diff --git a/src/io.F90 b/src/io.F90 index 399f687..0489e73 100644 --- a/src/io.F90 +++ b/src/io.F90 @@ -147,11 +147,6 @@ module io ! integer(kind=4) , save :: rtoplev = 1, nfiles = 1 -! the coefficient related to the difference between the maximum level stored in -! the restart file and set through the configuration file -! - integer(kind=4) , save :: ucor = 1, dcor = 1 - ! array of pointer used during job restart ! type(pointer_meta), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: block_array @@ -1578,16 +1573,6 @@ module io call finalize_coordinates(ierr) call initialize_coordinates(.false., ierr) -! calculate a factor to rescale the block coordinates -! - dcor = 2**(toplev - maxlev) - - else - -! calculate a factor to rescale the block coordinates -! - ucor = 2**(maxlev - lmaxlev) - end if ! allocate space for seeds @@ -2140,15 +2125,6 @@ module io call read_array(gid, 'corners', nm(1:4), corners(:,:,:,:)) #endif /* NDIMS == 3 */ -! check if the maximum level has been changed, is so, rescale block coordinates -! - if (dcor .gt. 1) then - cor(:,:) = cor(:,:) / dcor - end if - if (ucor .gt. 1) then - cor(:,:) = cor(:,:) * ucor - end if - ! reset the block counter ! l = 0