MESH: Add a common workspace to be used in various modules.
This workspace removes the necessity of allocating the local subroutine arrays. It is allocated once in initialize_mesh() and can be used in any place of the code. By default, the size of this workspace is controlled by the block dimensions, the number of variables, and the simulation dimension, but it can be controlled by a parameter 'workspace_size'. Additionally, there is a logical flag 'work_in_use' exported from this module to permit the verification if the workspace is currently in use. Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,27 +43,36 @@ module mesh
integer , save :: imi, ims, img, imu, ima, imp, imr
#endif /* PROFILE */
! file handler for the mesh statistics
! the handler of the mesh statistics file
integer, save :: funit = 11
! flag indicating that the block structure or distribution has changed
! the size of the common workspace
integer, save :: nwork = 0
! the flag indicating that the workspace is in use
logical, save :: work_in_use = .false.
! the flag indicating that the block structure or distribution has changed
logical, save :: changed = .true.
! dimensions of the temporary array used in the block prolongation
! the dimensions of the temporary array used in the block prolongation
integer, dimension(3), save :: pm = 1
! by default everything is private
! the common workspace to use for local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: work
! declare public subroutines
public :: initialize_mesh, finalize_mesh
public :: generate_mesh, update_mesh
public :: redistribute_blocks, store_mesh_stats
public :: work, work_in_use
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -91,8 +100,12 @@ module mesh
subroutine initialize_mesh(nrun, status)
use coordinates, only : ni => ncells, ng => nghosts, toplev
use coordinates , only : nn => bcells, ni => ncells, ng => nghosts
use coordinates , only : toplev
use equations , only : nf
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
use mpitools , only : master, nprocs
use parameters , only : get_parameter
implicit none
@ -102,6 +115,8 @@ module mesh
character(len=64) :: fn
integer :: l, n
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'MESH::initialize_mesh()'
#ifdef PROFILE
@ -158,10 +173,24 @@ module mesh
end if ! master
! prepare dimensions of the prolongation array
! prepare the dimensions of the prolongation array
pm(1:NDIMS) = 2 * (ni + ng)
! get the requested size of the workspace
call get_parameter('workspace_size', nwork)
nwork = max(nwork, (2 * NDIMS + 1) * nf * nn**NDIMS)
! allocate the workspace
allocate(work(nwork), stat=status)
if (status /= 0) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Cannot allocate the common workspace!"
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
@ -201,6 +230,8 @@ module mesh
if (master) close(funit)
if (allocated(work)) deallocate(work)
#ifdef PROFILE
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
Reference in New Issue
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