EVOLUTION: Implement 2nd order multi-stage SSPRK integration.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2014-08-26 13:25:31 -03:00
parent 86cf4d059d
commit 074fcb3e54

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@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ module evolution
! evolution parameters
real(kind=8), save :: cfl = 0.5d+00
real(kind=8), save :: cfl = 5.0d-01
integer , save :: stages = 2
! coefficient controlling the decay of scalar potential ѱ
@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ module evolution
! include external procedures
use parameters, only : get_parameter_string, get_parameter_real
use parameters, only : get_parameter_string, get_parameter_real &
, get_parameter_integer
! local variables are not implicit by default
@ -116,7 +118,8 @@ module evolution
! get the integration method and the value of the CFL coefficient
call get_parameter_string("time_advance", integration)
call get_parameter_string ("time_advance", integration)
call get_parameter_integer("stages" , stages )
call get_parameter_real ("cfl" , cfl )
call get_parameter_real ("alpha" , alpha )
@ -135,6 +138,13 @@ module evolution
name_int = "2nd order Runge-Kutta"
evolve => evolve_rk2
case ("ssprk(m,2)", "SSPRK(m,2)")
stages = max(2, min(9, stages))
write(name_int, "('2nd order SSPRK(',i1,',2)')") stages
evolve => evolve_ssprk2
cfl = (stages - 1) * cfl
case ("rk3", "RK3")
name_int = "3rd order Runge-Kutta"
@ -626,6 +636,208 @@ module evolution
! subroutine EVOLVE_SSPRK2:
! ------------------------
! Subroutine advances the solution by one time step using the 2nd order
! m-stage Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta time integration method.
! Up to 9 stages are allowed, due to stability problems with more stages.
! References:
! [1] Gottlieb, S. and Gottlieb, L.-A., J.
! "Strong Stability Preserving Properties of Runge-Kutta Time
! Discretization Methods for Linear Constant Coefficient Operators",
! Journal of Scientific Computing,
! 2003, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 83-109
subroutine evolve_ssprk2()
! include external procedures
use boundaries , only : boundary_variables
use sources , only : update_sources
! include external variables
use blocks , only : block_data, list_data
use coordinates , only : im, jm, km
use equations , only : nv, ibp
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local pointers
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
! local variables
integer :: n
real(kind=8) :: ds
! local saved variables
logical , save :: first = .true.
real(kind=8), save :: ft, fl, fr
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km) :: du
! prepare things which don't change later
if (first) then
! calculate integration coefficients
ft = 1.0d+00 / (stages - 1)
fl = 1.0d+00 / stages
fr = 1.0d+00 - fl
! update first flag
first = .false.
end if
! calculate the fractional time step
ds = ft * dt
!= 1st step: U(0) = U(n)
! assign pdata with the first block on the data block list
pdata => list_data
! iterate over all data blocks
do while (associated(pdata))
! copy conservative array u0 to u1
pdata%u1(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = pdata%u0(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
! update the conservative variable pointer
pdata%u => pdata%u1
! assign pdata to the next block
pdata => pdata%next
end do ! over data blocks
!= 2nd step: U(i) = [1 + dt/(m-1) L] U(i-1), for i = 1, ..., m-1
! integrate intermediate steps
do n = 1, stages - 1
! update fluxes for the first step of the RK2 integration
call update_fluxes()
! assign pdata with the first block on the data block list
pdata => list_data
! iterate over all data blocks
do while (associated(pdata))
! calculate variable increment for the current block
call update_increment(pdata, du(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km))
! add source terms
call update_sources(pdata, du(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km))
! update the solution for the fluid variables
pdata%u1(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = pdata%u1(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km) &
+ ds * du(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
! assign pdata to the next block
pdata => pdata%next
end do ! over data blocks
! update primitive variables
call update_variables()
! update boundaries
call boundary_variables()
end do ! n = 1, stages - 1
!= 3rd step: U(n+1) = 1/m U(0) + (m-1)/m [1 + dt/(m-1) L] U(m-1)
! update fluxes for the last step
call update_fluxes()
! assign pdata with the first block on the data block list
pdata => list_data
! iterate over all data blocks
do while (associated(pdata))
! calculate variable increment for the current block
call update_increment(pdata, du(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km))
! add source terms
call update_sources(pdata, du(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km))
! update the solution for the fluid variables
pdata%u0(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = fl * pdata%u0(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km) &
+ fr * (pdata%u1(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km) &
+ ds * du(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km))
! update the conservative variable pointer
pdata%u => pdata%u0
! update ψ by its source term
if (ibp > 0) pdata%u(ibp,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = &
decay * pdata%u(ibp,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
! assign pointer to the next block
pdata => pdata%next
end do ! over data blocks
! update primitive variables
call update_variables()
! update boundaries
call boundary_variables()
end subroutine evolve_ssprk2
! subroutine EVOLVE_RK3:
! ---------------------