+    u(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(n-6:n))
+    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:n))
+    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:n))
+    u(n  ) =              fi(n    )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
     i     = n - 1
     fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
     fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))

From a19e8b885f03693dfe83c5da6065fad9978d7703 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 17:25:19 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 05/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Rewrite compact MP methods.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 346 ++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 128 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index f49f022..a352532 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -4483,55 +4483,39 @@ module interpolations
   subroutine reconstruct_crmp5(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! include external procedures
-    use algebra   , only : tridiag
+    use algebra, only : tridiag
-! local variables are not implicit by default
     implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
     integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: a, b, c
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
     real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-                                di  = (/ 3.0d-01, 6.0d-01, 1.0d-01 /)
+        di5 = [ 3.0d+00, 6.0d+00, 1.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
     real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ci5 = (/ 1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 1.0d+01 /) / 3.0d+01
+        ci5 = [ 1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 1.0d+01 ] / 1.8d+01
-! get the input vector length
     n = size(fc)
-! prepare the diagonals of the tridiagonal matrix
     do i = 1, ng
       a(i) = 0.0d+00
       b(i) = 1.0d+00
       c(i) = 0.0d+00
     end do
     do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      a(i) = di(1)
-      b(i) = di(2)
-      c(i) = di(3)
+      a(i) = di5(1)
+      b(i) = di5(2)
+      c(i) = di5(3)
     end do
     do i = n - ng, n
       a(i) = 0.0d+00
@@ -4541,14 +4525,10 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
-! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
       r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fc(i-1:i+1))
     end do
-! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
     r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
     do i = 3, ng
@@ -4560,32 +4540,20 @@ module interpolations
     r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
     r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
 !! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
       r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fi(i-1:i+1))
     end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
-! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
     r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
     do i = 3, ng
@@ -4597,20 +4565,12 @@ module interpolations
     r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
     r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
     i     = n - 1
     fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
     fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
@@ -4623,6 +4583,128 @@ module interpolations
+! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP7:
+! ----------------------------
+!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the seventh order
+!   Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method.
+!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
+!   References:
+  subroutine reconstruct_crmp7(h, fc, fl, fr)
+    use algebra, only : tridiag
+    implicit none
+    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
+    integer :: n, i
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: a, b, c
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
+! local parameters
+    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
+        di7 = [ 5.0d-01, 1.0d+00, 2.5d-01 ]
+    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
+        ci7 = [-1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 2.39d+02, 1.59d+02, 4.0d+00 ] / 2.4d+02
+    n = size(fc)
+    do i = 1, ng
+      a(i) = 0.0d+00
+      b(i) = 1.0d+00
+      c(i) = 0.0d+00
+    end do
+    do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
+      a(i) = di7(1)
+      b(i) = di7(2)
+      c(i) = di7(3)
+    end do
+    do i = n - ng, n
+      a(i) = 0.0d+00
+      b(i) = 1.0d+00
+      c(i) = 0.0d+00
+    end do
+!! === left-side interpolation ===
+    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
+      r(i) = sum(ci7(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
+    end do
+    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
+    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
+    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
+    do i = 4, ng
+      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
+    end do
+    do i = n - ng, n - 3
+      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
+    end do
+    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:  n))
+    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
+    r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
+    call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
+    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
+!! === right-side interpolation ===
+    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
+    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
+      r(i) = sum(ci7(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
+    end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
+    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
+    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
+    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
+    do i = 4, ng
+      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
+    end do
+    do i = n - ng, n - 3
+      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
+    end do
+    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:  n))
+    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
+    r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
+    call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
+    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
+    i     = n - 1
+    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
+    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
+    fl(n) = fc(n)
+    fr(n) = fc(n)
+  end subroutine reconstruct_crmp7
 ! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP5LD:
 ! ------------------------------
@@ -4798,178 +4880,6 @@ module interpolations
-! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP7:
-! ----------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the seventh order
-!   Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method.
-!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
-!   References:
-!     [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
-!         "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
-!          Time Stepping"
-!         Journal on Computational Physics,
-!         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
-  subroutine reconstruct_crmp7(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! include external procedures
-    use algebra   , only : tridiag
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
-    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
-    integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: a, b, c
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-                                di  = (/ 2.0d+00, 4.0d+00, 1.0d+00/) / 7.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ci  = (/-1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 2.39d+02            &
-                                              , 1.59d+02, 4.0d+00 /) / 4.2d+02
-! get the input vector length
-    n = size(fc)
-! prepare the diagonals of the tridiagonal matrix
-    do i = 1, ng
-      a(i) = 0.0d+00
-      b(i) = 1.0d+00
-      c(i) = 0.0d+00
-    end do
-    do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      a(i) = di(1)
-      b(i) = di(2)
-      c(i) = di(3)
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n
-      a(i) = 0.0d+00
-      b(i) = 1.0d+00
-      c(i) = 0.0d+00
-    end do
-!! === left-side interpolation ===
-! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
-    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum( ci(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
-    end do
-! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
-    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
-    do i = 4, ng
-      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n - 3
-      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:  n))
-    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
-    r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
-    call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
-    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
-!! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
-    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
-    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum( ci(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
-    end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
-! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
-    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
-    do i = 4, ng
-      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n - 3
-      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:  n))
-    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
-    r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
-    call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
-    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
-    i     = n - 1
-    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
-    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
-    fl(n) = fc(n)
-    fr(n) = fc(n)
-  end subroutine reconstruct_crmp7
 ! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP7LD:
 ! ------------------------------

From 352af9a1a68476dd2df5fd49449b5f9344b38c1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 18:19:05 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 06/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Rewrite compact low-dissipation

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 143 +++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index a352532..937f11e 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@ module interpolations
   real(kind=8), dimension(10), save :: ce9ld
   real(kind=8), dimension( 8), save :: ce7ld
   real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ce5ld
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 3), save :: di5ld, di7ld
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 4), save :: ci5ld
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ci7ld
   real(kind=8), dimension(9), parameter ::                                     &
         ce9 = [ 4.000d+00,-4.100d+01, 1.990d+02,-6.410d+02, 1.879d+03,         &
@@ -570,6 +573,17 @@ module interpolations
               -1.68d+02 * cweight -3.050d+02,  7.20d+01 * cweight +5.500d+01,  &
               -1.80d+01 * cweight -5.000d+00,  2.00d+00 * cweight ] / 2.52d+03
+    di5ld = [ -(cweight -3.0d+00) / 6.0d+00, 1.0d+00,                          &
+               (cweight +1.0d+00) / 6.0d+00 ]
+    ci5ld = [ - cweight +2.0d+00, -9.0d+00 * cweight +3.8d+01,                 &
+                9.0d+00 * cweight +2.0d+01, cweight ] / 3.6d+01
+    di7ld = [ -(cweight -4.0d+00) / 8.0d+00, 1.0d+00,                          &
+               (cweight +2.0d+00) / 8.0d+00 ]
+    ci7ld = [   cweight -2.0d+00, -1.50d+01 * cweight +3.8d+01,                &
+               -8.0d+01 * cweight +4.78d+02, 8.0d+01 * cweight +3.18d+02,      &
+                1.5d+01 * cweight +8.00d+00,  -cweight ] / 4.8d+02
 #ifdef PROFILE
 ! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
@@ -4739,56 +4753,34 @@ module interpolations
   subroutine reconstruct_crmp5ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! include external procedures
-    use algebra   , only : tridiag
+    use algebra, only : tridiag
-! local variables are not implicit by default
     implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
     integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: a, b, c
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-                                di  = (/ 2.5d-01, 6.0d-01, 1.5d-01 /)
-    real(kind=8), dimension(4), parameter ::                                   &
-                                ci5 = (/ 3.0d+00, 6.7d+01, 4.9d+01             &
-                                                         , 1.0d+00 /) / 1.2d+02
-! get the input vector length
     n = size(fc)
-! prepare the diagonals of the tridiagonal matrix
     do i = 1, ng
       a(i) = 0.0d+00
       b(i) = 1.0d+00
       c(i) = 0.0d+00
     end do
     do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      a(i) = di(1)
-      b(i) = di(2)
-      c(i) = di(3)
+      a(i) = di5ld(1)
+      b(i) = di5ld(2)
+      c(i) = di5ld(3)
     end do
     do i = n - ng, n
       a(i) = 0.0d+00
@@ -4798,14 +4790,10 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
-! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fc(i-1:i+2))
+      r(i) = sum(ci5ld(:) * fc(i-1:i+2))
     end do
-! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
     r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
     do i = 3, ng
@@ -4817,32 +4805,20 @@ module interpolations
     r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
     r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
 !! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fi(i-1:i+2))
+      r(i) = sum(ci5ld(:) * fi(i-1:i+2))
     end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
-! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
     r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
     do i = 3, ng
@@ -4854,20 +4830,12 @@ module interpolations
     r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
     r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
     i     = n - 1
     fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
     fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
@@ -4891,73 +4859,40 @@ module interpolations
 !   References:
-!     [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
-!         "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
-!          Time Stepping"
-!         Journal on Computational Physics,
-!         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
   subroutine reconstruct_crmp7ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! include external procedures
-    use algebra   , only : tridiag
+    use algebra, only : tridiag
-! local variables are not implicit by default
     implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
     real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
     integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: a, b, c
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-                              di  = [ 5.0d+00, 1.2d+01, 4.0d+00 ] / 2.1d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(6), parameter ::                                   &
-                              ci  = [-2.00d+00, 4.20d+01, 6.37d+02,            &
-                                      5.57d+02, 2.70d+01,-1.00d+00 ] / 1.26d+03
-! get the input vector length
     n = size(fc)
-! prepare the diagonals of the tridiagonal matrix
     do i = 1, ng
       a(i) = 0.0d+00
       b(i) = 1.0d+00
       c(i) = 0.0d+00
     end do
     do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      a(i) = di(1)
-      b(i) = di(2)
-      c(i) = di(3)
+      a(i) = di7ld(1)
+      b(i) = di7ld(2)
+      c(i) = di7ld(3)
     end do
     do i = n - ng, n
       a(i) = 0.0d+00
@@ -4967,14 +4902,10 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
-! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum( ci(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
+      r(i) = sum(ci7ld(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
     end do
-! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
     r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
     r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
@@ -4988,32 +4919,20 @@ module interpolations
     r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
     r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
 !! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum( ci(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
+      r(i) = sum(ci7ld(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
     end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
-! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
     r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
     r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
@@ -5027,20 +4946,12 @@ module interpolations
     r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
     r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
     call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
     call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
     fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
     i     = n - 1
     fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
     fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))

From 2d31bb2a4f8acea32b98e675dc6d6c9eea591880 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 18:31:05 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 07/12] ALGEBRA: Implement pentadiagona linear equations

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/algebra.F90 | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/sources/algebra.F90 b/sources/algebra.F90
index 7251e91..97bde8b 100644
--- a/sources/algebra.F90
+++ b/sources/algebra.F90
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module algebra
   public :: quadratic, quadratic_normalized
   public :: cubic, cubic_normalized
   public :: quartic
-  public :: tridiag, invert
+  public :: tridiag, pentadiag, invert
 !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@@ -1148,6 +1148,87 @@ module algebra
+! subroutine PENTADIAG:
+! --------------------
+!   Subroutine solves the system of pentadiagonal linear equations using
+!   PTRANS-I algorithm.
+!   Arguments:
+!     n    - the size of the matrix;
+!     e(:) - the vector of the outer lower off-diagonal values;
+!     c(:) - the vector of the inner lower off-diagonal values;
+!     d(:) - the vector of the diagonal values;
+!     a(:) - the vector of the inner upper off-diagonal values;
+!     b(:) - the vector of the outer upper off-diagonal values;
+!     y(:) - the vector of the right side values;
+!     x(:) - the solution vector;
+!   References:
+!     [1] Askar, S. S., and Karawia, A. A.,
+!         "On Solving Pentadiagonal Linear Systems via Transformations",
+!         Mathematical Problems in Engineering,
+!         2015, Volume 2015, Article ID 232456, 9 pages
+  subroutine pentadiag(n, e, c, d, a, b, y, x)
+    implicit none
+    integer                   , intent(in)  :: n
+    real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in)  :: e, c, d, a, b, y
+    real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: x
+    integer                    :: i
+    real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: al, bt, gm, mu, z
+    mu(1) = d(1)
+    al(1) = a(1) / mu(1)
+    bt(1) = b(1) / mu(1)
+    z (1) = y(1) / mu(1)
+    gm(2) = c(2)
+    mu(2) = d(2) - al(1) * gm(2)
+    al(2) = (a(2) - bt(1) * gm(2)) / mu(2)
+    bt(2) = b(2) / mu(2)
+    z (2) = (y(2) - z(1) * gm(2)) / mu(2)
+    do i = 3, n-2
+      gm(i) = c(i) - al(i-2) * e(i)
+      mu(i) = d(i) - bt(i-2) * e(i) - al(i-1) * gm(i)
+      al(i) = (a(i) - bt(i-1) * gm(i)) / mu(i)
+      bt(i) = b(i) / mu(i)
+      z (i) = (y(i) - z(i-2) * e(i) - z(i-1) * gm(i)) / mu(i)
+    end do
+    gm(n-1) = c(n-1) - al(n-3) * e(n-1)
+    mu(n-1) = d(n-1) - bt(n-3) * e(n-1) - al(n-2) * gm(n-1)
+    al(n-1) = (a(n-1) - bt(n-2) * gm(n-1)) / mu(n-1)
+    gm(n) = c(n) - al(n-2) * e(n)
+    mu(n) = d(n) - bt(n-3) * e(n) - al(n-1) * gm(n)
+    z(n-1) = (y(n-1) - z(n-2) * e(n-1) - z(n-2) * gm(n-1)) / mu(n-1)
+    z(n  ) = (y(n) - z(n-1) * e(n) - z(n-1) * gm(n)) / mu(n)
+    x(n  ) = z(n)
+    x(n-1) = z(n-1) - al(n-1) * x(n)
+    do i = n - 2, 1, -1
+      x(i) = z(i) - al(i) * x(i+1) - bt(i) * x(i+2)
+    end do
+  end subroutine pentadiag
 ! subroutine INVERT:
 ! -----------------

From 20bae9dec1525d720c8be3676b10fac318ee7364 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 19:08:21 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 08/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Implement 9th order Compact MP method.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 144 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index 937f11e..3ec3424 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -380,18 +380,24 @@ module interpolations
       reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp5
       order              = 5
       nghosts            = max(nghosts, 4)
-    case ("crmp5l", "crmp5ld", "CRMP5L", "CRMP5LD")
-      name_rec           =  "5th order Low-Dissipation Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
-      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
-      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp5ld
-      order              = 5
-      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 4)
     case ("crmp7", "CRMP7")
       name_rec           =  "7th order Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
       interfaces         => interfaces_dir
       reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp7
       order              = 7
       nghosts            = max(nghosts, 4)
+    case ("crmp9", "CRMP9")
+      name_rec           =  "9th order Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
+      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
+      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp9
+      order              = 9
+      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 6)
+    case ("crmp5l", "crmp5ld", "CRMP5L", "CRMP5LD")
+      name_rec           =  "5th order Low-Dissipation Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
+      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
+      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp5ld
+      order              = 5
+      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 4)
     case ("crmp7l", "crmp7ld", "CRMP7L", "CRMP7LD")
       name_rec           =  "7th order Low-Dissipation Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
       interfaces         => interfaces_dir
@@ -4719,6 +4725,138 @@ module interpolations
+! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP9:
+! ----------------------------
+!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the 9th order
+!   Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method.
+!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
+!   References:
+  subroutine reconstruct_crmp9(h, fc, fl, fr)
+    use algebra, only : pentadiag
+    implicit none
+    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
+    integer :: n, i
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: e, c, d, a, b
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
+! local parameters
+    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
+        di9 = [ 5.0d+00, 4.0d+01, 6.0d+01, 2.0d+01, 1.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
+    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
+        ci9 = [ 6.0d+00, 4.81d+02, 1.881d+03, 1.281d+03, 1.31d+02 ] / 1.8d+03
+    n = size(fc)
+    do i = 1, ng
+      e(i) = 0.0d+00
+      c(i) = 0.0d+00
+      d(i) = 1.0d+00
+      a(i) = 0.0d+00
+      b(i) = 0.0d+00
+    end do
+    do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
+      e(i) = di9(1)
+      c(i) = di9(2)
+      d(i) = di9(3)
+      a(i) = di9(4)
+      b(i) = di9(5)
+    end do
+    do i = n - ng, n
+      e(i) = 0.0d+00
+      c(i) = 0.0d+00
+      d(i) = 1.0d+00
+      a(i) = 0.0d+00
+      b(i) = 0.0d+00
+    end do
+!! === left-side interpolation ===
+    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
+      r(i) = sum(ci9(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
+    end do
+    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
+    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
+    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
+    r(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(  1:  7))
+    do i = 5, ng
+      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fc(i-4:i+4))
+    end do
+    do i = n - ng, n - 4
+      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fc(i-4:i+4))
+    end do
+    r(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(n-6:  n))
+    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:  n))
+    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
+    r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
+    call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
+!! === right-side interpolation ===
+    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
+    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
+      r(i) = sum(ci9(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
+    end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
+    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
+    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
+    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
+    r(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(  1:  7))
+    do i = 5, ng
+      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fi(i-4:i+4))
+    end do
+    do i = n - ng, n - 4
+      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fi(i-4:i+4))
+    end do
+    r(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(n-6:  n))
+    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:  n))
+    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
+    r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
+    call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
+    i     = n - 1
+    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
+    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
+    fl(n) = fc(n)
+    fr(n) = fc(n)
+  end subroutine reconstruct_crmp9
 ! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP5LD:
 ! ------------------------------

From 662f35ff01f1570eb440ca37880e41b68614417a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 22:08:55 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 09/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Implement 9th order low-dissipation
 Compact MP method.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 146 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 143 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index 3ec3424..68d14a0 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -135,8 +135,9 @@ module interpolations
   real(kind=8), dimension( 8), save :: ce7ld
   real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ce5ld
   real(kind=8), dimension( 3), save :: di5ld, di7ld
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 5), save :: di9ld
   real(kind=8), dimension( 4), save :: ci5ld
-  real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ci7ld
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ci7ld, ci9ld
   real(kind=8), dimension(9), parameter ::                                     &
         ce9 = [ 4.000d+00,-4.100d+01, 1.990d+02,-6.410d+02, 1.879d+03,         &
@@ -404,6 +405,12 @@ module interpolations
       reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp7ld
       order              = 7
       nghosts            = max(nghosts, 4)
+    case ("crmp9l", "crmp9ld", "CRMP9L", "CRMP9LD")
+      name_rec           =  "9th order Low-Dissipation Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
+      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
+      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp9ld
+      order              = 9
+      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 6)
     case ("ocmp5", "OCMP5")
       name_rec           =  "5th order Optimized Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
       interfaces         => interfaces_dir
@@ -582,13 +589,20 @@ module interpolations
     di5ld = [ -(cweight -3.0d+00) / 6.0d+00, 1.0d+00,                          &
                (cweight +1.0d+00) / 6.0d+00 ]
     ci5ld = [ - cweight +2.0d+00, -9.0d+00 * cweight +3.8d+01,                 &
-                9.0d+00 * cweight +2.0d+01, cweight ] / 3.6d+01
+                9.0d+00 * cweight +2.0d+01,  cweight ] / 3.6d+01
     di7ld = [ -(cweight -4.0d+00) / 8.0d+00, 1.0d+00,                          &
                (cweight +2.0d+00) / 8.0d+00 ]
     ci7ld = [   cweight -2.0d+00, -1.50d+01 * cweight +3.8d+01,                &
                -8.0d+01 * cweight +4.78d+02, 8.0d+01 * cweight +3.18d+02,      &
-                1.5d+01 * cweight +8.00d+00,  -cweight ] / 4.8d+02
+                1.5d+01 * cweight +8.00d+00, -cweight ] / 4.8d+02
+    di9ld = [ -2.0d+00 * cweight +5.0d+00, -1.0d+01 * cweight +4.0d+01,        &
+               6.0d+01, 1.0d+01 * cweight +2.0d+01,                            &
+               2.0d+00 * cweight +1.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
+    ci9ld = [ -3.00d+00 * cweight +6.000d+00,-1.75d+02 * cweight +4.810d+02,   &
+              -3.00d+02 * cweight +1.881d+03, 3.00d+02 * cweight +1.281d+03,   &
+               1.75d+02 * cweight +1.310d+02, 3.00d+00 * cweight ] / 1.8d+03
 #ifdef PROFILE
 ! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
@@ -5102,6 +5116,132 @@ module interpolations
+! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP9LD:
+! ------------------------------
+!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the 9th order
+!   low dissipation Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP)
+!   method.
+!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
+!   References:
+  subroutine reconstruct_crmp9ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
+    use algebra, only : pentadiag
+    implicit none
+    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
+    integer :: n, i
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: e, c, d, a, b
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
+    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
+    n = size(fc)
+    do i = 1, ng
+      e(i) = 0.0d+00
+      c(i) = 0.0d+00
+      d(i) = 1.0d+00
+      a(i) = 0.0d+00
+      b(i) = 0.0d+00
+    end do
+    do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
+      e(i) = di9ld(1)
+      c(i) = di9ld(2)
+      d(i) = di9ld(3)
+      a(i) = di9ld(4)
+      b(i) = di9ld(5)
+    end do
+    do i = n - ng, n
+      e(i) = 0.0d+00
+      c(i) = 0.0d+00
+      d(i) = 1.0d+00
+      a(i) = 0.0d+00
+      b(i) = 0.0d+00
+    end do
+!! === left-side interpolation ===
+    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
+      r(i) = sum(ci9ld(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
+    end do
+    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
+    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
+    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
+    r(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(  1:  7))
+    do i = 5, ng
+      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fc(i-4:i+4))
+    end do
+    do i = n - ng, n - 4
+      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fc(i-4:i+4))
+    end do
+    r(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(n-6:  n))
+    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:  n))
+    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
+    r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
+    call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
+    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
+!! === right-side interpolation ===
+    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
+    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
+      r(i) = sum(ci9ld(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
+    end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
+    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
+    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
+    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
+    r(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(  1:  7))
+    do i = 5, ng
+      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fi(i-4:i+4))
+    end do
+    do i = n - ng, n - 4
+      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fi(i-4:i+4))
+    end do
+    r(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(n-6:  n))
+    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:  n))
+    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
+    r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
+    call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
+    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
+    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
+    i     = n - 1
+    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
+    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
+    fl(n) = fc(n)
+    fr(n) = fc(n)
+  end subroutine reconstruct_crmp9ld
 ! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_OCMP5:
 ! -----------------------------

From 325dc36c44334fa7e6b5fc5d2b89a78526a6d89b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 22:19:10 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 10/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Merge regular explicit MP methods.

They are identical to low-dissipation versions with center_weight = 0.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 460 +++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 422 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index 68d14a0..2172982 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ module interpolations
 ! interpolation coefficients
-  real(kind=8), dimension(10), save :: ce9ld
-  real(kind=8), dimension( 8), save :: ce7ld
-  real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ce5ld
+  real(kind=8), dimension(10), save :: ce9a
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 8), save :: ce7a
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ce5a
   real(kind=8), dimension( 3), save :: di5ld, di7ld
   real(kind=8), dimension( 5), save :: di9ld
   real(kind=8), dimension( 4), save :: ci5ld
@@ -357,24 +357,6 @@ module interpolations
       reconstruct_states => reconstruct_mp9
       order              = 9
       nghosts            = max(nghosts, 6)
-    case ("mp5ld", "MP5LD")
-      name_rec           =  "5th order Low-Dissipation Monotonicity Preserving"
-      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
-      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_mp5ld
-      order              = 5
-      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 4)
-    case ("mp7ld", "MP7LD")
-      name_rec           =  "7th order Low-Dissipation Monotonicity Preserving"
-      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
-      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_mp7ld
-      order              = 7
-      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 4)
-    case ("mp9ld", "MP9LD")
-      name_rec           =  "9th order Low-Dissipation Monotonicity Preserving"
-      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
-      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_mp9ld
-      order              = 9
-      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 6)
     case ("crmp5", "CRMP5")
       name_rec           =  "5th order Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
       interfaces         => interfaces_dir
@@ -573,18 +555,18 @@ module interpolations
 ! calculate coefficients of the low-dissipation methods
-    ce5ld = [ -           cweight +2.000d+00,  5.00d+00 * cweight -1.300d+01,  &
-              -1.00d+01 * cweight +4.700d+01,  1.00d+01 * cweight +2.700d+01,  &
-              -5.00d+00 * cweight -3.000d+00,             cweight ] / 6.00d+01
-    ce7ld = [  3.00d+00 * cweight -6.000d+00, -2.10d+01 * cweight +5.000d+01,  &
-               6.30d+01 * cweight -2.020d+02, -1.05d+02 * cweight +6.380d+02,  &
-               1.05d+02 * cweight +4.280d+02, -6.30d+01 * cweight -7.600d+01,  &
-               2.10d+01 * cweight +8.000d+00, -3.00d+00 * cweight ] / 8.40d+02
-    ce9ld = [ -2.00d+00 * cweight +4.000d+00,  1.80d+01 * cweight -4.100d+01,  &
-              -7.20d+01 * cweight +1.990d+02,  1.68d+02 * cweight -6.410d+02,  &
-              -2.52d+02 * cweight +1.879d+03,  2.52d+02 * cweight +1.375d+03,  &
-              -1.68d+02 * cweight -3.050d+02,  7.20d+01 * cweight +5.500d+01,  &
-              -1.80d+01 * cweight -5.000d+00,  2.00d+00 * cweight ] / 2.52d+03
+    ce5a = [ -           cweight +2.000d+00,  5.00d+00 * cweight -1.300d+01,   &
+             -1.00d+01 * cweight +4.700d+01,  1.00d+01 * cweight +2.700d+01,   &
+             -5.00d+00 * cweight -3.000d+00,             cweight ] / 6.00d+01
+    ce7a = [  3.00d+00 * cweight -6.000d+00, -2.10d+01 * cweight +5.000d+01,   &
+              6.30d+01 * cweight -2.020d+02, -1.05d+02 * cweight +6.380d+02,   &
+              1.05d+02 * cweight +4.280d+02, -6.30d+01 * cweight -7.600d+01,   &
+              2.10d+01 * cweight +8.000d+00, -3.00d+00 * cweight ] / 8.40d+02
+    ce9a = [ -2.00d+00 * cweight +4.000d+00,  1.80d+01 * cweight -4.100d+01,   &
+             -7.20d+01 * cweight +1.990d+02,  1.68d+02 * cweight -6.410d+02,   &
+             -2.52d+02 * cweight +1.879d+03,  2.52d+02 * cweight +1.375d+03,   &
+             -1.68d+02 * cweight -3.050d+02,  7.20d+01 * cweight +5.500d+01,   &
+             -1.80d+01 * cweight -5.000d+00,  2.00d+00 * cweight ] / 2.52d+03
     di5ld = [ -(cweight -3.0d+00) / 6.0d+00, 1.0d+00,                          &
                (cweight +1.0d+00) / 6.0d+00 ]
@@ -3873,374 +3855,8 @@ module interpolations
 ! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP5:
 ! --------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
-!   Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method.
-!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
-!   References:
-!     [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
-!         "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
-!          Time Stepping"
-!         Journal on Computational Physics,
-!         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
-  subroutine reconstruct_mp5(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
-    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
-    integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! get the input vector length
-    n = size(fc)
-!! === left-side interpolation ===
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
-    do i = 3, n - 2
-      u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
-    end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
-    u(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
-    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
-!! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
-    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
-    do i = 3, n - 2
-      u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
-    end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
-    u(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
-    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
-    i     = n - 1
-    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
-    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
-    fl(n) = fc(n)
-    fr(n) = fc(n)
-  end subroutine reconstruct_mp5
-! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP7:
-! --------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the seventh order
-!   Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method.
-!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
-!   References:
-!     [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
-!         "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
-!          Time Stepping"
-!         Journal on Computational Physics,
-!         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
-  subroutine reconstruct_mp7(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
-    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
-    integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! get the input vector length
-    n = size(fc)
-!! === left-side interpolation ===
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
-    do i = 4, n - 3
-      u(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:  n))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
-    u(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
-    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
-!! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
-    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
-    do i = 4, n - 3
-      u(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:  n))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
-    u(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
-    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
-    i     = n - 1
-    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
-    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
-    fl(n) = fc(n)
-    fr(n) = fc(n)
-  end subroutine reconstruct_mp7
-! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP9:
-! --------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the ninth order
-!   Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method.
-!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
-!   References:
-!     [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
-!         "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
-!          Time Stepping"
-!         Journal on Computational Physics,
-!         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
-  subroutine reconstruct_mp9(h, fc, fl, fr)
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! subroutine arguments
-    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-! local variables
-    integer :: n, i
-! local arrays for derivatives
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! get the input vector length
-    n = size(fc)
-!! === left-side interpolation ===
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 9th order interpolation
-    do i = 5, n - 4
-      u(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fc(i-4:i+4))
-    end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
-    u(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(  1:  7))
-    u(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(n-6:  n))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:  n))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
-    u(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
-    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
-!! === right-side interpolation ===
-! invert the cell-centered value vector
-    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-! reconstruct the interface state using the 9th order interpolation
-    do i = 5, n - 4
-      u(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fi(i-4:i+4))
-    end do
-! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
-! of lower orders
-    u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    u(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    u(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
-    u(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(  1:  7))
-    u(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(n-6:  n))
-    u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:  n))
-    u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
-    u(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
-    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-! update the interpolation of the first and last points
-    i     = n - 1
-    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
-    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
-    fl(n) = fc(n)
-    fr(n) = fc(n)
-  end subroutine reconstruct_mp9
-! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP5LD:
-! ----------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
-!   low dissipation Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method.
+!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the 5th order
+!   Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method with adjustable dissipation.
 !   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
@@ -4261,7 +3877,7 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_mp5ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_mp5(h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
@@ -4281,7 +3897,7 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
     do i = 3, n - 3
-      u(i) = sum(ce5ld(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
+      u(i) = sum(ce5a(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
     end do
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:2))
@@ -4299,7 +3915,7 @@ module interpolations
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
     do i = 3, n - 3
-      u(i) = sum(ce5ld(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
+      u(i) = sum(ce5a(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
     end do
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:2))
@@ -4320,25 +3936,25 @@ module interpolations
-  end subroutine reconstruct_mp5ld
+  end subroutine reconstruct_mp5
-! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP7LD:
-! ----------------------------
+! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP7:
+! --------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the seventh order
-!   low dissipation Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method.
+!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the 7th order
+!   Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method with adjustable dissipation.
 !   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
 !   References:
+!     - See RECONSTRUCT_MP5
-  subroutine reconstruct_mp7ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_mp7(h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
@@ -4358,7 +3974,7 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
     do i = 4, n - 4
-      u(i) = sum(ce7ld(:) * fc(i-3:i+4))
+      u(i) = sum(ce7a(:) * fc(i-3:i+4))
     end do
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:2))
@@ -4378,7 +3994,7 @@ module interpolations
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
     do i = 4, n - 4
-      u(i) = sum(ce7ld(:) * fi(i-3:i+4))
+      u(i) = sum(ce7a(:) * fi(i-3:i+4))
     end do
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:2))
@@ -4401,15 +4017,15 @@ module interpolations
-  end subroutine reconstruct_mp7ld
+  end subroutine reconstruct_mp7
-! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP9LD:
-! ----------------------------
+! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP9:
+! --------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the ninth order
-!   low dissipation Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method.
+!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the 9th order
+!   Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method with adjustable dissipation.
 !   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
@@ -4419,7 +4035,7 @@ module interpolations
-  subroutine reconstruct_mp9ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
+  subroutine reconstruct_mp9(h, fc, fl, fr)
     implicit none
@@ -4439,7 +4055,7 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
     do i = 5, n - 5
-      u(i) = sum(ce9ld(:) * fc(i-4:i+5))
+      u(i) = sum(ce9a(:) * fc(i-4:i+5))
     end do
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:2))
@@ -4461,7 +4077,7 @@ module interpolations
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
     do i = 5, n - 5
-      u(i) = sum(ce9ld(:) * fi(i-4:i+5))
+      u(i) = sum(ce9a(:) * fi(i-4:i+5))
     end do
     u(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:2))
@@ -4486,7 +4102,7 @@ module interpolations
-  end subroutine reconstruct_mp9ld
+  end subroutine reconstruct_mp9

From 71290e573123e053d37355229bd50c5f23b695b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 22:28:55 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 11/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Remove regular compact MP methods.

They are identical to low-dissipation methods with central_weight = 0.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 505 ++++---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 455 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index 2172982..384a948 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ module interpolations
   real(kind=8), dimension(10), save :: ce9a
   real(kind=8), dimension( 8), save :: ce7a
   real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ce5a
-  real(kind=8), dimension( 3), save :: di5ld, di7ld
-  real(kind=8), dimension( 5), save :: di9ld
-  real(kind=8), dimension( 4), save :: ci5ld
-  real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ci7ld, ci9ld
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 3), save :: di5a, di7a
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 5), save :: di9a
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 4), save :: ci5a
+  real(kind=8), dimension( 6), save :: ci7a, ci9a
   real(kind=8), dimension(9), parameter ::                                     &
         ce9 = [ 4.000d+00,-4.100d+01, 1.990d+02,-6.410d+02, 1.879d+03,         &
@@ -375,24 +375,6 @@ module interpolations
       reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp9
       order              = 9
       nghosts            = max(nghosts, 6)
-    case ("crmp5l", "crmp5ld", "CRMP5L", "CRMP5LD")
-      name_rec           =  "5th order Low-Dissipation Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
-      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
-      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp5ld
-      order              = 5
-      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 4)
-    case ("crmp7l", "crmp7ld", "CRMP7L", "CRMP7LD")
-      name_rec           =  "7th order Low-Dissipation Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
-      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
-      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp7ld
-      order              = 7
-      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 4)
-    case ("crmp9l", "crmp9ld", "CRMP9L", "CRMP9LD")
-      name_rec           =  "9th order Low-Dissipation Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
-      interfaces         => interfaces_dir
-      reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp9ld
-      order              = 9
-      nghosts            = max(nghosts, 6)
     case ("ocmp5", "OCMP5")
       name_rec           =  "5th order Optimized Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
       interfaces         => interfaces_dir
@@ -568,23 +550,23 @@ module interpolations
              -1.68d+02 * cweight -3.050d+02,  7.20d+01 * cweight +5.500d+01,   &
              -1.80d+01 * cweight -5.000d+00,  2.00d+00 * cweight ] / 2.52d+03
-    di5ld = [ -(cweight -3.0d+00) / 6.0d+00, 1.0d+00,                          &
-               (cweight +1.0d+00) / 6.0d+00 ]
-    ci5ld = [ - cweight +2.0d+00, -9.0d+00 * cweight +3.8d+01,                 &
-                9.0d+00 * cweight +2.0d+01,  cweight ] / 3.6d+01
+    di5a = [ -(cweight -3.0d+00) / 6.0d+00, 1.0d+00,                           &
+              (cweight +1.0d+00) / 6.0d+00 ]
+    ci5a = [ - cweight +2.0d+00, -9.0d+00 * cweight +3.8d+01,                  &
+               9.0d+00 * cweight +2.0d+01,  cweight ] / 3.6d+01
-    di7ld = [ -(cweight -4.0d+00) / 8.0d+00, 1.0d+00,                          &
-               (cweight +2.0d+00) / 8.0d+00 ]
-    ci7ld = [   cweight -2.0d+00, -1.50d+01 * cweight +3.8d+01,                &
-               -8.0d+01 * cweight +4.78d+02, 8.0d+01 * cweight +3.18d+02,      &
-                1.5d+01 * cweight +8.00d+00, -cweight ] / 4.8d+02
+    di7a = [ -(cweight -4.0d+00) / 8.0d+00, 1.0d+00,                           &
+              (cweight +2.0d+00) / 8.0d+00 ]
+    ci7a = [   cweight -2.0d+00, -1.50d+01 * cweight +3.8d+01,                 &
+              -8.0d+01 * cweight +4.78d+02, 8.0d+01 * cweight +3.18d+02,       &
+               1.5d+01 * cweight +8.00d+00, -cweight ] / 4.8d+02
-    di9ld = [ -2.0d+00 * cweight +5.0d+00, -1.0d+01 * cweight +4.0d+01,        &
-               6.0d+01, 1.0d+01 * cweight +2.0d+01,                            &
-               2.0d+00 * cweight +1.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
-    ci9ld = [ -3.00d+00 * cweight +6.000d+00,-1.75d+02 * cweight +4.810d+02,   &
-              -3.00d+02 * cweight +1.881d+03, 3.00d+02 * cweight +1.281d+03,   &
-               1.75d+02 * cweight +1.310d+02, 3.00d+00 * cweight ] / 1.8d+03
+    di9a = [ -2.0d+00 * cweight +5.0d+00, -1.0d+01 * cweight +4.0d+01,         &
+              6.0d+01, 1.0d+01 * cweight +2.0d+01,                             &
+              2.0d+00 * cweight +1.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
+    ci9a = [ -3.00d+00 * cweight +6.000d+00,-1.75d+02 * cweight +4.810d+02,    &
+             -3.00d+02 * cweight +1.881d+03, 3.00d+02 * cweight +1.281d+03,    &
+              1.75d+02 * cweight +1.310d+02, 3.00d+00 * cweight ] / 1.8d+03
 #ifdef PROFILE
 ! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
@@ -4109,8 +4091,9 @@ module interpolations
 ! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP5:
 ! ----------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
-!   Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method.
+!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the 5th order
+!   Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method with
+!   adjustable dissipation.
 !   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
@@ -4122,12 +4105,12 @@ module interpolations
 !         Journal on Computational Physics,
 !         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
+!     [2] Jian Fang, Yufeng Yao, Zhaorui Li, Lipeng Lu,
+!         "Investigation of low-dissipation monotonicity-preserving scheme
+!          for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows",
+!         Computers & Fluids,
+!         2014, vol. 104, pp. 55-72,
@@ -4147,11 +4130,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: a, b, c
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-        di5 = [ 3.0d+00, 6.0d+00, 1.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+00
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-        ci5 = [ 1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 1.0d+01 ] / 1.8d+01
@@ -4163,9 +4141,9 @@ module interpolations
       c(i) = 0.0d+00
     end do
     do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      a(i) = di5(1)
-      b(i) = di5(2)
-      c(i) = di5(3)
+      a(i) = di5a(1)
+      b(i) = di5a(2)
+      c(i) = di5a(3)
     end do
     do i = n - ng, n
       a(i) = 0.0d+00
@@ -4176,7 +4154,7 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fc(i-1:i+1))
+      r(i) = sum(ci5a(:) * fc(i-1:i+2))
     end do
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
@@ -4201,7 +4179,7 @@ module interpolations
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fi(i-1:i+1))
+      r(i) = sum(ci5a(:) * fi(i-1:i+2))
     end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
@@ -4236,8 +4214,9 @@ module interpolations
 ! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP7:
 ! ----------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the seventh order
-!   Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method.
+!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the 7th order
+!   Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method with
+!   adjustable dissipation.
 !   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
@@ -4263,13 +4242,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: a, b, c
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter ::                                   &
-        di7 = [ 5.0d-01, 1.0d+00, 2.5d-01 ]
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-        ci7 = [-1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 2.39d+02, 1.59d+02, 4.0d+00 ] / 2.4d+02
@@ -4281,9 +4253,9 @@ module interpolations
       c(i) = 0.0d+00
     end do
     do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      a(i) = di7(1)
-      b(i) = di7(2)
-      c(i) = di7(3)
+      a(i) = di7a(1)
+      b(i) = di7a(2)
+      c(i) = di7a(3)
     end do
     do i = n - ng, n
       a(i) = 0.0d+00
@@ -4294,7 +4266,7 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci7(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
+      r(i) = sum(ci7a(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
     end do
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
@@ -4321,7 +4293,7 @@ module interpolations
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci7(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
+      r(i) = sum(ci7a(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
     end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
@@ -4359,7 +4331,8 @@ module interpolations
 ! ----------------------------
 !   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the 9th order
-!   Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method.
+!   Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method with
+!   adjustable dissipation.
 !   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
@@ -4385,13 +4358,6 @@ module interpolations
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: e, c, d, a, b
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
     real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-! local parameters
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-        di9 = [ 5.0d+00, 4.0d+01, 6.0d+01, 2.0d+01, 1.0d+00 ] / 6.0d+01
-    real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter ::                                   &
-        ci9 = [ 6.0d+00, 4.81d+02, 1.881d+03, 1.281d+03, 1.31d+02 ] / 1.8d+03
@@ -4405,11 +4371,11 @@ module interpolations
       b(i) = 0.0d+00
     end do
     do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      e(i) = di9(1)
-      c(i) = di9(2)
-      d(i) = di9(3)
-      a(i) = di9(4)
-      b(i) = di9(5)
+      e(i) = di9a(1)
+      c(i) = di9a(2)
+      d(i) = di9a(3)
+      a(i) = di9a(4)
+      b(i) = di9a(5)
     end do
     do i = n - ng, n
       e(i) = 0.0d+00
@@ -4422,7 +4388,7 @@ module interpolations
 !! === left-side interpolation ===
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci9(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
+      r(i) = sum(ci9a(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
     end do
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
@@ -4451,7 +4417,7 @@ module interpolations
     fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
     do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci9(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
+      r(i) = sum(ci9a(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
     end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
     r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
@@ -4487,377 +4453,6 @@ module interpolations
-! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP5LD:
-! ------------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
-!   Low-Dissipation Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP)
-!   method.
-!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
-!   References:
-!     [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
-!         "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
-!          Time Stepping"
-!         Journal on Computational Physics,
-!         1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
-!     [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
-!         "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
-!          scheme",
-!         Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
-!         Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
-!     [3] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J.,
-!         "Compact Reconstruction Schemes With Weighted ENO Limiting For
-!          Hyperbolic Conservation Laws",
-!         SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
-!         2012, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. A1678-A1705,
-  subroutine reconstruct_crmp5ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
-    use algebra, only : tridiag
-    implicit none
-    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-    integer :: n, i
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: a, b, c
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-    n = size(fc)
-    do i = 1, ng
-      a(i) = 0.0d+00
-      b(i) = 1.0d+00
-      c(i) = 0.0d+00
-    end do
-    do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      a(i) = di5ld(1)
-      b(i) = di5ld(2)
-      c(i) = di5ld(3)
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n
-      a(i) = 0.0d+00
-      b(i) = 1.0d+00
-      c(i) = 0.0d+00
-    end do
-!! === left-side interpolation ===
-    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci5ld(:) * fc(i-1:i+2))
-    end do
-    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    do i = 3, ng
-      r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n - 2
-      r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
-    end do
-    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
-    r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-    call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
-!! === right-side interpolation ===
-    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci5ld(:) * fi(i-1:i+2))
-    end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
-    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    do i = 3, ng
-      r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n - 2
-      r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
-    end do
-    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
-    r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-    call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-    i     = n - 1
-    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
-    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
-    fl(n) = fc(n)
-    fr(n) = fc(n)
-  end subroutine reconstruct_crmp5ld
-! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP7LD:
-! ------------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the seventh order
-!   low dissipation Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP)
-!   method.
-!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
-!   References:
-  subroutine reconstruct_crmp7ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
-    use algebra, only : tridiag
-    implicit none
-    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-    integer :: n, i
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: a, b, c
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-    n = size(fc)
-    do i = 1, ng
-      a(i) = 0.0d+00
-      b(i) = 1.0d+00
-      c(i) = 0.0d+00
-    end do
-    do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      a(i) = di7ld(1)
-      b(i) = di7ld(2)
-      c(i) = di7ld(3)
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n
-      a(i) = 0.0d+00
-      b(i) = 1.0d+00
-      c(i) = 0.0d+00
-    end do
-!! === left-side interpolation ===
-    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci7ld(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
-    end do
-    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
-    do i = 4, ng
-      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n - 3
-      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:  n))
-    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
-    r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-    call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
-!! === right-side interpolation ===
-    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci7ld(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
-    end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
-    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
-    do i = 4, ng
-      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n - 3
-      r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
-    end do
-    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:  n))
-    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
-    r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-    call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n))
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-    i     = n - 1
-    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
-    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
-    fl(n) = fc(n)
-    fr(n) = fc(n)
-  end subroutine reconstruct_crmp7ld
-! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP9LD:
-! ------------------------------
-!   Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the 9th order
-!   low dissipation Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP)
-!   method.
-!   Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
-!   References:
-  subroutine reconstruct_crmp9ld(h, fc, fl, fr)
-    use algebra, only : pentadiag
-    implicit none
-    real(kind=8)              , intent(in)  :: h
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: fc
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:), intent(out) :: fl, fr
-    integer :: n, i
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: fi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: e, c, d, a, b
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: r
-    real(kind=8), dimension(size(fc)) :: u
-    n = size(fc)
-    do i = 1, ng
-      e(i) = 0.0d+00
-      c(i) = 0.0d+00
-      d(i) = 1.0d+00
-      a(i) = 0.0d+00
-      b(i) = 0.0d+00
-    end do
-    do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
-      e(i) = di9ld(1)
-      c(i) = di9ld(2)
-      d(i) = di9ld(3)
-      a(i) = di9ld(4)
-      b(i) = di9ld(5)
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n
-      e(i) = 0.0d+00
-      c(i) = 0.0d+00
-      d(i) = 1.0d+00
-      a(i) = 0.0d+00
-      b(i) = 0.0d+00
-    end do
-!! === left-side interpolation ===
-    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci9ld(:) * fc(i-2:i+3))
-    end do
-    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc(  1:  2))
-    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(  1:  3))
-    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(  1:  5))
-    r(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(  1:  7))
-    do i = 5, ng
-      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fc(i-4:i+4))
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n - 4
-      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fc(i-4:i+4))
-    end do
-    r(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(n-6:  n))
-    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4:  n))
-    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2:  n))
-    r(n  ) =              fc(n      )
-    call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
-    call mp_limiting(fc(:), u(:))
-    fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
-!! === right-side interpolation ===
-    fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
-    do i = ng, n - ng + 1
-      r(i) = sum(ci9ld(:) * fi(i-2:i+3))
-    end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
-    r(  1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi(  1:  2))
-    r(  2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(  1:  3))
-    r(  3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(  1:  5))
-    r(  4) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(  1:  7))
-    do i = 5, ng
-      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fi(i-4:i+4))
-    end do
-    do i = n - ng, n - 4
-      r(i) = sum(ce9(:) * fi(i-4:i+4))
-    end do
-    r(n-3) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(n-6:  n))
-    r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4:  n))
-    r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2:  n))
-    r(n  ) =              fi(n      )
-    call pentadiag(n, e(:), c(:), d(:), a(:), b(:), r(:), u(:))
-    call mp_limiting(fi(:), u(:))
-    fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
-    i     = n - 1
-    fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
-    fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
-    fl(n) = fc(n)
-    fr(n) = fc(n)
-  end subroutine reconstruct_crmp9ld
 ! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_OCMP5:
 ! -----------------------------

From 7bf0635c6ed7dde4c4bc79aa1b1447fa2ebcd48c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 22:30:50 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 12/12] INTERPOLATIONS: Set central_weight to zero by default.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 sources/interpolations.F90 | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/sources/interpolations.F90 b/sources/interpolations.F90
index 384a948..9a8d6e4 100644
--- a/sources/interpolations.F90
+++ b/sources/interpolations.F90
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ module interpolations
 ! weight toward central scheme for low-dissipation methods
-  real(kind=8), save :: cweight = 7.0d-01
+  real(kind=8), save :: cweight = 0.0d+00
 ! Gaussian process reconstruction coefficients vector