IO: Rewrite read_restart_snapshot_xml().

This subroutine now used the new XML module to parge XML files. It also
used new subroutine read_binary_xml() to read binary files.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2023-08-11 19:41:00 -03:00
parent 64966c3eb3
commit 14fad08f47

View File

@ -1103,7 +1103,6 @@ module io
use evolution , only : step, time, dt, dth, dte
use evolution , only : niterations, nrejections, errs
use forcing , only : nmodes, fcoefs, einj
use hash , only : hash_info, check_digest, digest_integer
use helpers , only : print_message
use iso_c_binding, only : c_loc
#ifdef MPI
@ -1111,33 +1110,30 @@ module io
#endif /* MPI */
use mpitools , only : nprocs, nproc
use random , only : gentype, set_seeds
use XML , only : XMLNode, XMLParseFile, XMLFreeTree, &
implicit none
integer, intent(out) :: status
type(XMLNode), pointer :: xml_ptr
logical :: test
character(len=255) :: dname, fname, line, sname, svalue
character(len=256) :: snapshot_path, file_path
character(len= 16) :: aname
integer :: il, iu, nl, nx, nm, nd, nv, i, j, l, n, p, nu, nr
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: k
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
integer(kind=4) :: lndims, lnprocs, lnproc, lmblocks, lnleafs, llast_id
integer(kind=4) :: ldblocks, lncells, lnghosts, lnseeds, lnmodes
integer(kind=4) :: lncells, lnghosts, lnseeds, lnmodes
integer(kind=8) :: bytes
real(kind=8) :: deinj
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
integer :: dtype, dlen
integer(kind=4) :: lun = 104
integer(kind=8) :: bytes, pbytes, ubytes
integer(kind=8) :: hfield, hchild, hface, hedge, hcorner, hbound
integer(kind=8) :: hids, hseed, hforce
integer(kind=8), dimension(:) , allocatable :: hprim, hcons
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable, target :: ids
integer(kind=4), dimension(:,:) , allocatable, target :: fields
integer(kind=4), dimension(:,:) , allocatable, target :: children
@ -1162,141 +1158,65 @@ module io
status = 0
write(dname, "(a,'restart-',i5.5)") trim(respath), nrest
write(snapshot_path, "(a,'restart-',i5.5)") trim(respath), nrest
inquire(directory=dname, exist=test)
inquire(directory=snapshot_path, exist=test)
#else /* __INTEL_COMPILER */
inquire(file=dname, exist=test)
inquire(file=snapshot_path, exist=test)
#endif /* __INTEL_COMPILER */
if (.not. test) then
call print_message(loc, trim(dname) // " does not exist!")
call print_message(loc, trim(snapshot_path) // " does not exist!")
status = 121
end if
dname = trim(dname) // "/"
snapshot_path = trim(snapshot_path) // "/"
file_path = trim(snapshot_path) // "metadata.xml"
write(fname,"(a,'metadata.xml')") trim(dname)
inquire(file=fname, exist=test)
inquire(file=file_path, exist=test)
if (.not. test) then
call print_message(loc, trim(fname) // " does not exist!")
call print_message(loc, "The file '" // trim(file_path) // &
"' does not exist.")
status = 121
end if
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, status='old')
10 read(lun, fmt="(a)", end=20) line
if (index(line, '<Attribute') > 0) then
il = index(line, 'name="')
if (il > 0) then
il = il + 6
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
write(sname,*) line(il:iu)
il = index(line, '>') + 1
iu = index(line, '<', back=.true.) - 1
write(svalue,*) line(il:iu)
call XMLParseFile(file_path, xml_ptr, status)
select case(trim(adjustl(sname)))
read(svalue, fmt=*) lndims
read(svalue, fmt=*) lnprocs
read(svalue, fmt=*) lnproc
read(svalue, fmt=*) lmblocks
read(svalue, fmt=*) ldblocks
read(svalue, fmt=*) lnleafs
read(svalue, fmt=*) llast_id
read(svalue, fmt=*) lncells
read(svalue, fmt=*) lnghosts
read(svalue, fmt=*) lnseeds
read(svalue, fmt=*) step
read(svalue, fmt=*) isnap
read(svalue, fmt=*) nv
read(svalue, fmt=*) lnmodes
read(svalue, fmt=*) xmin
read(svalue, fmt=*) xmax
read(svalue, fmt=*) ymin
read(svalue, fmt=*) ymax
read(svalue, fmt=*) zmin
read(svalue, fmt=*) zmax
read(svalue, fmt=*) time
read(svalue, fmt=*) dt
read(svalue, fmt=*) dth
read(svalue, fmt=*) dte
read(svalue, fmt=*) cmax
cmax2 = cmax * cmax
read(svalue, fmt=*) cglm
read(svalue, fmt=*) niterations
read(svalue, fmt=*) nrejections
read(svalue, fmt=*) errs(1)
read(svalue, fmt=*) errs(2)
read(svalue, fmt=*) errs(3)
il = index(line, 'digest_type="') + 13
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call hash_info(line(il:iu), dtype, dlen)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Parallelization', 'nprocs' , lnprocs)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Parallelization', 'nproc' , lnproc)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Physics' , 'nvars' , nv)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Geometry' , 'ndims' , lndims)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Geometry' , 'xmin' , xmin)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Geometry' , 'xmax' , xmax)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Geometry' , 'ymin' , ymin)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Geometry' , 'ymax' , ymax)
#if NDIMS == 3
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Geometry' , 'zmin' , zmin)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Geometry' , 'zmax' , zmax)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Mesh' , 'ncells' , lncells)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Mesh' , 'nghosts' , lnghosts)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Mesh' , 'mblocks' , lmblocks)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Mesh' , 'nleafs' , lnleafs)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Mesh' , 'last_id' , llast_id)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'step' , step)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'time' , time)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'dt' , dt)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'dth' , dth)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'dte' , dte)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'cmax' , cmax)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'cglm' , cglm)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'niterations', niterations)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'nrejections', nrejections)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'errs(1)' , errs(1))
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'errs(2)' , errs(2))
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Evolution' , 'errs(3)' , errs(3))
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Forcing' , 'nmodes' , lnmodes)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Random' , 'nseeds' , lnseeds)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Snapshots' , 'isnap' , isnap)
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hfield)
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hchild)
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hface)
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hedge)
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hcorner)
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hbound)
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hforce)
end select
end if
end if
go to 10
20 close(lun)
cmax2 = cmax * cmax
if (lndims /= NDIMS) then
call print_message(loc, "The number of dimensions does not match!")
@ -1332,44 +1252,31 @@ module io
if (status == 0) then
write(fname,"(a,'metablock_fields.bin')") trim(dname)
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) fields
bytes = size(fields, kind=8) * kind(fields)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(fields), bytes, hfield, dtype)
write(fname,"(a,'metablock_children.bin')") trim(dname)
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) children
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'fields' , c_loc(fields), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
bytes = size(children, kind=8) * kind(children)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(children), bytes, hchild, dtype)
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'children', c_loc(children), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
#if NDIMS == 3
write(fname,"(a,'metablock_faces.bin')") trim(dname)
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) faces
bytes = size(faces, kind=8) * kind(faces)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(faces), bytes, hface, dtype)
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'faces' , c_loc(faces), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
write(fname,"(a,'metablock_edges.bin')") trim(dname)
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) edges
bytes = size(edges, kind=8) * kind(edges)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(edges), bytes, hedge, dtype)
write(fname,"(a,'metablock_corners.bin')") trim(dname)
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) corners
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'edges' , c_loc(edges), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
bytes = size(corners, kind=8) * kind(corners)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(corners), bytes, hcorner, dtype)
write(fname,"(a,'metablock_bounds.bin')") trim(dname)
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) bounds
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'corners' , c_loc(corners), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
bytes = size(bounds, kind=8) * kind(bounds)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(bounds), bytes, hbound, dtype)
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'bounds' , c_loc(bounds), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
l = 0
pmeta => list_meta
@ -1453,14 +1360,14 @@ module io
if (lnmodes == nmodes) then
if (lnmodes > 0) then
allocate(lfcoefs(lnmodes,lndims), stat=status)
if (status == 0) then
write(fname,"(a,'forcing_coefficients.bin')") trim(dname)
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) lfcoefs
bytes = size(lfcoefs, kind=8) * kind(lfcoefs) * 2
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(lfcoefs), bytes, hforce, dtype)
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'forcing', c_loc(lfcoefs), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
fcoefs = lfcoefs
deallocate(lfcoefs, stat=status)
if (status /= 0) &
@ -1475,6 +1382,10 @@ module io
call print_message(loc, "The number of forcing modes does not match!")
end if
! release the XML tree for 'metadata.xml' file
call XMLFreeTree(xml_ptr)
if (nprocs >= lnprocs) then
! spread the restart snapshots reading across new processes so we do not
@ -1496,64 +1407,20 @@ module io
if (nl >= 0) then
write(fname,sfmt) trim(dname), "datablocks", nl, "xml"
inquire(file=fname, exist=test)
write(file_path, sfmt) trim(snapshot_path), "datablocks", nl, "xml"
inquire(file=file_path, exist=test)
if (.not. test) then
write(*,*) trim(fname) // " does not exist!"
call print_message(loc, "The file '" // trim(file_path) // &
"' does not exist.")
status = 121
end if
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, status='old')
30 read(lun, fmt="(a)", end=40) line
if (index(line, '<Attribute') > 0) then
il = index(line, 'name="')
if (il > 0) then
il = il + 6
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
write(sname,*) line(il:iu)
il = index(line, '>') + 1
iu = index(line, '<', back=.true.) - 1
write(svalue,*) line(il:iu)
call XMLParseFile(file_path, xml_ptr, status)
select case(trim(adjustl(sname)))
read(svalue, fmt=*) nd
if (nd > 0) then
allocate(hprim(nd), hcons(nd), stat=status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Could not allocate space for hashes!")
end if
read(svalue, fmt=*) nr
read(svalue, fmt=*) einj
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hids)
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hseed)
end select
if (index(sname, 'prim') > 0) then
read(sname(7:), fmt=*) l
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hprim(l))
end if
if (index(sname, 'cons') > 0) then
read(sname(7:), fmt=*) l
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hcons(l))
end if
end if
end if
go to 30
40 close(lun)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'DataBlocks', 'dblocks', nd)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'DataBlocks', 'nregs' , nr)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Forcing' , 'einj' , einj)
nm = lncells + 2 * lnghosts
if (lnghosts >= nghosts) then
@ -1574,27 +1441,18 @@ module io
if (status == 0) then
write(fname,sfmt) trim(dname), "datablock_ids", nl, "bin"
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) ids
bytes = size(ids, kind=8) * kind(ids)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(ids), bytes, hids, dtype)
ubytes = size(array, kind=8) * kind(array)
pbytes = ubytes / nr
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'ids', c_loc(ids), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
bytes = size(array, kind=8) * kind(array) / nr
do l = 1, nd
call append_datablock(pdata, status)
call link_blocks(block_array(ids(l))%ptr, pdata)
write(fname,"(a,'datablock_prim_',i6.6,'_',i6.6,'.bin')") &
trim(dname), nl, l
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) array(:,:,:,:,1)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(array), &
pbytes, hprim(l), dtype)
write(aname, "('prim_',i6.6)") l
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, aname, c_loc(array), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
if (lnghosts >= nghosts) then
#if NDIMS == 3
@ -1610,13 +1468,9 @@ module io
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
write(fname,"(a,'datablock_cons_',i6.6,'_',i6.6,'.bin')") &
trim(dname), nl, l
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) array
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(array), &
ubytes, hcons(l), dtype)
write(aname, "('cons_',i6.6)") l
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, aname, c_loc(array), &
bytes * nr, xml_ptr, status)
p = min(nregs, nr)
if (lnghosts >= nghosts) then
@ -1634,7 +1488,7 @@ module io
end if
end do
deallocate(ids, array, hprim, hcons, stat=status)
deallocate(ids, array, stat=status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, "Could not release space of datablocks!")
@ -1646,12 +1500,9 @@ module io
if (status == 0) then
write(fname,sfmt) trim(dname), "random_seeds", nl, "bin"
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) seeds
bytes = size(seeds, kind=8) * kind(seeds)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(seeds), bytes, hseed, dtype)
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'seeds', c_loc(seeds), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
call set_seeds(lnseeds, seeds(:,:), .false.)
deallocate(seeds, stat=status)
@ -1661,40 +1512,11 @@ module io
call print_message(loc, "Could not allocate space for seeds!")
end if
call XMLFreeTree(xml_ptr)
else ! nl < 0
write(fname,sfmt) trim(dname), "datablocks", 0, "xml"
inquire(file=fname, exist=test)
if (.not. test) then
write(*,*) trim(fname) // " does not exist!"
status = 121
end if
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, status='old')
50 read(lun, fmt="(a)", end=60) line
if (index(line, '<Attribute') > 0) then
il = index(line, 'name="')
if (il > 0) then
il = il + 6
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
write(sname,*) line(il:iu)
il = index(line, '>') + 1
iu = index(line, '<', back=.true.) - 1
write(svalue,*) line(il:iu)
select case(trim(adjustl(sname)))
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hseed)
end select
end if
end if
go to 50
60 close(lun)
! restore PRNG seeds for remaining processes
! restore PRNG seeds for the remaining processes
if (trim(gentype) == "same") then
@ -1702,14 +1524,24 @@ module io
if (status == 0) then
write(fname,sfmt) trim(dname), "random_seeds", 0, "bin"
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) seeds
write(file_path, sfmt) trim(snapshot_path), "datablocks", 0, "xml"
inquire(file=file_path, exist=test)
if (.not. test) then
call print_message(loc, "The file '" // trim(file_path) // &
"' does not exist.")
status = 121
end if
call XMLParseFile(file_path, xml_ptr, status)
bytes = size(seeds, kind=8) * kind(seeds)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(seeds), bytes, hseed, dtype)
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'seeds', c_loc(seeds), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
call set_seeds(lnseeds, seeds(:,:), .false.)
call XMLFreeTree(xml_ptr)
deallocate(seeds, stat=status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, "Could not release space of seeds!")
@ -1747,66 +1579,21 @@ module io
do n = nl, nu
write(fname,sfmt) trim(dname), "datablocks", n, "xml"
inquire(file=fname, exist=test)
write(file_path, sfmt) trim(snapshot_path), "datablocks", n, "xml"
inquire(file=file_path, exist=test)
if (.not. test) then
write(*,*) trim(fname) // " does not exist!"
call print_message(loc, "The file '" // trim(file_path) // &
"' does not exist.")
status = 121
end if
! read attributes from the metadata file
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, status='old')
70 read(lun, fmt="(a)", end=80) line
if (index(line, '<Attribute') > 0) then
il = index(line, 'name="')
if (il > 0) then
il = il + 6
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
write(sname,*) line(il:iu)
il = index(line, '>') + 1
iu = index(line, '<', back=.true.) - 1
write(svalue,*) line(il:iu)
call XMLParseFile(file_path, xml_ptr, status)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'DataBlocks', 'dblocks', nd)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'DataBlocks', 'nregs' , nr)
call XMLGetElementValue(xml_ptr, 'Forcing' , 'einj' , deinj)
select case(trim(adjustl(sname)))
read(svalue, fmt=*) nd
if (nd > 0) then
allocate(hprim(nd), hcons(nd), stat=status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Could not allocate space for hashes!")
end if
read(svalue, fmt=*) nr
read(svalue, fmt=*) deinj
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hids)
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hseed)
end select
if (index(sname, 'prim') > 0) then
read(sname(7:), fmt=*) l
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hprim(l))
end if
if (index(sname, 'cons') > 0) then
read(sname(7:), fmt=*) l
il = index(line, 'digest="') + 8
iu = index(line(il:), '"') + il - 2
call digest_integer(line(il:iu), hcons(l))
end if
end if
end if
go to 70
80 close(lun)
einj = einj + deinj
nm = lncells + 2 * lnghosts
@ -1828,27 +1615,18 @@ module io
if (status == 0) then
write(fname,sfmt) trim(dname), "datablock_ids", n, "bin"
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) ids
bytes = size(ids, kind=8) * kind(ids)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(ids), bytes, hids, dtype)
ubytes = size(array, kind=8) * kind(array)
pbytes = ubytes / nr
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'ids', c_loc(ids), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
bytes = size(array, kind=8) * kind(array) / nr
do l = 1, nd
call append_datablock(pdata, status)
call link_blocks(block_array(ids(l))%ptr, pdata)
write(fname,"(a,'datablock_prim_',i6.6,'_',i6.6,'.bin')") &
trim(dname), n, l
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) array(:,:,:,:,1)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(array), &
pbytes, hprim(l), dtype)
write(aname, "('prim_',i6.6)") l
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, aname, c_loc(array), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
if (lnghosts >= nghosts) then
#if NDIMS == 3
@ -1864,13 +1642,9 @@ module io
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
write(fname,"(a,'datablock_cons_',i6.6,'_',i6.6,'.bin')") &
trim(dname), n, l
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) array
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(array), &
ubytes, hcons(l), dtype)
write(aname, "('cons_',i6.6)") l
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, aname, c_loc(array), &
bytes * nr, xml_ptr, status)
p = min(nregs, nr)
if (lnghosts >= nghosts) then
@ -1888,28 +1662,41 @@ module io
end if
end do
deallocate(ids, array, hprim, hcons, stat=status)
deallocate(ids, array, stat=status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, "Could not release space of datablocks!")
call print_message(loc, "Could not allocate space for datablocks!")
end if
end if
call XMLFreeTree(xml_ptr)
end do ! n = nl, nu
allocate(seeds(4,lnseeds), stat=status)
if (status == 0) then
write(fname,sfmt) trim(dname), "random_seeds", nproc, "bin"
open(newunit=lun, file=fname, form='unformatted', access='stream')
read(lun) seeds
write(file_path, sfmt) trim(snapshot_path), "datablocks", nproc, "xml"
inquire(file=file_path, exist=test)
if (.not. test) then
call print_message(loc, "The file '" // trim(file_path) // &
"' does not exist.")
status = 121
end if
call XMLParseFile(file_path, xml_ptr, status)
bytes = size(seeds, kind=8) * kind(seeds)
call check_digest(loc, fname, c_loc(seeds), bytes, hseed, dtype)
call read_binary_xml(snapshot_path, 'seeds', c_loc(seeds), &
bytes, xml_ptr, status)
call set_seeds(lnseeds, seeds(:,:), .false.)
call XMLFreeTree(xml_ptr)
deallocate(seeds, stat=status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, "Could not release space of seeds!")
@ -2949,7 +2736,7 @@ module io
integer :: io, item_size
integer :: digest_type, digest_length
integer :: compressor_id, encoder_id
integer(kind=8) :: hash, usize, csize, dsize
integer(kind=8) :: hash, usize, csize
integer(kind=1), dimension(:), pointer :: array
integer(kind=1), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: buffer