EVOLUTION: Rewrite SSPRK4(2)M integration method.
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
This commit is contained in:
@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ module evolution
betas(:) = - betas(:) / 3.0d+00
case ("rk3.m", "ssprk(m,3)", "SSPRK(m,3)")
case ("SSPRK3(2)m", "SSP3(2)m", "ssprk3(2)m", "ssp3(2)m", "SSPRK(m,3)", "ssprk(m,3)")
error_control = .true.
evolve => evolve_ssprk3_m
registers = 3
evolve => evolve_ssprk32m
registers = 4
n = 2
do while(n**2 <= stages)
n = n + 1
@ -288,7 +288,25 @@ module evolution
n = n - 1
stages = max(4, n**2)
cfl = (n - 1) * n * cfl
write(name_int, "('Optimal 3rd order SSPRK(',i0,',3) with error control')") stages
write(name_int, "('3ʳᵈ-order order ',i0,'-step embedded SSPRK3(2)n² method')") stages
betas(:) = [ 5.5d-01, -2.7d-01, 5.0d-02 ]
call get_parameter("beta(1)", betas(1))
call get_parameter("beta(2)", betas(2))
call get_parameter("beta(3)", betas(3))
betas(:) = - betas(:) / 3.0d+00
if (stages == 4 .and. verbose) then
write(*,*) "ADVICE:"
write(*,*) "The method 'SSPRK3(2)m' is primarily designed for n²," // &
" where n > 2. Since you intend to use 4 stages with" // &
" this method, it is highly advised to use method" // &
" 'SSPRK3(2)4', since it slightly better optimized and" // &
" significantly used less memory."
end if
case ("rk4.10", "RK4.10", "ssprk(10,4)", "SSPRK(10,4)")
@ -307,6 +325,8 @@ module evolution
write(*,"(1x,a)") "Available methods: 'euler' 'rk2', 'rk3'," // &
" 'ssprk(m,2)', 'ssprk(4,3)', 'ssprk(5,3)'," // &
" 'ssprk(m,3)', 'ssprk(10,4)'."
write(*,"(1x,a)") "Available embedded methods: 'ssprk3(2)4'," // &
" 'ssprk3(2)m'."
end if
status = 1
@ -1943,30 +1963,31 @@ module evolution
! subroutine EVOLVE_SSPRK3_M:
! subroutine EVOLVE_SSPRK32M:
! --------------------------
! Subroutine advances the solution by one time step using the 3rd order
! m-stage Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta time integration method.
! Subroutine advances the solution by one time step using the 3ʳᵈ-order
! m-stage (m=n²) embedded Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta time
! integration method SSP3(2)m with the error control.
! References:
! [1] Gottlieb, S., Ketcheson, D., Shu C. - W.,
! "Strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta and multistep
! time discretizations",
! World Scientific Publishing, 2011
! [1] Conde, S., Fekete, I., Shadid, J. N.,
! "Embedded error estimation and adaptive step-size control for
! optimal explicit strong stability preserving Runge–Kutta methods"
! 2018, arXiv:1806.08693v1
! [2] Gottlieb, S., Ketcheson, D., Shu, C.-W.,
! "Strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta and multistep time
! discretizations",
! 2011, World Scientific Publishing
subroutine evolve_ssprk3_m()
subroutine evolve_ssprk32m()
use blocks , only : block_data, list_data, get_dblocks
use blocks , only : block_data, list_data
use boundaries , only : boundary_fluxes
use coordinates, only : nc => ncells, nb, ne
use equations , only : errors, nf, ibp, cmax
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : reduce_maximum
#endif /* MPI */
use equations , only : errors, ibp, cmax
use sources , only : update_sources
implicit none
@ -1974,18 +1995,12 @@ module evolution
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
logical , save :: first = .true.
integer , save :: n, n1, n2, n3, n4
real(kind=8), save :: r, f1, f2, g1, g2
integer , save :: i1, i2, i3, i4, n, m
real(kind=8), save :: f1, f2, f3, f4
logical :: test
integer :: i, l, nrej
real(kind=8) :: tm, dtm, ds, umax, emax
real(kind=8) :: fc, fcmn, fcmx
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: lerr
real(kind=8), parameter :: k1 = -5.8d-01 / 3.0d+00, k2 = 7.0d-02, &
k3 = -1.0d-01 / 3.0d+00
integer :: nrej, i
real(kind=8) :: tm, dtm, dh, fc
@ -1995,45 +2010,45 @@ module evolution
if (first) then
n = int(sqrt(1.0d+00 * stages))
n1 = (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 2
n2 = n1 + 1
n3 = n * (n + 1) / 2 - 1
n4 = n * (n + 1) / 2 + 1
n = 2
do while(n**2 < stages)
n = n + 1
end do
m = stages - n
i1 = (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 2
i2 = i1 + 1
i3 = n * (n + 1) / 2
i4 = i3 + 1
r = (1.0d+00 * (2 * n - 1))
f1 = (1.0d+00 * n ) / r
f2 = (1.0d+00 * (n - 1)) / r
r = 1.0d+00 * (stages - n)
g1 = 1.0d+00 / ( stages - n) - 1.0d+00 / stages
g2 = 1.0d+00 / (2 * stages - n) - 1.0d+00 / stages
fc = real(2 * n - 1, kind=8)
f1 = real(n - 1, kind=8) / fc
f2 = real(n , kind=8) / fc
f4 = real(m , kind=8) / stages
f3 = 1.0d+00 - f4
first = .false.
end if
fc = fac
fcmn = facmin
fcmx = facmax
l = get_dblocks()
#if NDIMS == 3
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
allocate(lerr(l,nf,nc,nc, 1))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
test = .true.
nrej = 0
! at the entry point we assume the previous solution of conserved variables U(n)
! is stored in pdata%u(:,:,:,:,1) and the primitive variables are already
! updated from this array;
! pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,1) - the previous solution, U(n)
! pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) - the new 3rd order solution, U(1)
! pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,3) - the intermediate solution, U(2)
! pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,4) - the new 2nd order solution, U(3)
do while(test)
lerr(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
! initiate the fractional time step
dh = dt / m
ds = dt / r
!= 1st step: U(1) = U(n)
!= preparation step: U(1) = U(n)
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
@ -2045,12 +2060,12 @@ module evolution
pdata => pdata%next
end do
!= 2ns step: U(1) = U(1) + dt/r F[U(1)], for i = 1, ..., (n-1)*(n-2)/2
!= 1st step: U(1) = U(1) + dt/r F[U(1)], for i = 1...(n-1)*(n-2)/2
do i = 1, n1
do i = 1, i1
tm = time + i * ds
dtm = ds
tm = time + (i - 1) * dh
dtm = dh
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
@ -2063,29 +2078,19 @@ module evolution
call boundary_fluxes()
l = 1
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) = pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) + ds * pdata%du(:,:,:,:)
#if NDIMS == 3
lerr(l,:,:,:,:) = lerr(l,:,:,:,:) + g1 * pdata%du(:,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
lerr(l,:,:,:,:) = lerr(l,:,:,:,:) + g1 * pdata%du(:,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
l = l + 1
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) = pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) + dh * pdata%du(:,:,:,:)
pdata => pdata%next
end do
call update_variables(tm, dtm)
end do ! n = 1, n1
end do ! i = 1, i1
!= 3rd step: U(2) = U(1)
! iterate over all data blocks
!= 2nd step: U(2) = U(1)
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
@ -2093,15 +2098,14 @@ module evolution
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,3) = pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2)
pdata => pdata%next
end do
!= 4th step: U(1) = U(1) + dt/r F[U(1)], for i = (n-1)*(n-2)/2+1, ..., n*(n+1)/2-1
!= 3rd step: U(1) = U(1) + dt/r F[U(1)], for i = (n-1)*(n-2)/2+1...n*(n+1)/2
do i = n2, n3
do i = i2, i3
tm = time + i * ds
dtm = ds
tm = time + (i - 1) * dh
dtm = dh
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
@ -2114,30 +2118,43 @@ module evolution
call boundary_fluxes()
l = 1
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) = pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) + ds * pdata%du(:,:,:,:)
#if NDIMS == 3
lerr(l,:,:,:,:) = lerr(l,:,:,:,:) + g2 * pdata%du(:,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
lerr(l,:,:,:,:) = lerr(l,:,:,:,:) + g2 * pdata%du(:,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
l = l + 1
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) = pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) + dh * pdata%du(:,:,:,:)
pdata => pdata%next
end do
call update_variables(tm, dtm)
end do ! i = n2, n3
end do ! i = i2, i3
!= 5th step: U(1) = n * U(2) + (n - 1) * ( U(1) + dt/r F[U(1)] ) / (2 * n - 1)
!= 4th step: U(3) = (1 - r/s) * U(n) + r/s * U(1),
! U(1) = [(n - 1) * U(1) + n * U(2)] / (2*n - 1),
! U(3) = U(3) - r/s * U(1)
tm = time + dt
dtm = ds
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,4) = f3 * pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,1) &
+ f4 * pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2)
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) = f1 * pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) &
+ f2 * pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,3)
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,4) = pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,4) &
- f4 * pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2)
pdata => pdata%next
end do
call update_variables(tm, dtm)
!= 6th step: U(1) = U(1) + dt/r F[U(1)], for i = n*(n+1)/2+1...stages
do i = i4, stages
tm = time + (i - 1 - n) * dh
dtm = dh
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
@ -2150,131 +2167,90 @@ module evolution
call boundary_fluxes()
l = 1
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) = f1 * pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,3) &
+ f2 * (pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) &
+ ds * pdata%du(:,:,:,:))
#if NDIMS == 3
lerr(l,:,:,:,:) = lerr(l,:,:,:,:) + g2 * pdata%du(:,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
lerr(l,:,:,:,:) = lerr(l,:,:,:,:) + g2 * pdata%du(:,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
l = l + 1
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) = pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) + dh * pdata%du(:,:,:,:)
pdata => pdata%next
end do
call update_variables(tm, dtm)
!= 6th step: U(1) = U(1) + dt/r F[U(1)], for i = n*(n+1)/2, ..., m
end do ! i = i4, stages
!= 7th step: U(3) = U(3) + r/s * U(1)
do i = n4, stages
tm = time + (i - n) * ds
dtm = ds
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
call update_increment(pdata)
call update_sources(pdata, tm, dtm, pdata%du(:,:,:,:))
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,4) = pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,4) + f4 * pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2)
pdata => pdata%next
end do
call boundary_fluxes()
!= 8th step: decay the magnetic divergence potential of both solutions
if (ibp > 0) then
adecay(:) = exp(aglm(:) * cmax * dt)
l = 1
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) = pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,2) + ds * pdata%du(:,:,:,:)
#if NDIMS == 3
lerr(l,:,:,:,:) = lerr(l,:,:,:,:) + g1 * pdata%du(:,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
lerr(l,:,:,:,:) = lerr(l,:,:,:,:) + g1 * pdata%du(:,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
l = l + 1
pdata%uu(ibp,:,:,:,2) = adecay(pdata%meta%level) &
* pdata%uu(ibp,:,:,:,2)
pdata%uu(ibp,:,:,:,4) = adecay(pdata%meta%level) &
* pdata%uu(ibp,:,:,:,4)
pdata => pdata%next
end do
end if
call update_variables(tm, dtm)
end do ! i = n4, stages
! find umax
! update the vector of errors
umax = 0.0d+00
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
#if NDIMS == 3
umax = max(umax, maxval(abs(pdata%uu(:,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne,1))), &
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
umax = max(umax, maxval(abs(pdata%uu(:,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ,1))), &
maxval(abs(pdata%uu(:,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ,2))))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
pdata => pdata%next
end do
call update_errors(2, 4)
! get the maximum error of each variable
! calculate the tolerance and estimate the next time step due to the error
do l = 1, nf
errors(l) = dt * maxval(abs(lerr(:,l,:,:,:)))
end do
errtol = maxval(errors)
errs(1) = errtol
fc = product(errs(:)**betas(:))
fc = 1.0d+00 + chi * atan((fc - 1.0d+00) / chi)
dte = dt * fc
#ifdef MPI
call reduce_maximum(umax)
call reduce_maximum(errors)
#endif /* MPI */
! calculate tolerance and time step
emax = maxval(errors) / (atol + rtol * umax)
if (emax <= 1.0d+00 .or. nrej >= mrej) then
if (fc > fac .or. nrej >= mrej) then
test = .false.
errs(3) = errs(2)
errs(2) = errs(1)
errs(1) = emax
errtol = emax
dte = dt * min(fcmx, max(fcmn, &
fc * errs(1)**k1 * errs(2)**k2 * errs(3)**k3))
fcmx = facmax
errs(1) = emax
dte = dt * min(fcmx, max(fcmn, &
fc * errs(1)**k1 * errs(2)**k2 * errs(3)**k3))
dt = dte
fcmx = fac
nrej = nrej + 1 ! rejection count in the current step
nrejections = nrejections + 1
! since the solution was rejected, we have to revert the primitive variables
! to the previous state
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
pdata%u => pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,1)
pdata => pdata%next
end do
call update_variables(tm, dtm)
end if
niterations = niterations + 1
end do
if (allocated(lerr)) deallocate(lerr)
!= final step: U(n+1) = U(1)
!= final step: U(n+1) = U(1) - update the accepted solution
tm = time + dt
dtm = dt / r
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
@ -2285,27 +2261,13 @@ module evolution
pdata => pdata%next
end do
call update_variables(tm, dtm)
if (ibp > 0) then
adecay(:) = exp(aglm(:) * cmax * dt)
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
pdata%u(ibp,:,:,:) = adecay(pdata%meta%level) * pdata%u(ibp,:,:,:)
pdata => pdata%next
end do
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine evolve_ssprk3_m
end subroutine evolve_ssprk32m
Reference in New Issue
Block a user