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!! module: mesh - handling adaptive mesh structure
!! Copyright (C) 2008 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This file is part of Godunov-AMR.
!! Godunov-AMR is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! Godunov-AMR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <>.
module mesh
implicit none
! minimum grid step
real, save :: dx_min = 1.0
! spatial coordinates for all levels of refinements
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: ax , ay , az
real, dimension(: ), allocatable, save :: adx , ady , adz
real, dimension(: ), allocatable, save :: adxi, adyi, adzi
! init_mesh: subroutine initializes mesh by creating blocks according
! to the geometry, initial problem and refinement criterium
subroutine init_mesh
use config , only : im, jm, km, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax &
, ncells, maxlev, rdims
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_meta, list_data &
, init_blocks, clear_blocks, refine_block &
, deallocate_datablock, nblocks, nleafs, dblocks &
, nchild, ndims, nsides, nfaces
use error , only : print_info, print_error
use mpitools, only : is_master, ncpu, ncpus
use problem , only : init_domain, init_problem, check_ref
implicit none
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta_block, pneigh, pnext
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata_block
! local variables
integer(kind=4) :: l, p, i, j, k, n
character(len=64) :: fmt
character(len=32) :: bstr, tstr
! check if the list is allocated, if yes deallocate it
if (associated(list_meta)) then
call print_info("mesh::init_mesh", "Block list is allocated, deallocate it!")
call clear_blocks
end if
! initialize blocks
call init_blocks
! allocate the initial structure of blocks according to the problem
call init_domain
! print general information about resolutions
if (is_master()) then
write(*,"(1x,a)" ) "Generating initial mesh:"
write(*,"(4x,a, 1x,i6)" ) "refining to max. level =", maxlev
write(*,"(4x,a,3(1x,i6))") "lowest level resolution =", rdims(1:ndims) * ncells
write(*,"(4x,a,3(1x,i6))") "effective resolution =", rdims(1:ndims) * ncells * 2**(maxlev - 1)
end if
! at this point we assume, that the initial structure of blocks
! according to the defined geometry is already created; no refinement
! is done yet; we fill out the coarse blocks with the initial condition
if (is_master()) &
write(*,"(4x,a,$)") "refining level = "
l = 1
do while (l .le. maxlev)
! print the level currently processed
if (is_master()) &
write(*,"(1x,i2,$)") l
! iterate over all data blocks at the current level and initialize the problem
pdata_block => list_data
do while (associated(pdata_block))
! set the initial conditions at the current block
if (pdata_block%meta%level .le. l) &
call init_problem(pdata_block)
! assign pointer to the next block
pdata_block => pdata_block%next
end do
! at the maximum level we only initialize the problem (without checking the
! refinement criterion)
if (l .lt. maxlev) then
! iterate over all data blocks at the current level and check the refinement
! criterion; do not allow for derefinement
pdata_block => list_data
do while (associated(pdata_block))
if (pdata_block%meta%level .eq. l) &
pdata_block%meta%refine = max(0, check_ref(pdata_block))
! assign pointer to the next block
pdata_block => pdata_block%next
end do
! walk through all levels down from the current level and check if select all
! neighbors for the refinement if they are at lower level; there is no need for
! checking the blocks at the lowest level;
do n = l, 2, -1
! iterate over all meta blocks at the level n and if the current block is
! selected for the refinement and its neighbors are at lower levels select them
! for refinement too;
pmeta_block => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta_block))
! check if the current block is at the level n, is a leaf, and selected for
! refinement
if (pmeta_block%level .eq. n) then
if (pmeta_block%leaf) then
if (pmeta_block%refine .eq. 1) then
! iterate over all neighbors
do i = 1, ndims
do j = 1, nsides
do k = 1, nfaces
! assign pointer to the neighbor
pneigh => pmeta_block%neigh(i,j,k)%ptr
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor is a leaf, if not something wrong is going on
if (pneigh%leaf) then
! if the neighbor has lower level, select it to be refined too
if (pneigh%level .lt. pmeta_block%level) &
pneigh%refine = 1
call print_error("mesh::init_mesh", "Neighbor is not a leaf!")
end if
end if
end do
end do
end do
end if
end if
end if
! assign pointer to the next block
pmeta_block => pmeta_block%next
end do
end do
!! refine all selected blocks starting from the lowest level
! walk through the levels starting from the lowest to the current level
do n = 1, l
! iterate over all meta blocks
pmeta_block => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta_block))
! check if the current block is at the level n and, if it is selected for
! refinement and if so, perform the refinement on this block
if (pmeta_block%level .eq. n .and. pmeta_block%refine .eq. 1) then
! perform the refinement
call refine_block(pmeta_block, .true.)
end if
! assign pointer to the next block
pmeta_block => pmeta_block%next
end do
end do
end if
l = l + 1
end do
! deallocate data blocks of non leafs
pmeta_block => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta_block))
if (.not. pmeta_block%leaf) &
call deallocate_datablock(pmeta_block%data)
! assign pointer to the next block
pmeta_block => pmeta_block%next
end do
#ifdef MPI
! divide blocks between all processes, use the number of data blocks to do this,
! but keep blocks from the top level which have the same parent packed together
l = nleafs / ncpus
n = 0
p = 0
pmeta_block => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta_block))
! assign the cpu to the current block
pmeta_block%cpu = n
! increase the number of blocks on the current process; if it exceeds the
! allowed number reset the counter and increase the processor number
if (pmeta_block%leaf) then
p = p + 1
if (p .ge. l) then
n = min(ncpus - 1, n + 1)
p = 0
end if
end if
! assign pointer to the next block
pmeta_block => pmeta_block%next
end do
! remove all data blocks which do not belong to the current process
pmeta_block => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta_block))
pnext => pmeta_block%next
! if the current block belongs to another process and its data field is
! associated, deallocate its data field
if (pmeta_block%cpu .ne. ncpu .and. associated(pmeta_block%data)) &
call deallocate_datablock(pmeta_block%data)
! assign pointer to the next block
pmeta_block => pnext
end do
#endif /* MPI */
! print information about the generated geometry
if (is_master()) then
p = 0
do l = 0, maxlev - 1
k = 2**(ndims * l)
p = p + k
end do
p = p * rdims(1) * rdims(2) * rdims(3)
k = k * rdims(1) * rdims(2) * rdims(3)
i = nint(alog10(1.0*nblocks + 1)) + 1
j = nint(alog10(1.0*p + 1)) + 1
write(fmt, "(a,i1,a,i1,a)") "(4x,a,1x,i", i, ",' / ',i", j, ",' = ',f8.4,' %')"
write(*,fmt) "leafs /cover blocks =", nleafs , k, (100.0 * nleafs ) / k
write(*,fmt) "allocated/total blocks =", nblocks, p, (100.0 * nblocks) / p
end if
! allocating space for coordinate variables
allocate(ax (maxlev, im))
allocate(ay (maxlev, jm))
allocate(az (maxlev, km))
allocate(adx (maxlev))
allocate(ady (maxlev))
allocate(adz (maxlev))
! generating coordinates for all levels
do l = 1, maxlev
p = ncells * 2**(l - 1)
adx (l) = (xmax - xmin) / (rdims(1) * p)
adxi(l) = 1.0 / adx(l)
ady (l) = (ymax - ymin) / (rdims(2) * p)
adyi(l) = 1.0 / ady(l)
#if NDIMS == 3
adz (l) = (zmax - zmin) / (rdims(3) * p)
adz (l) = 1.0
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
adzi(l) = 1.0 / adz(l)
end do
! get the minimum grid step
dx_min = 0.5 * min(adx(maxlev), ady(maxlev), adz(maxlev))
end subroutine init_mesh
! update_mesh: subroutine check the refinement criterion for each block,
! refines or derefines it if necessary, and restricts or
! prolongates all data to the newly created blocks
subroutine update_mesh
use config , only : maxlev, im, jm, km
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_meta, list_data &
, nleafs, dblocks, nchild, ndims, nsides, nfaces &
, refine_block, derefine_block, append_datablock &
, associate_blocks, deallocate_datablock, nv => nvars
use error , only : print_info
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools, only : ncpus, ncpu, is_master, mallreducesuml, msendf, mrecvf
#endif /* MPI */
use problem , only : check_ref
implicit none
! local variables
logical :: flag
integer(kind=4) :: i, j, k, l, n, p
#ifdef MPI
! tag for data exchange
integer(kind=4) :: itag
! array for the update of the refinement flag on all processors
integer(kind=4), dimension(nleafs) :: ibuf
! local buffer for data block exchange
real(kind=8) , dimension(nv,im,jm,km) :: rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh, pchild, pparent
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
! check the refinement criterion for all leafs
pdata => list_data
do while (associated(pdata))
pmeta => pdata%meta
if (pmeta%leaf) then
pmeta%refine = check_ref(pdata)
if (pmeta%level .eq. maxlev) &
pmeta%refine = min(0, pmeta%refine)
end if
pdata => pdata%next
end do
#ifdef MPI
! store refinement flags for all blocks for exchange between processors
l = 1
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
if (pmeta%leaf) then
ibuf(l) = pmeta%refine
l = l + 1
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
! update information across all processors
call mallreducesuml(nleafs, ibuf)
! update non-local block refinement flags
l = 1
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
if (pmeta%leaf) then
if (pmeta%cpu .ne. ncpu) &
pmeta%refine = ibuf(l)
l = l + 1
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
#endif /* MPI */
! walk down from the highest level and select neighbors for refinement if they
! are at lower levels
do l = maxlev, 1, -1
! iterate over all blocks at the current level and if the current block is
! selected for refinement set the neighbor at lower level to be refined too
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
if (pmeta%level .eq. l .and. pmeta%leaf) then
if (pmeta%refine .eq. 1) then
do i = 1, ndims
do j = 1, nsides
do k = 1, nfaces
pneigh => pmeta%neigh(i,j,k)%ptr
if (associated(pneigh)) then
if (pneigh%level .lt. pmeta%level) &
pneigh%refine = 1
if (pneigh%level .eq. pmeta%level .and. pneigh%refine .eq. -1) &
pneigh%refine = 0
end if
end do
end do
end do
end if
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
! check if all children are selected for derefinement; if this condition is not
! fullfiled deselect all children from derefinement
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
if (pmeta%level .eq. (l - 1) .and. .not. pmeta%leaf) then
flag = .true.
do p = 1, nchild
pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr
flag = flag .and. (pchild%refine .eq. -1)
end do
if (.not. flag) then
do p = 1, nchild
pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr
if (pchild%leaf) &
pchild%refine = max(0, pchild%refine)
end do
end if
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
! deselect neighbors from derefinement if the current block is set for
! refinement or it is at higher level and not selected for derefinement
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
if (pmeta%level .eq. l .and. pmeta%leaf) then
if (pmeta%refine .ne. -1) then
do i = 1, ndims
do j = 1, nsides
do k = 1, nfaces
pneigh => pmeta%neigh(i,j,k)%ptr
if (associated(pneigh)) then
if (pneigh%refine .eq. -1) then
if (pneigh%level .lt. pmeta%level) &
pneigh%refine = 0
end if
end if
end do
end do
end do
end if
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
end do
#ifdef MPI
! find all sibling blocks which are spread over different processors
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
if (.not. pmeta%leaf) then
if (pmeta%child(1)%ptr%refine .eq. -1) then
! check if the parent blocks is on the same processor as the next block, if not
! move it to the same processor
if (pmeta%cpu .ne. pmeta%next%cpu) &
pmeta%cpu = pmeta%next%cpu
! find the case when child blocks are spread across at least 2 processors
flag = .false.
do p = 1, nchild
flag = flag .or. (pmeta%child(p)%ptr%cpu .ne. pmeta%cpu)
end do
if (flag) then
! iterate over all children
do p = 1, nchild
! generate the tag for communication
itag = pmeta%child(p)%ptr%cpu * ncpus + pmeta%cpu + ncpus + p + 1
! if the current children is not on the same processor, then ...
if (pmeta%child(p)%ptr%cpu .ne. pmeta%cpu) then
! allocate data blocks for children on the processor which will receive data
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. ncpu) then
call append_datablock(pdata)
call associate_blocks(pmeta%child(p)%ptr, pdata)
! receive the data
call mrecvf(size(rbuf), pmeta%child(p)%ptr%cpu, itag, rbuf)
! coppy buffer to data
pmeta%child(p)%ptr%data%u(:,:,:,:) = rbuf(:,:,:,:)
end if
! send data to the right processor and deallocate data block
if (pmeta%child(p)%ptr%cpu .eq. ncpu) then
! copy data to buffer
rbuf(:,:,:,:) = pmeta%child(p)%ptr%data%u(:,:,:,:)
! send data
call msendf(size(rbuf), pmeta%cpu, itag, rbuf)
! deallocate data block
call deallocate_datablock(pmeta%child(p)%ptr%data)
end if
! set the current processor of the block
pmeta%child(p)%ptr%cpu = pmeta%cpu
end if
end do
end if
end if
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
#endif /* MPI */
! perform the actual derefinement
do l = maxlev, 2, -1
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
if (pmeta%leaf) then
if (pmeta%level .eq. l) then
if (pmeta%refine .eq. -1) then
pparent => pmeta%parent
if (associated(pparent)) then
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. ncpu) then
if (.not. associated(pparent%data)) then
call append_datablock(pdata)
call associate_blocks(pparent, pdata)
end if
call restrict_block(pparent)
end if
call derefine_block(pparent)
pmeta => pparent
end if
end if
end if
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
end do
! perform the actual refinement
do l = 1, maxlev - 1
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
if (pmeta%leaf) then
if (pmeta%level .eq. l) then
if (pmeta%refine .eq. 1) then
pparent => pmeta
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. ncpu) then
call refine_block(pmeta, .true.)
call prolong_block(pparent)
call deallocate_datablock(pparent%data)
call refine_block(pmeta, .false.)
end if
end if
end if
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
end do
#ifdef MPI
! calculate the new division
l = nleafs / ncpus
! iterate over all metablocks and reassign the processor numbers
n = 0
p = 0
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
! assign the cpu to the current block
if (pmeta%cpu .ne. n) then
if (pmeta%leaf) then
! generate the tag for communication
itag = pmeta%cpu * ncpus + n + ncpus + 1
if (ncpu .eq. pmeta%cpu) then
! copy data to buffer
rbuf(:,:,:,:) = pmeta%data%u(:,:,:,:)
! send data
call msendf(size(rbuf), n, itag, rbuf)
! deallocate data block
call deallocate_datablock(pmeta%data)
! send data block
end if
if (ncpu .eq. n) then
! allocate data block for the current block
call append_datablock(pdata)
call associate_blocks(pmeta, pdata)
! receive the data
call mrecvf(size(rbuf), pmeta%cpu, itag, rbuf)
! coppy buffer to data
pmeta%data%u(:,:,:,:) = rbuf(:,:,:,:)
! receive data block
end if
end if
! set new processor number
pmeta%cpu = n
end if
! increase the number of blocks on the current process; if it exceeds the
! allowed number reset the counter and increase the processor number
if (pmeta%leaf) then
p = p + 1
if (p .ge. l) then
n = min(ncpus - 1, n + 1)
p = 0
end if
end if
! assign pointer to the next block
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine update_mesh
! prolong_block: subroutine expands the block data and copy them to children
subroutine prolong_block(pblock)
use blocks , only : block_meta, nvars, nchild
use config , only : ng, in, jn, kn, im, jm, km
use interpolation, only : expand
implicit none
! input arguments
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pblock
! local variables
integer :: q, p
integer :: il, iu, jl, ju, kl, ku
integer :: is, js, ks
! local arrays
integer, dimension(3) :: dm, fm
! local allocatable arrays
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: u
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pchild
! prepare dimensions
dm(:) = (/ im, jm, km /)
fm(:) = 2 * (dm(:) - ng)
#if NDIMS == 2
fm(3) = 1
ks = 1
kl = 1
ku = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
! allocate array to the product of expansion
! expand all variables and place them in the array u
do q = 1, nvars
call expand(dm, fm, ng, pblock%data%u(q,:,:,:), u(q,:,:,:), 't', 't', 't')
end do
! iterate over all children
do p = 1, nchild
! assign pointer to the current child
pchild => pblock%child(p)%ptr
! calculate the position of child in the parent block
is = mod((p - 1) ,2)
js = mod((p - 1) / 2,2)
#if NDIMS == 3
ks = mod((p - 1) / 4,2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calculate indices of the current child subdomain
il = 1 + is * in
jl = 1 + js * jn
#if NDIMS == 3
kl = 1 + ks * kn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
iu = il + im - 1
ju = jl + jm - 1
#if NDIMS == 3
ku = kl + km - 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! copy data to the current child
pchild%data%u(1:nvars,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = u(1:nvars,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku)
end do
! deallocate local arrays
if (allocated(u)) deallocate(u)
end subroutine prolong_block
! restrict_block: subroutine shrinks the block data and copy them from children
subroutine restrict_block(pblock)
use blocks , only : block_meta, nvars, nchild
use config , only : ng, im, jm, km, ib, jb, kb
implicit none
! input arguments
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pblock
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k, q, p
integer :: il, iu, jl, ju, kl, ku, i1, i2, j1, j2, k1, k2
integer :: is, js, ks
! local arrays
integer, dimension(3) :: dm, fm
integer, dimension(3,0:1) :: cm
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pchild
! prepare dimensions
dm(:) = (/ im, jm, km /)
fm(:) = (dm(:) - ng) / 2
cm(:,0) = ng
cm(:,1) = dm(:) - ng
#if NDIMS == 2
fm(3) = 1
ks = 1
kl = 1
k1 = 1
k2 = 1
k = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
! iterate over all children
do p = 1, nchild
! assign pointer to the current child
pchild => pblock%child(p)%ptr
! calculate the position of child in the parent block
is = mod((p - 1) ,2)
js = mod((p - 1) / 2,2)
#if NDIMS == 3
ks = mod((p - 1) / 4,2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calculate the bounds of the destination array indices
il = ib - ng / 2 + is * fm(1)
jl = jb - ng / 2 + js * fm(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
kl = kb - ng / 2 + ks * fm(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
iu = il + fm(1) - 1
ju = jl + fm(2) - 1
ku = kl + fm(3) - 1
! perform the current block restriction
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = kl, ku
k2 = 2 * k - cm(3,ks)
k1 = k2 - 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = jl, ju
j2 = 2 * j - cm(2,js)
j1 = j2 - 1
do i = il, iu
i2 = 2 * i - cm(1,is)
i1 = i2 - 1
do q = 1, nvars
pblock%data%u(q,i,j,k) = sum(pchild%data%u(q,i1:i2,j1:j2,k1:k2)) / nchild
end do
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end subroutine restrict_block
! clears_mesh: subroutine deallocates mesh, removing blocks
subroutine clear_mesh
use blocks, only : clear_blocks
use error , only : print_info
implicit none
! deallocate block structure
call clear_blocks
! deallocating coordinate variables
if (allocated(ax)) deallocate(ax)
if (allocated(ay)) deallocate(ay)
if (allocated(az)) deallocate(az)
if (allocated(adx)) deallocate(adx)
if (allocated(ady)) deallocate(ady)
if (allocated(adz)) deallocate(adz)
if (allocated(adxi)) deallocate(adxi)
if (allocated(adyi)) deallocate(adyi)
if (allocated(adzi)) deallocate(adzi)
end subroutine clear_mesh
end module