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!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <>.
2012-07-22 22:26:51 -03:00
!! module: COORDINATES
!! This module provides variables and subroutines handling the coordinates
!! for all refinement levels.
2012-07-22 22:26:51 -03:00
module coordinates
! module variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! the domain block dimensions
integer, save :: nn = 8, in = 8, jn = 8, kn = 1
! the number of ghost zones
integer, save :: ng = 2, nh = 1, nd = 4
! the domain block dimensions including the ghost zones
integer, save :: im = 12, jm = 12, km = 1
! the domain division
integer, save :: ir = 1, jr = 1, kr = 1
! the limits of refinement level
integer, save :: minlev = 1, maxlev = 1, toplev = 1
! block indices
integer, save :: ih = 6, jh = 6, kh = 1
integer, save :: ib = 3, jb = 3, kb = 1
integer, save :: ie = 10, je = 10, ke = 1
integer, save :: ibl = 2, jbl = 2, kbl = 1
integer, save :: ibu = 4, jbu = 4, kbu = 1
integer, save :: iel = 9, jel = 9, kel = 1
integer, save :: ieu = 11, jeu = 11, keu = 1
! the domain bounds
real, save :: xmin = 0.0d0
real, save :: xmax = 1.0d0
real, save :: xlen = 1.0d0
real, save :: ymin = 0.0d0
real, save :: ymax = 1.0d0
real, save :: ylen = 1.0d0
real, save :: zmin = 0.0d0
real, save :: zmax = 1.0d0
real, save :: zlen = 1.0d0
! the effective resolution of the full domain
integer,dimension(NDIMS), save :: effres = 1
! the block coordinates for all levels of refinement
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: ax , ay , az
real, dimension(: ), allocatable, save :: adx , ady , adz, adr
real, dimension(: ), allocatable, save :: adxi, adyi, adzi
real, dimension(: ), allocatable, save :: advol
! the block resolution in the units of effective resolution for all levels
integer(kind=4), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: res
! by default everything is private
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! ---------------------------------
! Subroutine initializes mesh coordinates and other coordinate parameters.
subroutine initialize_coordinates(flag)
! include external procedures and variables
use parameters, only : get_parameter_integer, get_parameter_real
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
logical, intent(in) :: flag
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k, l
integer :: ni, nj, nk
logical :: info
! local arrays
integer(kind=4), dimension(3) :: cm, rm, dm
! obtain the number of cells along each block dimension in the case when all
! dimensions are the same
call get_parameter_integer("ncells", nn )
! set the block dimensions
in = nn
jn = nn
#if NDIMS == 3
kn = nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! change individual block dimension if set
call get_parameter_integer("icells", in )
call get_parameter_integer("jcells", jn )
#if NDIMS == 3
call get_parameter_integer("kcells", kn )
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! obtain the number of ghost zones
call get_parameter_integer("nghost", ng )
! calculate half and double of the number of ghose zones
nh = ng / 2
nd = ng * 2
! calculate the block dimensions including ghost cells
im = in + 2 * ng
jm = jn + 2 * ng
#if NDIMS == 3
km = kn + 2 * ng
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calculate block indices
ih = im / 2
ib = ng + 1
ie = ng + in
ibl = ib - 1
ibu = ib + ng - 1
iel = ie - ng + 1
ieu = ie + 1
jh = jm / 2
jb = ng + 1
je = ng + jn
jbl = jb - 1
jbu = jb + ng - 1
jel = je - ng + 1
jeu = je + 1
#if NDIMS == 3
kh = km / 2
kb = ng + 1
ke = ng + kn
kbl = kb - 1
kbu = kb + ng - 1
kel = ke - ng + 1
keu = ke + 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! obtain the refinement level bounds
call get_parameter_integer("minlev", minlev)
call get_parameter_integer("maxlev", maxlev)
! set the top level
toplev = maxlev
! obtain the domain base division
call get_parameter_integer("rdimx" , ir )
call get_parameter_integer("rdimy" , jr )
#if NDIMS == 3
call get_parameter_integer("rdimz" , kr )
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! obtain the domain bounds
call get_parameter_real ("xmin" , xmin )
call get_parameter_real ("xmax" , xmax )
call get_parameter_real ("ymin" , ymin )
call get_parameter_real ("ymax" , ymax )
call get_parameter_real ("zmin" , zmin )
call get_parameter_real ("zmax" , zmax )
! allocate space for coordinate variables and resolutions
allocate(ax (toplev, im))
allocate(ay (toplev, jm))
allocate(az (toplev, km))
allocate(adx (toplev))
allocate(ady (toplev))
allocate(adz (toplev))
allocate(adr (toplev))
allocate(adxi (toplev))
allocate(adyi (toplev))
allocate(adzi (toplev))
allocate(res (toplev, 3))
! reset all coordinate variables to initial values
ax (:,:) = 0.0d0
ay (:,:) = 0.0d0
az (:,:) = 0.0d0
adx (:) = 1.0d0
ady (:) = 1.0d0
adz (:) = 1.0d0
adr (:) = 1.0d0
adxi (:) = 1.0d0
adyi (:) = 1.0d0
adzi (:) = 1.0d0
advol(:) = 1.0d0
res (:,:) = 1
! generate the coordinate variables for each level
do l = 1, toplev
! calculate the block resolution at each level
j = 2**(l - 1)
ni = in * j
nj = jn * j
nk = kn * j
! calculate the cell sizes for each level
adx (l) = (xmax - xmin) / (ir * ni)
ady (l) = (ymax - ymin) / (jr * nj)
#if NDIMS == 3
adz (l) = (zmax - zmin) / (kr * nk)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
adr (l) = sqrt(adx(l)**2 + ady(l)**2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
adr (l) = sqrt(adx(l)**2 + ady(l)**2 + adz(l)**2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calculate the inverse of cell size
adxi(l) = 1.0d0 / adx(l)
adyi(l) = 1.0d0 / ady(l)
#if NDIMS == 3
adzi(l) = 1.0d0 / adz(l)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calculate the block coordinates for each level
ax(l,:) = ((/(i, i = 1, im)/) - ng - 0.5d0) * adx(l)
ay(l,:) = ((/(j, j = 1, jm)/) - ng - 0.5d0) * ady(l)
#if NDIMS == 3
az(l,:) = ((/(k, k = 1, km)/) - ng - 0.5d0) * adz(l)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calculate the cell volume at each level
advol(l) = adx(l) * ady(l) * adz(l)
! calculate the effective block resolution at each level
j = 2**(maxlev - l)
res(l,1) = max(1, in * j)
res(l,2) = max(1, jn * j)
#if NDIMS == 3
res(l,3) = max(1, kn * j)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
! print general information about the level resolutions
if (flag) then
! the base resolution
cm(1) = ir * in
cm(2) = jr * jn
cm(3) = kr * kn
! the effective resolution
rm(1) = ir * res(1,1)
rm(2) = jr * res(1,2)
rm(3) = kr * res(1,3)
! the effective resolution
effres(1:NDIMS) = rm(1:NDIMS)
! the top level block division
dm(1) = rm(1) / in
dm(2) = rm(2) / jn
dm(3) = rm(3) / kn
! print info
write(*,"(1x,a)" ) "Geometry:"
write(*,"(4x,a, 1x,i6)" ) "refinement to level =", toplev
write(*,"(4x,a,3(1x,i6))") "base configuration =", ir, jr, kr
write(*,"(4x,a,3(1x,i6))") "top level blocks =", dm(:)
write(*,"(4x,a, 1x,i6)" ) "maxium cover blocks =", product(dm(:))
write(*,"(4x,a,3(1x,i6))") "base resolution =", cm(1:NDIMS)
write(*,"(4x,a,3(1x,i6))") "effective resolution =", rm(1:NDIMS)
end if ! master
end subroutine initialize_coordinates
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine deallocates mesh coordinates.
subroutine finalize_coordinates()
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! deallocating coordinate variables
if (allocated(ax) ) deallocate(ax)
if (allocated(ay) ) deallocate(ay)
if (allocated(az) ) deallocate(az)
if (allocated(adx) ) deallocate(adx)
if (allocated(ady) ) deallocate(ady)
if (allocated(adz) ) deallocate(adz)
if (allocated(adr) ) deallocate(adr)
if (allocated(adxi) ) deallocate(adxi)
if (allocated(adyi) ) deallocate(adyi)
if (allocated(adzi) ) deallocate(adzi)
if (allocated(advol)) deallocate(advol)
if (allocated(res) ) deallocate(res)
end subroutine finalize_coordinates
end module