2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
# include configuration
ifeq ($(wildcard make.config),make.config)
$(info )
$(info Using customized "$(wildcard make.config)" file.)
$(info )
include make.config
$(info )
$(info Could not find the customized "make.config" file!)
$(info )
$(info Copy "make.default" to "make.config" and customize it, if you do not want the default configuration.)
$(info )
$(shell sleep 5)
include make.default
# host variables
HOST := $(shell hostname -f)
OS := $(shell uname)
DATE := $(shell date +%Y%m%d%H%M)
include hosts/default
ifeq ($(wildcard hosts/$(HOST)),hosts/$(HOST))
$(info Using compiler setup from "hosts/$(HOST)" file.)
$(info )
include hosts/$(HOST)
2008-12-08 15:31:35 -06:00
# pass additional flags to the compiler
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
2008-12-08 15:31:35 -06:00
# number of dimensions
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
2008-12-08 15:31:35 -06:00
# output data format
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
2008-12-08 15:31:35 -06:00
# precision
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
2008-12-08 15:31:35 -06:00
# time integration method
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
2008-12-08 15:31:35 -06:00
# set of equations
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
2008-12-08 15:31:35 -06:00
# equation of state
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
2008-12-08 15:31:35 -06:00
# flux approximation method
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
.SUFFIXES: .F90 .o
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.F90
name = godunov-amr
default: $(name).x
2008-12-09 20:37:31 -06:00
sources = blocks.F90 boundaries.F90 config.F90 driver.F90 error.F90 \
evolution.F90 interpolation.F90 io.F90 mesh.F90 problem.F90 \
scheme.F90 timer.F90
objects = blocks.o boundaries.o config.o driver.o error.o \
evolution.o interpolation.o io.o mesh.o problem.o \
scheme.o timer.o
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
files = $(sources) makefile make.default config.in license.txt hosts
$(name).x: $(objects)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(objects) $(LIBS) -o $(name).x
arch: $(files)
tar czvf $(name)-$(DATE).tar.gz $(files)
rm -rf *.x *.o *.mod *.il
rm -rf *.x *.o *.mod *.il *.out *.dat *.bin *.h5 *.hdf *~ gprof.txt
2008-11-05 22:33:04 -06:00
blocks.o : blocks.F90 config.o
2008-12-12 16:39:03 -06:00
boundaries.o : boundaries.F90 blocks.o config.o error.o interpolation.o
2008-11-05 22:16:24 -06:00
config.o : config.F90 error.o
2008-12-07 18:57:08 -06:00
driver.o : driver.F90 config.o evolution.o io.o mesh.o timer.o
2008-11-05 22:16:24 -06:00
error.o : error.F90
2008-12-09 20:37:31 -06:00
evolution.o : evolution.F90 blocks.o boundaries.o config.o mesh.o scheme.o
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
interpolation.o : interpolation.F90
2008-12-03 23:36:07 -06:00
io.o : io.F90 blocks.o error.o
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
mesh.o : mesh.F90 blocks.o config.o error.o interpolation.o problem.o
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
problem.o : problem.F90 blocks.o
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
scheme.o : scheme.F90 blocks.o config.o interpolation.o
2008-12-07 14:06:04 -06:00
timer.o : timer.F90
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00