2008-11-05 22:16:24 -06:00
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
!! program: Godunov-AMR
!! Copyright (C) 2008 Grzegorz Kowal <kowal@astro.wisc.edu>
2008-11-05 22:16:24 -06:00
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
!! This file is part of Godunov-AMR.
!! Godunov-AMR is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! Godunov-AMR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2008-11-05 22:16:24 -06:00
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
program godunov
2008-11-04 21:00:50 -06:00
! modules
2008-12-09 12:42:10 -06:00
use config , only : read_config, nmax, tmax, dtini, dtout, ftype
2008-12-07 18:57:08 -06:00
use evolution, only : evolve, n, t, dt
use io , only : write_data
use mesh , only : init_mesh, clear_mesh
use timer , only : init_timers, start_timer, stop_timer &
, get_timer, get_timer_total
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
2008-12-08 21:11:17 -06:00
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
! local variables
2008-12-07 14:06:04 -06:00
character(len=60) :: fmt
2008-12-09 12:42:10 -06:00
integer :: no
2008-12-07 18:57:08 -06:00
real :: tall
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
2008-12-08 21:11:17 -06:00
2008-11-04 21:00:50 -06:00
! print info message
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
write (*,"(1x,78('-'))")
write (*,"(1x,18('='),4x,a,4x,19('='))") ' Godunov-AMR algorithm '
write (*,"(1x,18('='),4x,a,4x,19('='))") 'Copyright (C) 2008 Grzegorz Kowal'
write (*,"(1x,78('-'))")
write (*,*)
2008-11-05 22:16:24 -06:00
! read configuration file
call read_config
2008-12-07 14:06:04 -06:00
! initialize timers
call init_timers
2008-12-09 12:42:10 -06:00
! reset number of iterations and time, etc.
2008-12-07 15:14:18 -06:00
n = 0
t = 0.0
dt = dtini
2008-12-09 12:42:10 -06:00
no = 0
2008-12-07 15:14:18 -06:00
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
! initialize our adaptive mesh, refine that mesh to the desired level
! according to the initialized problem
2008-11-04 21:00:50 -06:00
2008-12-07 14:06:04 -06:00
call start_timer(1)
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
call init_mesh
2008-12-07 14:06:04 -06:00
call stop_timer(1)
2008-11-04 21:00:50 -06:00
2008-11-29 22:22:19 -06:00
! write down the initial state
2008-12-07 18:57:08 -06:00
call start_timer(3)
2008-12-09 12:42:10 -06:00
call write_data(ftype, no, 0)
2008-12-07 18:57:08 -06:00
call stop_timer(3)
2008-11-29 22:22:19 -06:00
2008-12-07 12:56:00 -06:00
! TODO: main loop, perform one step evolution of the system, do refinement/derefinement
! TODO: get new time step, dump data, print info about the progress
2008-12-07 15:14:18 -06:00
! print information
write(*,"(1x,a)" ) "Evolving system:"
! main loop
do while((n .lt. nmax) .and. (t .le. tmax))
! advance the iteration number and time
t = t + dt
n = n + 1
2008-12-07 18:57:08 -06:00
! performe one step evolution
call start_timer(2)
call evolve
call stop_timer(2)
2008-12-09 12:42:10 -06:00
! store data
call start_timer(3)
if (dtout .gt. 0.0 .and. no .lt. (int(t/dtout))) then
no = no + 1
call write_data(ftype, no, 0)
call stop_timer(3)
2008-12-07 15:14:18 -06:00
! print progress information
if (mod(n, 50) .eq. 1) &
write(*,'(4x,a4,3(3x,a9,3x),4x,a12)') 'iter', 'time ', 'dt ', 'dtnew ', 'remain. time'
write(*,'(i8,3(1x,1pe14.6),2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m",1i2.2,"s")') n, t, dt, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0!, dtn, ed, eh, em, es
end do
2008-12-08 21:14:12 -06:00
! write down the final state
call start_timer(3)
2008-12-09 12:42:10 -06:00
no = no + 1
call write_data(ftype, no, 0)
2008-12-08 21:14:12 -06:00
call stop_timer(3)
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
! deallocate and reset mesh
2008-11-04 21:00:50 -06:00
2008-12-07 18:57:08 -06:00
call start_timer(1)
2008-11-11 16:12:26 -06:00
call clear_mesh
2008-12-07 18:57:08 -06:00
call stop_timer(1)
2008-11-04 21:00:50 -06:00
2008-12-07 14:06:04 -06:00
! get total time
tall = get_timer_total()
! print info about execution times
write(fmt,"(a,i2,a)") "(a27,1f", max(1, nint(alog10(tall))) + 6, ".4,' secs = ',f7.3,' %')"
write (*,*)
write (*,fmt) "Time for initialization : ", get_timer(1), 100.0*get_timer(1)/tall
2008-12-07 18:57:08 -06:00
write (*,fmt) "Time for evolution : ", get_timer(2), 100.0*get_timer(2)/tall
write (*,fmt) "Time for data output : ", get_timer(3), 100.0*get_timer(3)/tall
2008-12-07 14:06:04 -06:00
write (*,fmt) "EXECUTION TIME : ", tall, 100.0
2008-12-08 21:11:17 -06:00
2008-11-04 13:08:01 -06:00
end program