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!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2024 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <>.
!! module: REFINEMENT
!! This module handles the error estimation and refinement criterion
!! determination.
module refinement
implicit none
abstract interface
real(kind=4) function user_criterion_iface(pdata) result(crit)
use blocks, only : block_data
type(block_data), pointer, intent(in) :: pdata
end function
end interface
procedure(user_criterion_iface), pointer, save :: user_criterion => null()
real(kind=8), save :: crefmin = 2.0d-01
real(kind=8), save :: crefmax = 8.0d-01
real(kind=8), save :: vortmin = 1.0d-03
real(kind=8), save :: vortmax = 1.0d-01
real(kind=8), save :: currmin = 1.0d-03
real(kind=8), save :: currmax = 1.0d-01
real(kind=8), save :: usermin = 1.0d+99
real(kind=8), save :: usermax = 1.0d+99
real(kind=8), save :: epsref = 1.0d-02
logical, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: qvar_ref
logical , save :: vort_ref = .false.
logical , save :: curr_ref = .false.
logical , save :: user_ref = .false.
public :: initialize_refinement, finalize_refinement, print_refinement
public :: check_refinement_criterion
public :: user_criterion
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
!!*** PUBLIC SUBROUTINES *****************************************************
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine initializes module REFINEMENT.
! Arguments:
! verbose - flag determining if the subroutine should be verbose;
! status - return flag of the procedure execution status;
subroutine initialize_refinement(verbose, status)
use equations , only : magnetized, nv, pvars
use helpers , only : print_message
use parameters, only : get_parameter
implicit none
logical, intent(in) :: verbose
integer, intent(out) :: status
logical :: test
integer :: p
character(len=255) :: variables = "dens pres"
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'REFINEMENT::initialize_refinement()'
status = 0
call get_parameter("crefmin", crefmin)
call get_parameter("crefmax", crefmax)
call get_parameter("vortmin", vortmin)
call get_parameter("vortmax", vortmax)
call get_parameter("currmin", currmin)
call get_parameter("currmax", currmax)
call get_parameter("usermin", usermin)
call get_parameter("usermax", usermax)
call get_parameter("epsref" , epsref )
call get_parameter("refinement_variables", variables)
allocate(qvar_ref(nv), stat=status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Could not allocate the space for refinement criterion names!")
do p = 1, nv
qvar_ref(p) = index(variables, trim(pvars(p))) > 0
end do
vort_ref = index(variables, 'vort') > 0
test = any(qvar_ref(:)) .or. vort_ref
if (magnetized) then
curr_ref = index(variables, 'curr') > 0 .or. index(variables, 'jabs') > 0
test = test .or. curr_ref
end if
user_ref = index(variables, 'user') > 0
test = test .or. user_ref
if (.not. test) then
if (verbose) &
call print_message(loc, "No refinement criterion has been selected!")
status = 1
end if
if (crefmin > crefmax .or. crefmin < 0.0d+00) then
if (verbose) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Wrong 'crefmin' or 'crefmax' parameters. " // &
"They should be positive and 'crefmin' <= 'crefmax'.")
status = 1
end if
if (vortmin > vortmax .or. vortmin < 0.0d+00) then
if (verbose) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Wrong 'vortmin' or 'vortmax' parameters. " // &
"They should be positive and 'vortmin' <= 'vortmax'.")
status = 1
end if
if ((currmin > currmax .or. currmin < 0.0d+00) .and. magnetized) then
if (verbose) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Wrong 'currmin' or 'currmax' parameters. " // &
"They should be positive and 'currmin' <= 'currmax'.")
status = 1
end if
if ((usermin > usermax .or. usermin < 0.0d+00) .and. user_ref) then
if (verbose) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Wrong 'usermin' or 'usermax' parameters. " // &
"They should be positive and 'usermin' <= 'usermax'.")
status = 1
end if
if (epsref <= 0.0d+00) then
if (verbose) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Wrong 'epsref' parameters. It should be positive.")
status = 1
end if
end subroutine initialize_refinement
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine releases memory used by the module variables.
! Arguments:
! status - return flag of the procedure execution status;
subroutine finalize_refinement(status)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
integer, intent(out) :: status
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'REFINEMENT:finalize_refinement()'
status = 0
if (allocated(qvar_ref)) then
deallocate(qvar_ref, stat=status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Could not deallocate space for the refinement criterion names!")
end if
end subroutine finalize_refinement
! subroutine PRINT_REFINEMENT:
! ---------------------------
! Subroutine prints module parameters.
! Arguments:
! verbose - flag determining if the subroutine should be verbose;
subroutine print_refinement(verbose)
use helpers , only : print_section, print_parameter
use equations, only : magnetized, pvars, nv
implicit none
logical, intent(in) :: verbose
character(len=80) :: rvars = ""
integer :: p
if (.not. verbose) return
rvars = ""
do p = 1, nv
if (qvar_ref(p)) rvars = adjustl(trim(rvars) // ' ' // trim(pvars(p)))
end do
if (vort_ref) then
rvars = adjustl(trim(rvars) // ' vort')
end if
if (magnetized .and. curr_ref) then
rvars = adjustl(trim(rvars) // ' curr')
end if
if (user_ref) then
rvars = adjustl(trim(rvars) // ' user')
end if
call print_section(verbose, "Refinement")
call print_parameter(verbose, "refined variables", rvars)
call print_parameter(verbose, "2nd order error limits", crefmin, crefmax)
if (vort_ref) &
call print_parameter(verbose, "vorticity limits", vortmin, vortmax)
if (magnetized .and. curr_ref) &
call print_parameter(verbose, "current density limits", currmin, currmax)
if (user_ref) &
call print_parameter(verbose, "user criterion limits", usermin, usermax)
end subroutine print_refinement
! -----------------------------------
! Function scans the given data block and checks for the refinement
! criterion. It returns +1 if the criterion is met, which indicates that
! the block needs to be refined, 0 if there is no need for the refinement,
! and -1 if the block can be derefined.
! Arguments:
! pdata - pointer to the data block for which the refinement criterion
! has to be determined;
function check_refinement_criterion(pdata) result(criterion)
use blocks , only : block_data
use equations, only : nv
implicit none
type(block_data), pointer, intent(in) :: pdata
integer(kind=4) :: criterion
integer :: p
real(kind=8) :: cref
criterion = -1
do p = 1, nv
if (qvar_ref(p)) then
cref = second_derivative_error(p, pdata)
if (cref > crefmin) criterion = max(criterion, 0)
if (cref > crefmax) criterion = max(criterion, 1)
end if
end do
if (vort_ref) then
cref = vorticity_magnitude(pdata)
if (cref > vortmin) criterion = max(criterion, 0)
if (cref > vortmax) criterion = max(criterion, 1)
end if
if (curr_ref) then
cref = current_density_magnitude(pdata)
if (cref > currmin) criterion = max(criterion, 0)
if (cref > currmax) criterion = max(criterion, 1)
end if
if (user_ref .and. associated(user_criterion)) then
cref = user_criterion(pdata)
if (cref > usermin) criterion = max(criterion, 0)
if (cref > usermax) criterion = max(criterion, 1)
end if
end function check_refinement_criterion
!!*** PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ****************************************************
! --------------------------------
! Function calculate the second derivative error for a given data block
! and selected primitive variables. The total error is returned then.
! Arguments:
! iqt - the index of primitive variable;
! pdata - pointer to the data block for which error is calculated;
function second_derivative_error(iqt, pdata) result(error)
use blocks , only : block_data
use coordinates, only : nbl, neu
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: iqt
type(block_data), pointer, intent(in) :: pdata
real(kind=8) :: error
integer :: i, im1, ip1
integer :: j, jm1, jp1
integer :: k
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: km1, kp1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8) :: fl, fr, fc, fx, fy
#if NDIMS == 3
real(kind=8) :: fz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8), parameter :: eps = epsilon(1.0d+00)
error = 0.0e+00
#if NDIMS == 2
k = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
if (iqt > 0) then
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = nbl, neu
km1 = k - 1
kp1 = k + 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = nbl, neu
jm1 = j - 1
jp1 = j + 1
do i = nbl, neu
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
fr = pdata%q(iqt,ip1,j,k) - pdata%q(iqt,i ,j,k)
fl = pdata%q(iqt,im1,j,k) - pdata%q(iqt,i ,j,k)
fc = abs(pdata%q(iqt,ip1,j,k)) + abs(pdata%q(iqt,im1,j,k)) &
+ 2.0d+00 * abs(pdata%q(iqt,i,j,k))
fx = abs(fr + fl) / (abs(fr) + abs(fl) + epsref * fc + eps)
fr = pdata%q(iqt,i,jp1,k) - pdata%q(iqt,i,j ,k)
fl = pdata%q(iqt,i,jm1,k) - pdata%q(iqt,i,j ,k)
fc = abs(pdata%q(iqt,i,jp1,k)) + abs(pdata%q(iqt,i,jm1,k)) &
+ 2.0d+00 * abs(pdata%q(iqt,i,j,k))
fy = abs(fr + fl) / (abs(fr) + abs(fl) + epsref * fc + eps)
#if NDIMS == 3
fr = pdata%q(iqt,i,j,kp1) - pdata%q(iqt,i,j,k )
fl = pdata%q(iqt,i,j,km1) - pdata%q(iqt,i,j,k )
fc = abs(pdata%q(iqt,i,j,kp1)) + abs(pdata%q(iqt,i,j,km1)) &
+ 2.0d+00 * abs(pdata%q(iqt,i,j,k))
fz = abs(fr + fl) / (abs(fr) + abs(fl) + epsref * fc + eps)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
error = max(error, fx, fy)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
error = max(error, fx, fy, fz)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
end function second_derivative_error
! ----------------------------
! Function finds the maximum values of the vorticity magnitude
! for the current data block.
! Arguments:
! pdata - pointer to the data block for which error is calculated;
function vorticity_magnitude(pdata) result(wmax)
use blocks , only : block_data
use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
use coordinates, only : nbl, neu
use equations , only : ivx, ivz
use helpers , only : print_message
use operators , only : curl
use workspace , only : resize_workspace, work, work_in_use
implicit none
type(block_data), pointer, intent(in) :: pdata
real(kind=4) :: wmax
logical, save :: first = .true.
integer :: i, j, k, status
real(kind=8) :: vort
real(kind=8), dimension(3), save :: dh
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer, save :: w
integer, save :: nt
!$ integer :: omp_get_thread_num
!$omp threadprivate(first,nt,dh,w)
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'REFINEMENT::vorticity_magnitude()'
nt = 0
!$ nt = omp_get_thread_num()
wmax = 0.0e+00
if (first) then
i = 3 * nn**NDIMS
call resize_workspace(i, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not resize the workspace!")
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
w(1:3,1:nn,1:nn,1:nn) => work(1:i,nt)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
w(1:3,1:nn,1:nn,1: 1) => work(1:i,nt)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
dh(:) = 1.0d+00
first = .false.
end if
if (work_in_use(nt)) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Workspace is being used right now! Corruptions can occur!")
work_in_use(nt) = .true.
call curl(dh(:), pdata%q(ivx:ivz,:,:,:), w(:,:,:,:))
#if NDIMS == 2
k = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = nbl, neu
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = nbl, neu
do i = nbl, neu
vort = sum(w(:,i,j,k)**2)
wmax = max(wmax, real(vort, kind=4))
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
work_in_use(nt) = .false.
wmax = sqrt(wmax)
end function vorticity_magnitude
! ----------------------------------
! Function finds the maximum values of the current density magnitude
! for the current data block.
! Arguments:
! pdata - pointer to the data block for which error is calculated;
function current_density_magnitude(pdata) result(jmax)
use blocks , only : block_data
use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
use coordinates, only : nbl, neu
use equations , only : magnetized
use equations , only : ibx, ibz
use helpers , only : print_message
use operators , only : curl
use workspace , only : resize_workspace, work, work_in_use
implicit none
type(block_data), pointer, intent(in) :: pdata
real(kind=4) :: jmax
logical, save :: first = .true.
integer :: i, j, k, status
real(kind=8) :: jabs
real(kind=8), dimension(3), save :: dh
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer, save :: w
integer, save :: nt
!$ integer :: omp_get_thread_num
!$omp threadprivate(first,nt,dh,w)
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = &
jmax = 0.0e+00
if (.not. magnetized) return
nt = 0
!$ nt = omp_get_thread_num()
if (first) then
i = 3 * nn**NDIMS
call resize_workspace(i, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not resize the workspace!")
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
w(1:3,1:nn,1:nn,1:nn) => work(1:i,nt)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
w(1:3,1:nn,1:nn,1: 1) => work(1:i,nt)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
dh(:) = 1.0d+00
first = .false.
end if
if (work_in_use(nt)) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Workspace is being used right now! Corruptions can occur!")
work_in_use(nt) = .true.
call curl(dh(:), pdata%q(ibx:ibz,:,:,:), w(:,:,:,:))
#if NDIMS == 2
k = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = nbl, neu
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = nbl, neu
do i = nbl, neu
jabs = sum(w(:,i,j,k)**2)
jmax = max(jmax, real(jabs, kind=4))
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
work_in_use(nt) = .false.
jmax = sqrt(jmax)
end function current_density_magnitude
end module refinement