2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
!! module: mesh - handling adaptive mesh structure
!! Copyright (C) 2008 Grzegorz Kowal <kowal@astro.wisc.edu>
!! This file is part of Godunov-AMR.
!! Godunov-AMR is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! Godunov-AMR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module mesh
implicit none
2008-12-09 14:51:33 -06:00
! minimum grid step
real, save :: dx_min = 1.0
2008-12-08 20:03:01 -06:00
! space steps for all levels of refinements
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: ax , ay , az
real, dimension(: ), allocatable, save :: adx , ady , adz
real, dimension(: ), allocatable, save :: adxi, adyi, adzi
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
! init_mesh: subroutine initializes mesh by creating blocks according
! to the geometry, initial problem and refinement criterium
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
subroutine init_mesh
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
use config , only : iblocks, jblocks, kblocks, ncells &
2008-12-08 20:03:01 -06:00
, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, maxlev, ngrids
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
use blocks , only : list_allocated, init_blocks, clear_blocks &
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
, allocate_blocks, refine_block, block, nchild, ndims, plist, last_id
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
use error , only : print_info
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
use problem, only : init_problem, check_ref
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
implicit none
! local variables
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
type(block), pointer :: pblock, pparent, pchild, pneigh
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
integer(kind=4) :: l, p, i, j, k, n
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
character(len=32) :: bstr, tstr
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
! check if the list is allocated, if yes deallocate it
if (list_allocated()) then
call print_info("mesh::init_mesh", "Block list is allocated, deallocate it!")
call clear_blocks
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
! print information
write(*,"(1x,a)" ) "Generating initial mesh:"
write(*,"(4x,a,1x,i6)") "refining to max. level =", maxlev
write(*,"(4x,a,1x,i6)") "effective resolution =", ncells*2**maxlev
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
! allocate initial structure of blocks according the the defined geometry
! TODO: by default we initiate 2x2=4 blocks in N configuration
! TODO: in the future allow user to define an arbitrary shape
call init_blocks
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
call allocate_blocks('N', xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
! at this point we assume, that the initial structure of blocks
! according to the defined geometry is already created; no refinement
! is done yet; we fill out these blocks with the initial condition
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
pblock => plist
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
do while (associated(pblock))
! set level
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
pblock%level = 1
pblock%refine = 0
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
! set initial conditions
call init_problem(pblock)
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
! assign pointer to the next block
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
pblock => pblock%next
end do
! at this point the inital blocks are allocated and set for refinement,
! so iterate over all levels from 1 to maxlevel and create sub-blocks,
! set the initial conditions for each, check criterium and set for
! refinement according to the criterium fullfilment
! TODO: iterate over all levels, set neighbors of refined blocks for
2008-12-06 23:54:19 -06:00
! refinement too, to keep the level jump not larger then 1,
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
! refine blocks, set inital conditions at newly created block,
! and finally check the criterium
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
write(*,"(4x,a,$)") "refining level = "
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
do l = 1, maxlev-1
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
! print information
write(*,"(1x,i2,$)") l
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! iterate over all blocks and check refinement criterion
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
pblock => plist
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
do while (associated(pblock))
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! check refinements criterion for the current block
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
if (pblock%leaf .eq. 'T' .and. pblock%level .lt. maxlev) then
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
pblock%refine = check_ref(pblock)
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
! do not allow for derefinement initially
if (pblock%refine .eq. -1) &
pblock%refine = 0
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
pblock%refine = 0
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! assign pointer to the next block
2008-12-05 14:04:12 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
pblock => pblock%next
2008-12-05 14:04:12 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
end do
! iterate over all blocks and select the neighbors of refined blocks for refinement
do n = l, 2, -1
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
pblock => plist
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
do while (associated(pblock))
! check if block is a leaf and selected for refinement
if (pblock%refine .eq. 1 .and. pblock%level .eq. n) then
! iterate over all neighbors
do i = 1, ndims
do j = 1, 2
do k = 1, 2
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pneigh => pblock%pneigh(i,j,k)%ptr
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! check if neighbor is associated
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
if (associated(pneigh)) then
if (pneigh%leaf .eq. 'T') then
if (pneigh%level .lt. pblock%level) &
pneigh%refine = 1
print *, pneigh%id, 'is not a leaf'
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
end do
end do
end do
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! assign pointer to the next block
pblock => pblock%next
end do
end do
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! iterate over all blocks and refine selected ones
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
do n = 1, l
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
pblock => plist
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
do while (associated(pblock))
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! check if block needs to be refined and if it is a leaf
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
if (pblock%refine .eq. 1 .and. pblock%level .eq. n) then
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! refine this block
call refine_block(pblock)
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! iterate over all children
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
pparent => pblock%parent
do p = 1, nchild
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pchild => pparent%child(p)%ptr
2008-12-05 14:43:43 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
! initialize problem for that children and check the refinement criterion
if (associated(pchild)) &
call init_problem(pchild)
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
end do
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
! assign pointer to the next block
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
pblock => pblock%next
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
2008-12-06 20:11:36 -06:00
end do
2008-11-29 22:19:02 -06:00
end do
end do
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
! print information
write(bstr,"(i)") last_id
write(tstr,"(i)") (2**maxlev)**ndims
2008-12-09 20:37:31 -06:00
write(*,"(4x,a,1x,a6,' / ',a,' = ',f8.4,' %')") "allocated/total blocks =", trim(adjustl(bstr)),trim(adjustl(tstr)), (100.0*last_id)/(2**maxlev)**ndims
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
2008-12-08 20:03:01 -06:00
! allocating space for coordinate variables
allocate(ax (maxlev, ngrids))
allocate(ay (maxlev, ngrids))
allocate(az (maxlev, ngrids))
allocate(adx (maxlev))
allocate(ady (maxlev))
allocate(adz (maxlev))
! generating coordinates for all levels
do l = 1, maxlev
2008-12-13 21:05:51 -06:00
adx (l) = (xmax - xmin) / (ncells*2**l)
2008-12-08 20:03:01 -06:00
adxi(l) = 1.0 / adx(l)
2008-12-13 21:05:51 -06:00
ady (l) = (ymax - ymin) / (ncells*2**l)
2008-12-08 20:03:01 -06:00
adyi(l) = 1.0 / ady(l)
#if NDIMS == 3
2008-12-13 21:05:51 -06:00
adz (l) = (zmax - zmin) / (ncells*2**l)
2008-12-08 20:03:01 -06:00
adz (l) = 1.0
adzi(l) = 1.0 / adz(l)
end do
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
2008-12-09 14:51:33 -06:00
! get the minimum grid step
2008-12-13 21:05:51 -06:00
dx_min = 0.5*min(adx(maxlev), ady(maxlev), adz(maxlev))
2008-12-09 14:51:33 -06:00
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
end subroutine init_mesh
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
! update_mesh: subroutine check the refinement criterion for each block,
! refines or derefines it if necessary, and restricts or
! prolongates all data to the newly created blocks
subroutine update_mesh(ref)
use config , only : maxlev
use blocks , only : block, plist, ndims, nchild, refine_block
use error , only : print_info
use problem, only : check_ref
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ref
! local variables
type(block), pointer :: pblock, pneigh, pchild, pparent
integer(kind=4) :: l, i, j, k, n, p
! if (ref .eq. 1) then
do l = 1, maxlev
! check refinement criterion
pblock => plist
do while (associated(pblock))
if (pblock%level .eq. l) then
pblock%refine = 0
if (pblock%leaf .eq. 'T') then
pblock%refine = check_ref(pblock)
! if (pblock%refine .eq. -1) &
! pblock%refine = 0
if (pblock%refine .eq. -1 .and. pblock%level .eq. 1) &
pblock%refine = 0
if (pblock%refine .eq. 1 .and. pblock%level .eq. maxlev) &
pblock%refine = 0
pblock => pblock%next
end do
! refinement conditions for blocks:
! - all neighbors must be at the same or lower level
do n = l, 2, -1
pblock => plist
do while (associated(pblock))
if (pblock%level .eq. n) then
if (pblock%refine .eq. 1 .and. pblock%leaf .eq. 'T') then
do i = 1, ndims
do j = 1, 2
do k = 1, 2
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pneigh => pblock%pneigh(i,j,k)%ptr
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
if (associated(pneigh)) then
if (pneigh%level .lt. pblock%level) &
pneigh%refine = 1
end do
end do
end do
pblock => pblock%next
end do
end do
do n = 1, l
pblock => plist
do while (associated(pblock))
if (pblock%level .eq. n) then
if (pblock%refine .eq. 1 .and. pblock%leaf .eq. 'T') then
pparent => pblock
2008-12-13 22:41:37 -06:00
! print *, 'refine block ', pparent%id
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
call refine_block(pblock)
call prolong_block(pparent)
pblock => pblock%next
end do
end do
end do
! else
do l = maxlev, 1, -1
! check refinement criterion
! pblock => plist
! do while (associated(pblock))
! if (pblock%level .eq. l) then
! pblock%refine = 0
! if (pblock%leaf .eq. 'T') then
! pblock%refine = check_ref(pblock)
! if (pblock%refine .eq. -1 .and. pblock%level .eq. 1) &
! pblock%refine = 0
! if (pblock%refine .eq. 1) &
! pblock%refine = 0
! ! if (pblock%refine .eq. 1 .and. pblock%level .eq. maxlev) &
! ! pblock%refine = 0
! endif
! endif
! pblock => pblock%next
! end do
! derefinement conditions for blocks:
! - all neighbors must be at the same or lower level
! - all neighbors at the same level must be not selected for refinement
! - all sibling must be at the same level and marked for derefinement
! if all above conditions are fulfilled, select the refinement of
! the parent of the current block to -1
! if at least one is not fulfilled, set all sibling to not do the refinement
do n = l, maxlev
pblock => plist
do while (associated(pblock))
if (pblock%level .eq. n) then
if (pblock%refine .eq. -1 .and. pblock%leaf .eq. 'T') then
do i = 1, ndims
do j = 1, 2
do k = 1, 2
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pneigh => pblock%pneigh(i,j,k)%ptr
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
if (associated(pneigh)) then
if (pneigh%level .gt. pblock%level) &
pblock%refine = 0
if (pneigh%level .eq. pblock%level .and. pneigh%refine .eq. 1) &
pblock%refine = 0
end do
end do
end do
pparent => pblock%parent
if (associated(pparent)) then
do p = 1, nchild
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pchild => pparent%child(p)%ptr
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
if (associated(pchild)) then
if (pchild%refine .ne. -1 .or. pchild%level .ne. pblock%level) &
pblock%refine = 0
end do
if (pblock%refine .ne. -1) then
do p = 1, nchild
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pchild => pparent%child(p)%ptr
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
if (associated(pchild)) then
if (pchild%refine .eq. -1 .and. pchild%level .eq. pblock%level) &
pchild%refine = 0
end do
pparent => pblock%parent
if (associated(pparent) .and. pblock%refine .eq. -1) &
pparent%refine = -1
! point to the next block
pblock => pblock%next
end do
end do
! perform derefinements for all selected blocks
do n = maxlev, l, -1
pblock => plist
do while (associated(pblock))
if (pblock%level .eq. n) then
if (pblock%refine .eq. -1 .and. pblock%leaf .eq. 'T') then
pparent => pblock%parent
if (associated(pparent) .and. pparent%refine .eq. -1) then
2008-12-13 22:41:37 -06:00
! print *, 'derefine block ', pparent%id
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
call restrict_block(pparent)
pblock => pparent
pblock => pblock%next
end do
end do
end do
! endif
end subroutine update_mesh
! prolong_block: subroutine expands the block data and copy them to children
subroutine prolong_block(pblock)
use blocks , only : block, nv => nvars
use config , only : in, jn, kn, im, jm, km, ng
use interpolation, only : expand
implicit none
! input arguments
type(block), pointer :: pblock, pchild
! local variables
integer :: q, dm(3), fm(3), il, iu, jl, ju, k
! local arrays
real, dimension(nv,2*im,2*jm,2*km) :: u
dm(1) = im
dm(2) = jm
dm(3) = km
fm(:) = 2 * (dm(:) - ng)
if (km .eq. 1) &
fm(3) = 1
! first expand variables
do q = 1, nv
call expand(dm,fm,ng,pblock%u(q,:,:,:),u(q,:,:,:),'t','t','t')
end do
! fill values of children
il = 1
iu = il + im - 1
jl = 1
ju = jl + jm - 1
do k = 1, km
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pblock%child(1)%ptr%u(:,:,:,k) = u(:,il:iu,jl:ju,k)
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
end do
il = in + 1
iu = il + im - 1
jl = 1
ju = jl + jm - 1
do k = 1, km
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pblock%child(2)%ptr%u(:,:,:,k) = u(:,il:iu,jl:ju,k)
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
end do
il = 1
iu = il + im - 1
jl = in + 1
ju = jl + jm - 1
do k = 1, km
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pblock%child(3)%ptr%u(:,:,:,k) = u(:,il:iu,jl:ju,k)
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
end do
il = in + 1
iu = il + im - 1
jl = in + 1
ju = jl + jm - 1
do k = 1, km
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pblock%child(4)%ptr%u(:,:,:,k) = u(:,il:iu,jl:ju,k)
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
end do
end subroutine prolong_block
! restrict_block: subroutine shrinks the block data and copy them from children
subroutine restrict_block(pblock)
use blocks , only : block, nv => nvars, derefine_block
use config , only : in, jn, kn, im, jm, km, ng
implicit none
! input arguments
type(block), pointer, intent(inout) :: pblock
! local variables
integer :: q, i, j, k, il, iu, jl, ju, i1, i2, j1, j2
! local pointers
type(block), pointer :: pbl, pbr, ptl, ptr, pb
2008-12-18 22:51:08 -06:00
pbl => pblock%child(1)%ptr
pbr => pblock%child(2)%ptr
ptl => pblock%child(3)%ptr
ptr => pblock%child(4)%ptr
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
! BL
il = ng / 2 + 1
iu = im / 2
jl = ng / 2 + 1
ju = jm / 2
do k = 1, km
do j = jl, ju
j2 = 2 * j - ng
j1 = j2 - 1
do i = il, iu
i2 = 2 * i - ng
i1 = i2 - 1
pblock%u(1:nv,i,j,k) = 0.25 * (pbl%u(1:nv,i1,j1,k) + pbl%u(1:nv,i1,j2,k) &
+ pbl%u(1:nv,i2,j1,k) + pbl%u(1:nv,i2,j2,k))
end do
end do
end do
! BR
il = im / 2 + 1
iu = im - ng / 2
jl = ng / 2 + 1
ju = jm / 2
do k = 1, km
do j = jl, ju
j2 = 2 * j - ng
j1 = j2 - 1
do i = il, iu
i2 = 2 * i - im + ng
i1 = i2 - 1
pblock%u(1:nv,i,j,k) = 0.25 * (pbr%u(1:nv,i1,j1,k) + pbr%u(1:nv,i1,j2,k) &
+ pbr%u(1:nv,i2,j1,k) + pbr%u(1:nv,i2,j2,k))
end do
end do
end do
! TL
il = ng / 2 + 1
iu = im / 2
jl = jm / 2 + 1
ju = jm - ng / 2
do k = 1, km
do j = jl, ju
j2 = 2 * j - jm + ng
j1 = j2 - 1
do i = il, iu
i2 = 2 * i - ng
i1 = i2 - 1
pblock%u(1:nv,i,j,k) = 0.25 * (ptl%u(1:nv,i1,j1,k) + ptl%u(1:nv,i1,j2,k) &
+ ptl%u(1:nv,i2,j1,k) + ptl%u(1:nv,i2,j2,k))
end do
end do
end do
! TR
il = im / 2 + 1
iu = im - ng / 2
jl = jm / 2 + 1
ju = jm - ng / 2
do k = 1, km
do j = jl, ju
j2 = 2 * j - jm + ng
j1 = j2 - 1
do i = il, iu
i2 = 2 * i - im + ng
i1 = i2 - 1
pblock%u(1:nv,i,j,k) = 0.25 * (ptr%u(1:nv,i1,j1,k) + ptr%u(1:nv,i1,j2,k) &
+ ptr%u(1:nv,i2,j1,k) + ptr%u(1:nv,i2,j2,k))
end do
end do
end do
! derefine block
pb => pblock
call derefine_block(pb)
end subroutine restrict_block
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
! clears_mesh: subroutine deallocates mesh, removing blocks
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
subroutine clear_mesh
use blocks, only : clear_blocks
use error , only : print_info
implicit none
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
! deallocate block structure
call clear_blocks
2008-12-08 20:03:01 -06:00
! deallocating coordinate variables
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
end subroutine clear_mesh
2008-12-13 15:08:18 -06:00
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
end module